/** * Marlin 3D Printer Firmware * Copyright (c) 2019 MarlinFirmware [https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin] * * Based on Sprinter and grbl. * Copyright (c) 2011 Camiel Gubbels / Erik van der Zalm * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ #pragma once /** * Traditional Chinese * * LCD Menu Messages * See also http://marlinfw.org/docs/development/lcd_language.html * */ #define CHARSIZE 3 #define WELCOME_MSG MACHINE_NAME _UxGT("已就緒.") //" ready." #define MSG_BACK _UxGT("返回") // ”Back“ #define MSG_SD_INSERTED _UxGT("記憶卡已插入") //"Card inserted" #define MSG_SD_REMOVED _UxGT("記憶卡被拔出") //"Card removed" #define MSG_LCD_ENDSTOPS _UxGT("擋塊") //"Endstops" // Max length 8 characters #define MSG_MAIN _UxGT("主選單") //"Main" #define MSG_AUTOSTART _UxGT("自動開始") //"Autostart" #define MSG_DISABLE_STEPPERS _UxGT("關閉步進馬達") //"Disable steppers" #define MSG_DEBUG_MENU _UxGT("除錯選單") // "Debug Menu" #define MSG_PROGRESS_BAR_TEST _UxGT("進度條測試") // "Progress Bar Test" #define MSG_AUTO_HOME _UxGT("自動回原點") //"Auto home" #define MSG_AUTO_HOME_X _UxGT("回X原點") //"Home X" #define MSG_AUTO_HOME_Y _UxGT("回Y原點") //"Home Y" #define MSG_AUTO_HOME_Z _UxGT("回Z原點") //"Home Z" #define MSG_LEVEL_BED_HOMING _UxGT("平台調平XYZ歸原點") //"Homing XYZ" #define MSG_LEVEL_BED_WAITING _UxGT("單擊開始熱床調平") //"Click to Begin" #define MSG_LEVEL_BED_NEXT_POINT _UxGT("下個熱床調平點") //"Next Point" #define MSG_LEVEL_BED_DONE _UxGT("完成熱床調平") //"Leveling Done!" #define MSG_Z_FADE_HEIGHT _UxGT("淡出高度") // "Fade Height" #define MSG_SET_HOME_OFFSETS _UxGT("設置原點偏移") //"Set home offsets" #define MSG_HOME_OFFSETS_APPLIED _UxGT("偏移已啟用") //"Offsets applied" #define MSG_SET_ORIGIN _UxGT("設置原點") //"Set origin" #define MSG_PREHEAT_1 _UxGT("預熱" PREHEAT_1_LABEL) //"Preheat PREHEAT_1_LABEL" #define MSG_PREHEAT_1_N MSG_PREHEAT_1 _UxGT(" ") //MSG_PREHEAT_1 " " #define MSG_PREHEAT_1_ALL MSG_PREHEAT_1 _UxGT(" 全部") //MSG_PREHEAT_1 " All" #define MSG_PREHEAT_1_BEDONLY MSG_PREHEAT_1 _UxGT(" 熱床") //MSG_PREHEAT_1 " Bed" #define MSG_PREHEAT_1_SETTINGS MSG_PREHEAT_1 _UxGT(" 設置") //MSG_PREHEAT_1 " conf" #define MSG_PREHEAT_2 _UxGT("預熱" PREHEAT_2_LABEL) //"Preheat PREHEAT_2_LABEL" #define MSG_PREHEAT_2_N MSG_PREHEAT_2 _UxGT(" ") //MSG_PREHEAT_2 " " #define MSG_PREHEAT_2_ALL MSG_PREHEAT_2 _UxGT(" 全部") //MSG_PREHEAT_2 " All" #define MSG_PREHEAT_2_BEDONLY MSG_PREHEAT_2 _UxGT(" 熱床") //MSG_PREHEAT_2 " Bed" #define MSG_PREHEAT_2_SETTINGS MSG_PREHEAT_2 _UxGT(" 設置") //MSG_PREHEAT_2 " conf" #define MSG_COOLDOWN _UxGT("降溫") //"Cooldown" #define MSG_SWITCH_PS_ON _UxGT("電源打開") //"Switch power on" #define MSG_SWITCH_PS_OFF _UxGT("電源關閉") //"Switch power off" #define