dist: bionic sudo: false language: python python: - "3.7" notifications: email: false env: # Base Environments - TEST_PLATFORM="DUE" - TEST_PLATFORM="esp32" - TEST_PLATFORM="linux_native" - TEST_PLATFORM="megaatmega2560" - TEST_PLATFORM="STM32F103RE" - TEST_PLATFORM="teensy31" - TEST_PLATFORM="teensy35" # Extended AVR Environments - TEST_PLATFORM="fysetc_f6_13" - TEST_PLATFORM="megaatmega1280" - TEST_PLATFORM="rambo" - TEST_PLATFORM="sanguino_atmega1284p" - TEST_PLATFORM="sanguino_atmega644p" # Extended STM32 Environments - TEST_PLATFORM="STM32F103RC_bigtree" - TEST_PLATFORM="STM32F103RC_bigtree_NOUSB" - TEST_PLATFORM="STM32F103RC_fysetc" - TEST_PLATFORM="jgaurora_a5s_a1" - TEST_PLATFORM="STM32F103VE_longer" - TEST_PLATFORM="STM32F407VE_black" - TEST_PLATFORM="BIGTREE_SKR_PRO" - TEST_PLATFORM="mks_robin" - TEST_PLATFORM="ARMED" # STM32 with non-STM framework. both broken for now. they should use HAL_STM32 which is working. #- TEST_PLATFORM="STM32F4" #- TEST_PLATFORM="STM32F7" # Put lengthy tests last - TEST_PLATFORM="LPC1768" - TEST_PLATFORM="LPC1769" # Non-working environment tests #- TEST_PLATFORM="BIGTREE_BTT002" this board isn't released yet. we need pinout to be sure about what we do #- TEST_PLATFORM="at90usb1286_cdc" #- TEST_PLATFORM="at90usb1286_dfu" #- TEST_PLATFORM="STM32F103CB_malyan" #- TEST_PLATFORM="mks_robin_lite" #- TEST_PLATFORM="mks_robin_mini" #- TEST_PLATFORM="mks_robin_nano" #- TEST_PLATFORM="SAMD51_grandcentral_m4" before_install: # # Fetch the tag information for the current branch - git fetch origin --tags # # Publish the buildroot script folder - chmod +x ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/buildroot/bin/* - chmod +x ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/buildroot/share/tests/* - export PATH=${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/buildroot/bin/:${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/buildroot/share/tests/:${PATH} install: #- pip install -U platformio - pip install -U https://github.com/platformio/platformio-core/archive/master.zip before_script: # Update PlatformIO packages - platformio update # # Change current working directory to the build dir - cd ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR} # # Generate custom version include - generate_version ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/Marlin/ - cat ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/Marlin/Version.h # script: - run_tests ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR} ${TEST_PLATFORM}