# steamid.v Convert any SteamID format to your desire, this does not support custom URL ## How to install ### Install via vpm ```bash v install https://git.snrd.eu/Spaenny/steamid.v ``` ### Install via git ```bash git clone https://git.snrd.eu/Spaenny/steamid.v ``` And then import spaenny.steamid wherever you like ## TODO - [x] SteamID32 - [x] Convert to String - [x] Convert to SteamID64 - [x] Convert to SteamID3 - [ ] SteamID3 - [ ] Convert to String - [ ] Convert to SteamID32 - [ ] Convert to SteamID64 - [ ] SteamID64 - [ ] Convert to String - [ ] Convert to SteamID32 - [ ] Convert to SteamID3 ## Contact Feel free to cotribute You can contact me on discord via Spaenny#0001