CHANGELOG ================================================================================ This project is using [Semantic Versioning 2.0.0]( - v0.11.0 - Added Docker filetypes support (PR #228) (@IngoHeimbach) - Added Swift filetypes support (PR #252) (@motform) - Added Elixir filetypes support (PR #244) (@akoutmos) - Added configuration for 'prePadding' (fixes #231) - Added support for `vue` filetype extensions out-of-the-box (fixes #235) - Added configuration for 'DevIconsArtifactFix' (#225) - Added leftrelease override to work on single mouse click (PR #246) (@Matrix86) - Added Travis CI with vim linting (PR #236) (@kutsan) - Fixed Vim-Startify no longer working "out of the box" (#233) - Fixed Denite information being discarded (fixes #216) (PR #229 @carlitux) - Fixed inconsistent spacing between folder and file glyphs (fixes #213) - Updated variable declarations and refactored into set function (PR #237) (@kutsan) - Updated plugin initialization functions to autoload on demand (PR #238) (@kutsan) - Updated documentation and refactored massively to Wiki (PR #232) (@kutsan) - Updated `vim` glyph to better glyph (fixes #234) - Updated Readme screenshots and badges - v0.10.0 - Added support for symlink directories (PR #221) (@mhartington) - Added missing Denite config in readme (PR #217, fixes #205) (@mohamadLy) - Fixed NERDTree folder open bug with cascade setting (fixes #194) - Fixed potential issue with Vim-Airline (PR #219) (@chrisbra) - Fixed (removed duplicate section) (PR #222) (@thehappydinoa) - Updated Vim-Airline Repo link in readme (PR #220) (@chrisbra) - v0.9.3 - Added `tsx` filetype (PR #210) (@dustinblackman) - Updated links of [deprecated kien/ctrlp]( to [active ctrlp fork]( (PR #211) (@haxorjim) - Updated MacOS and Windows `guifont` examples with alternate format (fixes #208) - v0.9.2 - Added `yaml` filetype (PR #207) (@jpoppe) - Added mention of `vim-workspace` as an integrated plugin (PR #206) (@bagrat) - Fixed NERDTree keymap `U` open folder icon bug (fixes #189) - v0.9.1 - Added `sass` filetype (PR #202) (@toastal) - Fixed NERDTree open/close folder icon bugs (fixes #194) - Fixed airline conflict with file enconding `skip_expected_string` feature (fixes #203) - Fixed possible glyph artifacts on open/close folder glyphs - v0.9.0 - Added support for [Denite]( (PR #191) (@0phoff) - Added symbol for byte order marker (BOM) (utf-8) (PR #199) (@Snaptags) - Added support for `.zshrc`, `.vimrc`, `pp` (Puppet classes extensions), and `Vagrantfile` filetypes (enhancement #200) (@kiyanwang) - Added support for `h`, `hpp`, `hxx` (C/C++ header filetype extensions) (enhancement #190) - Added support for `bash`, `zsh`, `ksh`, `csh`, `awk`, `ps1` (script extensions) (enhancement #196) - Added support for `rmd` (R Markdown) (partially fixes #195) - Fixes opened folders titles padding/spacing offset (fixes #197) - v0.8.6 - Added support for vimfiler explorer mode (fixes #171) - Added `doc/tags` to `.gitignore` (PR #182) (@doronbehar) - Added warning to readme pertaining to old versions of NERDTree and CtrlP (PR #177, fixes #174) (@Melon-Bread) - Fixes CtrlP buffer names (PR #185) (@HerringtonDarkholme) - Fixes character encoding issue in vim doc (PR #178) (@mhartington) - Fixes extraneous space after glyph in airline (PR #184) (@tbodt) - Fixes errors when NERDTree not present (PR #187) (@blueyed) - Updated Contributor Covenant to `v1.4` - Updated API examples - v0.8.5 - Fixed errors in neovim (E670) (PR #163, fixes #162) (@mhartington) - Fixed issue of updating NERDTree window via `CursorHoldUpdate` (PR #166) (@svanharmelen) - Fixes updating of special buffer when selected - Fixes potential issues CtrlP opening in wrong buffer when NERDTree is opened - Fixed issue with CtrlP `:CtrlPMRU` always defaulting to current buffer (fixes #88) - Also adds glyphs to other CtrlP modes besides MRU as a side effect - Fixed documentation discrepency on pluging load order (PR #169) (@F1LT3R) - Fixed documentation related to CtrlP MRU mode (PR #170, fixes #168) (@F1LT3R) - v0.8.4 - Fixed always warning about deprecated CtrlP version (fixes #137) - Fixed missing configuration info about pattern based symbols (fixes #152) - Fixed `WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol` method iterator missing `break` (PR #156) (@blueyed) - Fixed a typo in the readme (PR #159) (@SSARCandy) - Added reference to [tiagofumo/vim-nerdtree-syntax-highlight]( in readme (PR #161) (@tiagofumo) - However, the [FAQ]( has been moved to the [Wiki]( in this release - v0.8.3 - Fixed NERDTree not displaying glyph (icon) for newly created files (fixes #153) - Also adds info to readme about `updatetime` - Fixed resourcing `vimrc` not maintaining current NERDTree state (fixes #154) - Adds new public methods `webdevicons#hardRefresh()` and `webdevicons#softRefresh()` - Makes public method `webdevicons#refresh()` do a 'soft' refresh - Fixed various source formatting and implemented most of vim lint ([vint]( recommendations - Added public methods available to readme - v0.8.2 - Updated `jsx` filetype (using React glyph) (enhancement PR #148) (@alpertuna) - Added issue and pull request templates - v0.8.1 - Fixed Unite display issues (absolute paths and/or duplicate paths) (fixes #140) - Fixed custom CtrlP open function causing 'E16' (fixes #115) - Fixed typo in readme for setting default folder glyph (PR #143) - Added documentation for highlighting icon/glyphs only (not just entire lines) in NERDTree (fixes #142) - v0.8.0 - Added support for more [unite]( actions: `file_rec/async`, `file_rec/neovim`, `file_rec/neovim2`, `file_rec/git` (enhancement PR #132, fixes #131) (@mhartington) - Improved Darwin detection by using a lighter method/logic (#135) (@delphinus35) - Fixes `NERDTree-C` (fix PR #139) (@endenwer) - Fixes error using open/close symbols for folder (fixes #130) - v0.7.1 - Misc readme updates - Fixed performance issues and odd graphical artifacts in v0.7.0 (fixes #127) - Improved installation instructions and re-organized some items to [Nerd Fonts repo]( (PR #129, fixes #125, #128) (@her) - v0.7.0 - Deprecated support for [kien/ctrlp]( and only support [active ctrlp fork]( going forward (fixes #117) - Added information to readme about [vim-startify]( support (enhancement #94) - Added information to readme with possible fix to 'Dots after icons' (fixes #110) (@KabbAmine) - Added support for 'cljc' (Clojure) filetypes (fix PR #120) (@spacepluk) - Fixed certain folders in NERDTree showing file glyphs (based on pattern matching) (fixes #112) - Fixed OS icon being display with as Linux Tux on Mac (fixes #118,fix PR #121) (@trodrigu) - Fixed deprecated Linux font path in readme (fix PR #123) (@jrobeson) - v0.6.1 - Fixed likely breaking bug: undefined variable g:DevIconsEnableFoldersOpenClose (fixes #109) - Fixed up the changelog details - v0.6.0 - Added support for [Powerline]( (enhancement PR #74) (@delphinus35) - Added support for 'ts' (TypeScript) filetypes (enhancement #79) - Added support for 'jl' (Julia) filetypes - Added support for 'bat' (batch) filetypes - Added support for 'ejs' (Embedded JavaScript Templates) filetypes (enhancement #105) (@lerrua) - Added support for 'react.jsx' filetype - Added support for 'procfile' filetype - Changed default 'go' filetype glyph to a better one - Added open & close folder glyphs (icons) (enhancement #104) - Fixed new files not having icons until refreshing NERDTree (fixes #33) - Solution very similar to [nerdtree-git-plugin]( - v0.5.4 - Misc readme updates - Add support for ocaml 'ml', 'mli' filetypes (enhancement PR #99) (@CharlieMartell) - Add support for 'sql' and 'dump' filetypes (enhancement PR #100) (@lerrua) - Add support for 'ico' filetypes (enhancement PR #101) (@lerrua) - Add support for 'markdown' filetypes (enhancement PR #102) (@lerrua) - Improved install fonts instructions on Mac (enhancement PR #103) (@lerrua) - v0.5.3 - Add 'slim' filetype support (same icon as 'html') (enhancement PR #98) (@lerrua) - Add 'fish' filetype support (same icon as 'sh') (enhancement #93) (@michaelmrose) - Updated old link references (enhancement PR #87) (@lerrua) - Improved default Ruby icon (uses 'glyph set 2') (enhancement PR #97) (@lerrua) - Prevent destorying user's conceal settings (Use setlocal) (enhancement PR #96) (@shawncplus) - Fixes filenames of buffers getting lost in unite filter (fixes #86) (@ahrse) - Various readme updates and fixes - v0.5.2 - Various readme updates and fixes - Various file clean-up (.gitignore removed) - Fixed link to install fonts (PR #83 fixes #81) (@theRemix) - Fixed glyph used for Go (PR #82) (@hoop33) - Added Code of Conduct - v0.5.1 - Fixed [CtrlP]( integration bugs (truncating 6 characters is unreliable) and only add glyphs for MRU File Mode (Fixes #80) - Readme updates and improvements - v0.5.0 - Readme updates (removed polls sections, v0.5.0 specific changes) - Misc code formatting fixes (tabs to