diff --git a/Marlin/language.h b/Marlin/language.h index 2ef725f9f..7f534718d 100644 --- a/Marlin/language.h +++ b/Marlin/language.h @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ // 9 Finnish #ifndef LANGUAGE_CHOICE -#define LANGUAGE_CHOICE 1 // Pick your language from the list above +#define LANGUAGE_CHOICE 10 // Pick your language from the list above #endif #define PROTOCOL_VERSION "1.0" @@ -1568,5 +1568,178 @@ #define MSG_ERR_COLD_EXTRUDE_STOP " kylmana pursotus estetty" #define MSG_ERR_LONG_EXTRUDE_STOP " liian pitka pursotus estetty" +#endif + +#if LANGUAGE_CHOICE == 10 + +// LCD Menu Messages + #define WELCOME_MSG MACHINE_NAME " Parada." + #define MSG_SD_INSERTED "Tarcheta SD Colocada" + #define MSG_SD_REMOVED "Tarcheta SD Retirada" + #define MSG_MAIN "Menu Prencipal" + #define MSG_AUTOSTART " Autostart" + #define MSG_DISABLE_STEPPERS "Amortar Motors" + #define MSG_AUTO_HOME "Levar a l'Orichen" // "Levar Eixes a o Zero" + #define MSG_SET_ORIGIN "Establir Zero" + #define MSG_PREHEAT_PLA "Precalentar PLA" + #define MSG_PREHEAT_PLA_SETTINGS "Achustar temp. PLA" + #define MSG_PREHEAT_ABS "Precalentar ABS" + #define MSG_PREHEAT_ABS_SETTINGS "Achustar temp. ABS" + #define MSG_COOLDOWN "Enfriar" + #define MSG_SWITCH_PS_ON "Enchegar Fuent" + #define MSG_SWITCH_PS_OFF "Desenchegar Fuent" + #define MSG_EXTRUDE "Extruir" + #define MSG_RETRACT "Retraer" + #define MSG_MOVE_AXIS "Mover Eixes" + #define MSG_SPEED "Velocidat" + #define MSG_NOZZLE "Nozzle" + #define MSG_NOZZLE1 "Nozzle2" + #define MSG_NOZZLE2 "Nozzle3" + #define MSG_BED "Base" + #define MSG_FAN_SPEED "Ixoriador" + #define MSG_FLOW "Fluxo" + #define MSG_CONTROL "Control" + #define MSG_MIN "\002 Min" + #define MSG_MAX "\002 Max" + #define MSG_FACTOR "\002 Fact" + #define MSG_AUTOTEMP "Autotemp" + #define MSG_ON "On" + #define MSG_OFF "Off" + #define MSG_PID_P "PID-P" + #define MSG_PID_I "PID-I" + #define MSG_PID_D "PID-D" + #define MSG_PID_C "PID-C" + #define MSG_ACC "Acel" + #define MSG_VXY_JERK "Vxy-jerk" + #define MSG_VZ_JERK "Vz-jerk" + #define MSG_VE_JERK "Ves-jerk" + #define MSG_VMAX "Vmax" + #define MSG_X "x" + #define MSG_Y "y" + #define MSG_Z "z" + #define MSG_E "y" + #define MSG_VMIN "Vmin" + #define MSG_VTRAV_MIN "VTrav min" + #define MSG_AMAX "Amax" + #define MSG_A_RETRACT "A-retrac." + #define MSG_XSTEPS "X trangos/mm" + #define MSG_YSTEPS "Y trangos/mm" + #define MSG_ZSTEPS "Z trangos/mm" + #define MSG_ESTEPS "E trangos/mm" + #define MSG_RECTRACT "Retraer" + #define MSG_TEMPERATURE "Temperatura" + #define MSG_MOTION "Movimiento" + #define MSG_STORE_EPROM "Alzar Memoria" + #define MSG_LOAD_EPROM "Cargar Memoria" + #define MSG_RESTORE_FAILSAFE "Rest. d'emerchencia" + #define MSG_REFRESH "Tornar a cargar" + #define MSG_WATCH "Monitorizar" + #define MSG_PREPARE "Preparar" + #define MSG_TUNE "Achustar" + #define MSG_PAUSE_PRINT "Pausar Impresion" + #define MSG_RESUME_PRINT "Continar Impresion" + #define MSG_STOP_PRINT "Detener Impresion" + #define MSG_CARD_MENU "Menu de SD" + #define MSG_NO_CARD "No i hai Tarcheta SD" + #define MSG_DWELL "Reposo..." + #define MSG_USERWAIT "Asperando Ordines..." + #define MSG_RESUMING "Continando Impresion" + #define MSG_NO_MOVE "Sin movimiento" + #define MSG_KILLED "ATURADA D'EMERCHENCIA. " + #define MSG_STOPPED "ATURADA." + #define MSG_CONTROL_RETRACT "Retraer mm" + #define MSG_CONTROL_RETRACTF "Retraer F" + #define MSG_CONTROL_RETRACT_ZLIFT "Devantar mm" + #define MSG_CONTROL_RETRACT_RECOVER "DesRet +mm" + #define MSG_CONTROL_RETRACT_RECOVERF "DesRet F" + #define MSG_AUTORETRACT "AutoRetr." + #define MSG_FILAMENTCHANGE "Cambear" + #define MSG_INIT_SDCARD "Encetando. Tarcheta-SD" + #define MSG_CNG_SDCARD "Cambiar Tarcheta-SD" + #define MSG_RECTRACT_WIDE "Retraer" + #define MSG_TEMPERATURE_WIDE "Temperatura" + #define MSG_TEMPERATURE_RTN "Temperatura" + #define MSG_MAIN_WIDE "Menu Prencipal" + #define MSG_MOTION_WIDE "Movimiento" + #define MSG_PREPARE_ALT "Preparar" + #define MSG_CONTROL_ARROW "Control" + #define MSG_RETRACT_ARROW "Retraer" + #define MSG_PART_RELEASE "Desacople Parcial" + #define MSG_STEPPER_RELEASED "Desacoplada." + #define MSG_ZPROBE_OUT "ZProbe Outside Bed" + #define MSG_POSITION_UNKNOWN "Home X/Y before Z" + #define MSG_ZPROBE_ZOFFSET "Z Offset" + +// Serial Console Messages + + #define MSG_Enqueing "En coda \"" + #define MSG_POWERUP "PowerUp" + #define MSG_EXTERNAL_RESET " Reset Externo" + #define MSG_BROWNOUT_RESET " Reset por Voltaje Incorrecto" + #define MSG_WATCHDOG_RESET " Reset por Bloqueo" + #define MSG_SOFTWARE_RESET " Reset por Software" + #define MSG_MARLIN "Marlin " + #define MSG_AUTHOR " | Autor: " + #define MSG_CONFIGURATION_VER " Zaguer esvielle: " + #define MSG_FREE_MEMORY " Memoria libre: " + #define MSG_PLANNER_BUFFER_BYTES " PlannerBufferBytes: " + #define MSG_OK "ok" + #define MSG_FILE_SAVED "Guardau." + #define MSG_ERR_LINE_NO "O Numero de Linea no ye igual a l'Ultimo Numero de Linea+1, Ultima Linea:" + #define MSG_ERR_CHECKSUM_MISMATCH "o checksum no coincide, Ultima Linea:" + #define MSG_ERR_NO_CHECKSUM "No se podiĆ³ trobar o Checksum con o numero de linea, Ultima Linea:" + #define MSG_ERR_NO_LINENUMBER_WITH_CHECKSUM "No se trobo o Numero de Linea con o Checksum, Ultima Linea:" + #define MSG_FILE_PRINTED "Impresion rematada" + #define MSG_BEGIN_FILE_LIST "Prencipio d'a lista de fichero" + #define MSG_END_FILE_LIST "Fin d'a lista de fichero" + #define MSG_M104_INVALID_EXTRUDER "M104 Extrusor Invalido " + #define MSG_M105_INVALID_EXTRUDER "M105 Extrusor Invalido " + #define MSG_M200_INVALID_EXTRUDER "M200 Extrusor Invalido " + #define MSG_M218_INVALID_EXTRUDER "M218 Extrusor Invalido " + #define MSG_ERR_NO_THERMISTORS "No i hai termistores - no temp" + #define MSG_M109_INVALID_EXTRUDER "M109 Extrusor Invalido " + #define MSG_HEATING "Calentando..." + #define MSG_HEATING_COMPLETE "Calentamiento Feito." + #define MSG_BED_HEATING "Calentando la base." + #define MSG_BED_DONE "Base Calient." + #define MSG_M115_REPORT "FIRMWARE_NAME:Marlin V1; Sprinter/grbl mashup for gen6 FIRMWARE_URL:" FIRMWARE_URL " PROTOCOL_VERSION:" PROTOCOL_VERSION " MACHINE_TYPE:" MACHINE_NAME " EXTRUDER_COUNT:" STRINGIFY(EXTRUDERS) " UUID:" MACHINE_UUID "\n" + #define MSG_COUNT_X " Cuenta X:" + #define MSG_ERR_KILLED "Impresora Aturada con kill()!!" + #define MSG_ERR_STOPPED "Impresora aturada por errors. Apanye a error y use M999 Ta reiniciar!. (a temperatura se reestablece. Ajustela antes de continar)" + #define MSG_RESEND "Reninviar:" + #define MSG_UNKNOWN_COMMAND "Comando Desconoixiu:\"" + #define MSG_ACTIVE_EXTRUDER "Extrusor Activo: " + #define MSG_INVALID_EXTRUDER "Extrusor Invalido" + #define MSG_X_MIN "x_min: " + #define MSG_X_MAX "x_max: " + #define MSG_Y_MIN "y_min: " + #define MSG_Y_MAX "y_max: " + #define MSG_Z_MIN "z_min: " + #define MSG_Z_MAX "z_max: " + #define MSG_M119_REPORT "Comprobando fins de corrida." + #define MSG_ENDSTOP_HIT "PULSAU" + #define MSG_ENDSTOP_OPEN "ubierto" + #define MSG_HOTEND_OFFSET "Hotend offsets:" + #define MSG_SD_CANT_OPEN_SUBDIR "No se podiĆ³ ubrir a subcarpeta." + #define MSG_SD_INIT_FAIL "Fallo en encetar a SD" + #define MSG_SD_VOL_INIT_FAIL "Fallo en amontar o volumen" + #define MSG_SD_OPENROOT_FAIL "Fallo en ubrir a carpeta raiz" + #define MSG_SD_CARD_OK "Tarcheta SD OK" + #define MSG_SD_WORKDIR_FAIL "Fallo en ubrir a carpeta de treballo" + #define MSG_SD_OPEN_FILE_FAIL "Error en ubrir, Fichero: " + #define MSG_SD_FILE_OPENED "Fichero ubierto:" + #define MSG_SD_SIZE " Grandaria:" + #define MSG_SD_FILE_SELECTED "Fichero Seleccionau" + #define MSG_SD_WRITE_TO_FILE "Escribindo en o fichero: " + #define MSG_SD_PRINTING_BYTE "SD imprentando o byte " + #define MSG_SD_NOT_PRINTING "No se ye imprentando con SD" + #define MSG_SD_ERR_WRITE_TO_FILE "Error en escribir en o fichero" + #define MSG_SD_CANT_ENTER_SUBDIR "No se puede ubrir a carpeta:" + + #define MSG_STEPPER_TOO_HIGH "Steprate masiau alto : " + #define MSG_ENDSTOPS_HIT "S'ha tocau a fin de carril: " + #define MSG_ERR_COLD_EXTRUDE_STOP " extrusion fria privada" + #define MSG_ERR_LONG_EXTRUDE_STOP " extrusion masiau larga privada" + #endif #endif // ifndef LANGUAGE_H