### API ```vim " returns the font character that represents the icon " parameters: a:1 (filename), a:2 (isDirectory) " both parameters optional " by default without parameters uses buffer name WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol(...) " returns the font character that represents " the file format as an icon (windows, linux, mac) WebDevIconsGetFileFormatSymbol() ``` #### Public Methods ```vim " Returns the current version of the plugin webdevicons#version() ``` ```vim " Calls webdevicons#softRefresh() " basically a backwards compatibility convenience webdevicons#refresh() ``` ```vim " Does a 'hard' refresh of NERDTree " resets vim-devicons syntax and closes and reopens NERDTree webdevicons#hardRefresh() ``` ```vim " Does a 'soft' refresh of NERDTree " resets vim-devicons syntax and toggles NERDTree to the same state webdevicons#softRefresh() ``` #### API Examples ##### Status line > Custom vim status line (not relying on vim-airline or lightline): ```vim set statusline=%f\ %{WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol()}\ %h%w%m%r\ %=%(%l,%c%V\ %Y\ %=\ %P%) ``` ##### Simple function call ```vim echo WebDevIconsGetFileFormatSymbol() ``` #### Integration with other plugins ##### vim-startify ```vim let entry_format = "' ['. index .']'. repeat(' ', (3 - strlen(index)))" if exists('*WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol') " support for vim-devicons let entry_format .= ". WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol(entry_path) .' '. entry_path" else let entry_format .= '. entry_path' endif ```