spaces, modeline additions, reorganization) - Update API: make WebDevIconsGetFileFormatSymbol return only fenc (fixes #73) - Added Perl support (enhancement #60) - Added support for some (mostly frontend) frameworks (enhancement #61) - Added basic support for vim-flagship (enhancement #70) - Added support for Unite and Vimfiler (enhancement #54) - Added support for CtrlP (enhancement #56) - Rebranding part 1: title and image (vim-devicons) (enhancement #76) - v0.4.4 - Lots of readme updates and tweaks - Changelog semver details - Spelling / confusing grammar corrections (PR #68) (@adelarsq) - Fixed default folder/directory glyph (PR Fixes #72) (@cj) - Mac OS X screenshot (Fixes #32) (@RageZBla) - Fixed misalignment when used with [nerdtree-git-plugin]( (Fixes #71) - Fixed re-sourcing bug (Fixes #71) - Fixed directory node user settings being overwritten (Fixes #59) - Fixed minor screenshot issues and clean-up - v0.4.3 - Prevent error 'Unknown function' when opening Vim without airline plugin (Fixes #67) - Temporary fix for gvim glyph artifact issues (particuarly NERDTree) (Fixes #58) - Support file format symbols (glyphs) in vim-airline (Enhancement #66) - Add vimrc setup example to readme (Documentation #65) - Fixes Conceal highlighting issues (Fixes #53, #52) - Make sure plugin plays nice with [nerdtree-git-plugin]( (Enhancement #62) - general readme updates and improvements - changelog format fixes - v0.4.2 - Updated vim doc with latest readme updates (html2vimdoc) - Fixes #7 update readme for font and vim setup on osx and win platforms - Fixes #49 with a FAQ update - Fixes #41 No such event: nerdtree syntax match (@nbicalcarata) - Removed test files from the repo and added folders to git-ignore - Warn about loading vim-webdevicons before nerdtree plugin - fix lazy NERDTree (@blueyed) - Improve conceiling with NERDTree (@blueyed) - add instructions to readme for vim setup on os x (@alfredbez) - v0.4.1 - Fixes #39 - updated screenshots (particularly nerdtree) - Fixes #37 - g:webdevicons_conceal_nerdtree_brackets applying global config - Add instructions to readme for adding icon to lightline (@hoop33) - Updated vim doc with latest readme updates (sync'd with html2vimdoc) - Added TL;DR section to readme - Add a note to readme to load NERDTree before vim-webdevicons (@hoop33) - Fix: Automatically turning off NERDTree support (@hoop33) - general readme updates - v0.4.0 - #27 Remove [ ] wrapping icons - #26 Add detection and warning on unsupported (old) NERDTree versions - updated readme with more links and new details on new features and conifgs - #30 Improve vim standard plugin conventions and tips - #30 work on sections and standard plugin conventions part 1 - #30 clean-up of unused (for now) autoload file - #28 setting global options broken part 1 - #29 Add vimdoc, more updates - autogenerating vimdoc using html2vimdoc - readme updates - v0.3.4 - Adds basic support for directory/folder glyphs - fixes #22 - optimize icon lookup - WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol: use if/else (@blueyed) - Do not clobber the default or customized airline formatter (@blueyed) - fixed a bug related to the latest airline updates (Ali Aliev) - various readme updates - more sample usage images - v0.3.3 - Load the plugin once only (@blueyed) - Add font installation instructions, fixes #5 (@wikimatze) - added plugin install instructions - slight readme re-ordering - moved contributing section near bottom - added additional screenshots - added more thanks to those whose some more of the glyphs came from - v0.3.2 - moved screenshots into the wiki (wiki.vim-webdevicons) to reduce unnecessary project size of cloning repo - v0.3.1 - readme updates (with references to new font-patcher repo) - readme updates screenshots reference wiki - v0.3.0 - moved font-patcher and patched fonts into a separate repo (nerd-filetype-glyphs-fonts-patcher) - adds twigg file type support for #10 (@wikimatze) - adds cpp file type support - updated utf8 test file with glyphs - readme fixes (@wikimatze, @blueyed) - readme updates - v0.2.1 - readme updates - v0.2.0 - Script for patching any font: Initial cleaned up work for issue (feature enhancement) for #1 - added python font patcher and readme updates - v0.1.4 - readme updates - v0.1.3 - fixes #3 make matches case insensitive (ignore case) - v0.1.2 - fixes lookup for exact file notes (@johngeorgewright) - v0.1.1 - updated readme substantially - v0.1.0 - release