The aim of my-bloody-hetzner-sb-notifier is a simple CLI to fetch the current Hetzner Serverbörse deals and filter them according to CLI parameters sorted by score. The score is calculated from the amount of HDD space as well as RAM and CPU-Benchnmark for better comparability. The CLI interface looks like this: ```` Usage of hetzner-sb-notifier: -alert-on-score int set alert on score -max-benchmark int set max benchmark (default 20000) -max-hdd-count int set max hdd count (default 15) -max-hdd-size int set max hdd size (default 6144) -max-price float set max price (default 297) -max-ram int set max ram (default 256) -min-benchmark int set min benchmark -min-hdd-count int set min hdd count -min-hdd-size int set min hdd size -min-price float set min price -min-ram int set min ram ```` ## Example ./hetzner-sb-notifier --max-price 77 --min-ram 128 --min-hdd-count 2 --min-hdd-size 4096 ```` Got 545 offers. Filtered offers: 3 ID| Ram| HDD| CPU| Price| Score| Reduce time|Specials SB64-935022| 128 GB| 2x 2 TB (4096)| Intel Xeon E5-1650V2 (12518)| 64.00 €| 91.84| 47h 48m|ECC, Ent. HDD, iNIC SB72-927788| 128 GB| 2x 2 TB (4096)| Intel Xeon E5-1650V3 (13335)| 72.00 €| 86.17| 21h 08m|ECC, Ent. HDD, iNIC SB73-910394| 128 GB| 3x 2 TB (6144)| Intel Xeon E5-1650V2 (12518)| 73.00 €| 86.13| 03h 04m|ECC, Ent. HDD, iNIC ```` ## Build The Go project uses Go Modules