・More ANALOG NUMBERING to Analog Input
・Add comment header to all the section of all the pins files
・Sort sections as follows:
1. Some special definitions (USBCON, LARGE_FLASH, etc)
2. Servos
3. Limit Switches
4. Z Probe
5. Steppers
6. Temperature Sensors
7. Heaters / Fans
8. Misc. Functions
9. LCD / Controller
・Move MAX6675_SS into "Temperature Sensors" section
・Adjust spacing
Replace all fastDigitalRead/Write() with READ/WRITE()
Define SCK_PIN, MISO_PIN, MOSI_PIN in pins.h if not already defined in the pins_*.h files.
Remove these conditional pin definitions from the pin-files. They are now always defined.
Define separate sets of SPI-pins for AT90USB with and without Teensy support in fastio.h.
Likely this was the main reason for all that confusion about the AT90USB-SPI pins.
*firmware version / branch / date.
*extruder count
*board information (name, serial details, power supply type)
*thermistors (names, min/max temperatures)
*printer statistics (PRINTCOUNTER details)
Thanks to @thinkyhead for contributions.