#!/usr/bin/env bash # # findMissingTranslations.sh # # Locate all language strings needing an update based on English # # Usage: findMissingTranslations.sh [language codes] # # If no language codes are specified then all languages will be checked # [ -d "Marlin" ] && cd "Marlin" FILES=$(ls language_*.h | grep -v -E "(_en|_test)\.h" | sed -E 's/language_([^\.]+)\.h/\1/') declare -A STRING_MAP # Get files matching the given arguments TEST_LANGS=$FILES if [[ -n $@ ]]; then TEST_LANGS="" for K in "$@"; do for F in $FILES; do [[ "$F" != "${F%$K*}" ]] && TEST_LANGS="$TEST_LANGS $F" done done fi echo -n "Building list of missing strings..." for i in $(awk '/#ifndef/{print $2}' language_en.h); do [[ $i == "LANGUAGE_EN_H" || $i == "CHARSIZE" ]] && continue LANG_LIST="" for j in $TEST_LANGS; do [[ $(grep -c " ${i} " language_${j}.h) -eq 0 ]] && LANG_LIST="$LANG_LIST $j" done [[ -z $LANG_LIST ]] && continue STRING_MAP[$i]=$LANG_LIST done echo for K in $( printf "%s\n" "${!STRING_MAP[@]}" | sort ); do printf "%-35s :%s\n" "$K" "${STRING_MAP[$K]}" done