/** * Marlin 3D Printer Firmware * Copyright (c) 2019 MarlinFirmware [https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin] * * Based on Sprinter and grbl. * Copyright (c) 2011 Camiel Gubbels / Erik van der Zalm * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ // // Info Menu // #include "../../inc/MarlinConfigPre.h" #if HAS_LCD_MENU && ENABLED(LCD_INFO_MENU) #include "menu.h" #if HAS_GAMES #include "game/game.h" #endif #if ENABLED(PRINTCOUNTER) #include "../../module/printcounter.h" // // About Printer > Printer Stats // void menu_info_stats() { if (ui.use_click()) return ui.goto_previous_screen( #if ENABLED(TURBO_BACK_MENU_ITEM) true #endif ); char buffer[21]; printStatistics stats = print_job_timer.getStats(); START_SCREEN(); // 12345678901234567890 STATIC_ITEM(MSG_INFO_PRINT_COUNT ": ", false, false, i16tostr3left(stats.totalPrints)); // Print Count: 999 STATIC_ITEM(MSG_INFO_COMPLETED_PRINTS": ", false, false, i16tostr3left(stats.finishedPrints)); // Completed : 666 duration_t elapsed = stats.printTime; elapsed.toString(buffer); STATIC_ITEM(MSG_INFO_PRINT_TIME ":", false, false); // Total print Time: STATIC_ITEM("> ", false, false, buffer); // > 99y 364d 23h 59m 59s elapsed = stats.longestPrint; elapsed.toString(buffer); STATIC_ITEM(MSG_INFO_PRINT_LONGEST ":", false, false); // Longest job time: STATIC_ITEM("> ", false, false, buffer); // > 99y 364d 23h 59m 59s sprintf_P(buffer, PSTR("%ld.%im"), long(stats.filamentUsed / 1000), int16_t(stats.filamentUsed / 100) % 10); STATIC_ITEM(MSG_INFO_PRINT_FILAMENT ":", false, false); // Extruded total: STATIC_ITEM("> ", false, false, buffer); // > 125m #if SERVICE_INTERVAL_1 > 0 elapsed = stats.nextService1; elapsed.toString(buffer); STATIC_ITEM(SERVICE_NAME_1 MSG_SERVICE_IN, false, false); // Service X in: STATIC_ITEM("> ", false, false, buffer); // > 7d 12h 11m 10s #endif #if SERVICE_INTERVAL_2 > 0 elapsed = stats.nextService2; elapsed.toString(buffer); STATIC_ITEM(SERVICE_NAME_2 MSG_SERVICE_IN, false, false); STATIC_ITEM("> ", false, false, buffer); #endif #if SERVICE_INTERVAL_3 > 0 elapsed = stats.nextService3; elapsed.toString(buffer); STATIC_ITEM(SERVICE_NAME_3 MSG_SERVICE_IN, false, false); STATIC_ITEM("> ", false, false, buffer); #endif END_SCREEN(); } #endif // // About Printer > Thermistors // void menu_info_thermistors() { if (ui.use_click()) return ui.goto_previous_screen( #if ENABLED(TURBO_BACK_MENU_ITEM) true #endif ); START_SCREEN(); #define THERMISTOR_ID TEMP_SENSOR_0 #include "../thermistornames.h" STATIC_ITEM("T0: " THERMISTOR_NAME, false, true); STATIC_ITEM(MSG_INFO_MIN_TEMP ": " STRINGIFY(HEATER_0_MINTEMP), false); STATIC_ITEM(MSG_INFO_MAX_TEMP ": " STRINGIFY(HEATER_0_MAXTEMP), false); #if TEMP_SENSOR_1 != 0 #undef THERMISTOR_ID #define THERMISTOR_ID TEMP_SENSOR_1 #include "../thermistornames.h" STATIC_ITEM("T1: " THERMISTOR_NAME, false, true); STATIC_ITEM(MSG_INFO_MIN_TEMP ": " STRINGIFY(HEATER_1_MINTEMP), false); STATIC_ITEM(MSG_INFO_MAX_TEMP ": " STRINGIFY(HEATER_1_MAXTEMP), false); #endif #if TEMP_SENSOR_2 != 0 #undef THERMISTOR_ID #define THERMISTOR_ID TEMP_SENSOR_2 #include "../thermistornames.h" STATIC_ITEM("T2: " THERMISTOR_NAME, false, true); STATIC_ITEM(MSG_INFO_MIN_TEMP ": " STRINGIFY(HEATER_2_MINTEMP), false); STATIC_ITEM(MSG_INFO_MAX_TEMP ": " STRINGIFY(HEATER_2_MAXTEMP), false); #endif #if TEMP_SENSOR_3 != 0 #undef THERMISTOR_ID #define THERMISTOR_ID TEMP_SENSOR_3 #include "../thermistornames.h" STATIC_ITEM("T3: " THERMISTOR_NAME, false, true); STATIC_ITEM(MSG_INFO_MIN_TEMP ": " STRINGIFY(HEATER_3_MINTEMP), false); STATIC_ITEM(MSG_INFO_MAX_TEMP ": " STRINGIFY(HEATER_3_MAXTEMP), false); #endif #if TEMP_SENSOR_4 != 0 #undef THERMISTOR_ID #define THERMISTOR_ID TEMP_SENSOR_4 #include "../thermistornames.h" STATIC_ITEM("T4: " THERMISTOR_NAME, false, true); STATIC_ITEM(MSG_INFO_MIN_TEMP ": " STRINGIFY(HEATER_4_MINTEMP), false); STATIC_ITEM(MSG_INFO_MAX_TEMP ": " STRINGIFY(HEATER_4_MAXTEMP), false); #endif #if TEMP_SENSOR_5 != 0 #undef THERMISTOR_ID #define THERMISTOR_ID TEMP_SENSOR_5 #include "../thermistornames.h" STATIC_ITEM("T5: " THERMISTOR_NAME, false, true); STATIC_ITEM(MSG_INFO_MIN_TEMP ": " STRINGIFY(HEATER_5_MINTEMP), false); STATIC_ITEM(MSG_INFO_MAX_TEMP ": " STRINGIFY(HEATER_5_MAXTEMP), false); #endif #if HAS_HEATED_BED #undef THERMISTOR_ID #define THERMISTOR_ID TEMP_SENSOR_BED #include "../thermistornames.h" STATIC_ITEM("TBed:" THERMISTOR_NAME, false, true); STATIC_ITEM(MSG_INFO_MIN_TEMP ": " STRINGIFY(BED_MINTEMP), false); STATIC_ITEM(MSG_INFO_MAX_TEMP ": " STRINGIFY(BED_MAXTEMP), false); #endif END_SCREEN(); } // // About Printer > Board Info // void menu_info_board() { if (ui.use_click()) return ui.goto_previous_screen( #if ENABLED(TURBO_BACK_MENU_ITEM) true #endif ); START_SCREEN(); STATIC_ITEM(BOARD_INFO_NAME, true, true); // MyPrinterController #ifdef BOARD_WEBSITE_URL STATIC_ITEM(BOARD_WEBSITE_URL, false, false); // www.my3dprinter.com #endif STATIC_ITEM(MSG_INFO_BAUDRATE ": " STRINGIFY(BAUDRATE), true); // Baud: 250000 STATIC_ITEM(MSG_INFO_PROTOCOL ": " PROTOCOL_VERSION, true); // Protocol: 1.0 STATIC_ITEM(MSG_INFO_PSU ": " PSU_NAME, true); END_SCREEN(); } // // About Printer > Printer Info // #if ENABLED(LCD_PRINTER_INFO_IS_BOOTSCREEN) void menu_show_marlin_bootscreen() { if (ui.use_click()) { ui.goto_previous_screen_no_defer(); } ui.draw_marlin_bootscreen(); } #if ENABLED(SHOW_CUSTOM_BOOTSCREEN) void menu_show_custom_bootscreen() { if (ui.use_click()) { ui.goto_screen(menu_show_marlin_bootscreen); } ui.draw_custom_bootscreen(); } #endif #else void menu_info_printer() { if (ui.use_click()) return ui.goto_previous_screen( #if ENABLED(TURBO_BACK_MENU_ITEM) true #endif ); START_SCREEN(); STATIC_ITEM(MSG_MARLIN, true, true); // Marlin STATIC_ITEM(SHORT_BUILD_VERSION, true); // x.x.x-Branch STATIC_ITEM(STRING_DISTRIBUTION_DATE, true); // YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM STATIC_ITEM(MACHINE_NAME, true); // My3DPrinter STATIC_ITEM(WEBSITE_URL, true); // www.my3dprinter.com STATIC_ITEM(MSG_INFO_EXTRUDERS ": " STRINGIFY(EXTRUDERS), true); // Extruders: 2 #if ENABLED(AUTO_BED_LEVELING_3POINT) STATIC_ITEM(MSG_3POINT_LEVELING, true); // 3-Point Leveling #elif ENABLED(AUTO_BED_LEVELING_LINEAR) STATIC_ITEM(MSG_LINEAR_LEVELING, true); // Linear Leveling #elif ENABLED(AUTO_BED_LEVELING_BILINEAR) STATIC_ITEM(MSG_BILINEAR_LEVELING, true); // Bi-linear Leveling #elif ENABLED(AUTO_BED_LEVELING_UBL) STATIC_ITEM(MSG_UBL_LEVELING, true); // Unified Bed Leveling #elif ENABLED(MESH_BED_LEVELING) STATIC_ITEM(MSG_MESH_LEVELING, true); // Mesh Leveling #endif END_SCREEN(); } #endif // // "About Printer" submenu // void menu_info() { START_MENU(); MENU_BACK(MSG_MAIN); #if ENABLED(LCD_PRINTER_INFO_IS_BOOTSCREEN) MENU_ITEM(submenu, MSG_INFO_PRINTER_MENU, ( #if ENABLED(SHOW_CUSTOM_BOOTSCREEN) menu_show_custom_bootscreen #else menu_show_marlin_bootscreen #endif )); #else MENU_ITEM(submenu, MSG_INFO_PRINTER_MENU, menu_info_printer); // Printer Info > MENU_ITEM(submenu, MSG_INFO_BOARD_MENU, menu_info_board); // Board Info > MENU_ITEM(submenu, MSG_INFO_THERMISTOR_MENU, menu_info_thermistors); // Thermistors > #endif #if ENABLED(PRINTCOUNTER) MENU_ITEM(submenu, MSG_INFO_STATS_MENU, menu_info_stats); // Printer Stats > #endif #if HAS_GAMES #if ENABLED(GAMES_EASTER_EGG) MENU_ITEM_DUMMY(); MENU_ITEM_DUMMY(); MENU_ITEM_DUMMY(); #endif MENU_ITEM(submenu, MSG_GAMES, ( #if HAS_GAME_MENU menu_game #elif ENABLED(MARLIN_BRICKOUT) brickout.enter_game #elif ENABLED(MARLIN_INVADERS) invaders.enter_game #elif ENABLED(MARLIN_SNAKE) snake.enter_game #elif ENABLED(MARLIN_MAZE) maze.enter_game #endif )); #endif END_MENU(); } #endif // HAS_LCD_MENU && LCD_INFO_MENU