MSG_EXTRUDE _UxGT("擠出") //"Extrude" #define MSG_RETRACT _UxGT("回縮") //"Retract" #define MSG_MOVE_AXIS _UxGT("移動軸") //"Move axis" #define MSG_BED_LEVELING _UxGT("調平熱床") //"Bed leveling" #define MSG_LEVEL_BED _UxGT("調平熱床") //"Level bed" #define MSG_LEVEL_CORNERS _UxGT("調平邊角") // "Level corners" #define MSG_NEXT_CORNER _UxGT("下个邊角") // "Next corner" #define MSG_EDITING_STOPPED _UxGT("網格編輯已停止") // "Mesh Editing Stopped" #define MSG_USER_MENU _UxGT("客制命令") // "Custom Commands" #define MSG_UBL_DOING_G29 _UxGT("执行G29") // "Doing G29" #define MSG_UBL_UNHOMED _UxGT("先回XYZ原點") // "Home XYZ first" #define MSG_UBL_TOOLS _UxGT("UBL工具") // "UBL Tools" #define MSG_UBL_LEVEL_BED _UxGT("統一熱床調平(UBL)") // "Unified Bed Leveling" #define MSG_UBL_MANUAL_MESH _UxGT("手工建网") // "Manually Build Mesh" #define MSG_UBL_BC_INSERT _UxGT("放置墊片並測量") // "Place shim & measure" #define MSG_UBL_BC_INSERT2 _UxGT("測量") // "Measure" #define MSG_UBL_BC_REMOVE _UxGT("移除並測量熱床") // "Remove & measure bed" #define MSG_UBL_MOVING_TO_NEXT _UxGT("移動到下一個") // "Moving to next" #define MSG_UBL_ACTIVATE_MESH _UxGT("激活UBL") // "Activate UBL" #define MSG_UBL_DEACTIVATE_MESH _UxGT("關閉UBL") // "Deactivate UBL" #define MSG_UBL_SET_TEMP_BED _UxGT("設置熱床溫度") // "Bed Temp" #define MSG_UBL_SET_TEMP_HOTEND _UxGT("熱端溫度") // "Hotend Temp" #define MSG_UBL_MESH_EDIT _UxGT("網格編輯") // "Mesh Edit" #define MSG_UBL_EDIT_CUSTOM_MESH _UxGT("編輯客戶網格") // "Edit Custom Mesh" #define MSG_UBL_FINE_TUNE_MESH _UxGT("細調網格") // "Fine Tuning Mesh" #define MSG_UBL_DONE_EDITING_MESH _UxGT("完成編輯網格") // "Done Editing Mesh" #define MSG_UBL_BUILD_CUSTOM_MESH _UxGT("創設客戶網格") // "Build Custom Mesh" #define MSG_UBL_BUILD_MESH_MENU _UxGT("創設網格") // "Build Mesh" #define MSG_UBL_BUILD_MESH_M1 _UxGT("創設" PREHEAT_1_LABEL "網格") // "Build PREHEAT_1_LABEL Mesh" #define MSG_UBL_BUILD_MESH_M2 _UxGT("創設" PREHEAT_2_LABEL "網格") // "Build PREHEAT_2_LABEL Mesh" #define MSG_UBL_BUILD_COLD_MESH _UxGT("創設冷網格") // "Build Cold Mesh" #define MSG_UBL_MESH_HEIGHT_ADJUST _UxGT("調整網格高度") // "Adjust Mesh Height" #define MSG_UBL_MESH_HEIGHT_AMOUNT _UxGT("高度合計") // "Height Amount" #define MSG_UBL_VALIDATE_MESH_MENU _UxGT("批准網格") // "Validate Mesh" #define MSG_UBL_VALIDATE_MESH_M1 _UxGT("批准" PREHEAT_1_LABEL "網格") // "Validate PREHEAT_1_LABEL Mesh" #define MSG_UBL_VALIDATE_MESH_M2 _UxGT("批准" PREHEAT_2_LABEL "網格") // "Validate PREHEAT_2_LABEL Mesh" #define MSG_UBL_VALIDATE_CUSTOM_MESH _UxGT("批准客戶網格") // "Validate Custom Mesh" #define MSG_UBL_CONTINUE_MESH _UxGT("繼續熱床網格") // "Continue Bed Mesh" #define MSG_UBL_MESH_LEVELING _UxGT("網格調平") // "Mesh Leveling" #define MSG_UBL_3POINT_MESH_LEVELING _UxGT("三點調平") // "3-Point Leveling" #define MSG_UBL_GRID_MESH_LEVELING _UxGT("格子網格調平") // "Grid Mesh Leveling" #define MSG_UBL_MESH_LEVEL _UxGT("調平網格") // "Level Mesh" #define MSG_UBL_SIDE_POINTS _UxGT("邊點") // "Side Points" #define MSG_UBL_MAP_TYPE _UxGT("圖類型") // "Map Type" #define MSG_UBL_OUTPUT_MAP _UxGT("輸出網格圖") // "Output Mesh Map" #define MSG_UBL_OUTPUT_MAP_HOST _UxGT("輸出到主機") // "Output for Host" #define MSG_UBL_OUTPUT_MAP_CSV _UxGT("輸出到CSV") // "Output for CSV" #define MSG_UBL_OUTPUT_MAP_BACKUP _UxGT("輸出到備份") // "Off Printer Backup" #define MSG_UBL_INFO_UBL _UxGT("輸出UBL信息") // "Output UBL Info" #define MSG_EDIT_MESH _UxGT("編輯網格") // "Edit Mesh" #define MSG_UBL_FILLIN_AMOUNT _UxGT("填充合計") // "Fill-in Amount" #define MSG_UBL_MANUAL_FILLIN _UxGT("手工填充") // "Manual Fill-in" #define MSG_UBL_SMART_FILLIN _UxGT("聰明填充") // "Smart Fill-in" #define MSG_UBL_FILLIN_MESH _UxGT("填充網格") // "Fill-in Mesh" #define MSG_UBL_INVALIDATE_ALL _UxGT("作廢所有的") // "Invalidate All" #define MSG_UBL_INVALIDATE_CLOSEST _UxGT("作廢最近的") // "Invalidate Closest" #define MSG_UBL_FINE_TUNE_ALL _UxGT("細調所有的") // "Fine Tune All" #define MSG_UBL_FINE_TUNE_CLOSEST _UxGT("細調最近的") // "Fine Tune Closest" #define MSG_UBL_STORAGE_MESH_MENU _UxGT("網格存儲") // "Mesh Storage" #define MSG_UBL_STORAGE_SLOT _UxGT("存儲槽") // "Memory Slot" #define MSG_UBL_LOAD_MESH _UxGT("裝載熱床網格") // "Load Bed Mesh" #define MSG_UBL_SAVE_MESH _UxGT("保存熱床網格") // "Save Bed Mesh" #define MSG_MESH_LOADED _UxGT("網格 %i 已裝載") // "Mesh %i loaded" #define MSG_MESH_SAVED _UxGT("網格 %i 已保存") // "Mesh %i saved" #define MSG_NO_STORAGE _UxGT("沒有存儲") // "No storage" #define MSG_UBL_SAVE_ERROR _UxGT("錯誤: UBL保存") // "Err: UBL Save" #define MSG_UBL_RESTORE_ERROR _UxGT("錯誤: UBL還原") // "Err: UBL Restore" #define MSG_UBL_Z_OFFSET_STOPPED _UxGT("Z偏移已停止") // "Z-Offset Stopped" #define MSG_UBL_STEP_BY_STEP_MENU _UxGT("一步步UBL") // "Step-By-Step UBL" #define MSG_LED_CONTROL _UxGT("灯管控制") // "LED Control") #define MSG_LEDS _UxGT("灯") // "Lights") #define MSG_LED_PRESETS _UxGT("灯预置") // "Light Presets") #define MSG_SET_LEDS_RED _UxGT("红") // "Red") #define MSG_SET_LEDS_ORANGE _UxGT("橙") // "Orange") #define MSG_SET_LEDS_YELLOW _UxGT("黄") // "Yellow") #define MSG_SET_LEDS_GREEN _UxGT("绿") // "Green") #define MSG_SET_LEDS_BLUE _UxGT("蓝") // "Blue") #define MSG_SET_LEDS_INDIGO _UxGT("青") // "Indigo") #define MSG_SET_LEDS_VIOLET _UxGT("紫") // "Violet") #define MSG_SET_LEDS_WHITE _UxGT("白") // "White") #define MSG_SET_LEDS_DEFAULT _UxGT("缺省") // "Default") #define MSG_CUSTOM_LEDS _UxGT("定制灯") // "Custom Lights") #define MSG_INTENSITY_R _UxGT("红飽和度") // "Red Intensity") #define MSG_INTENSITY_G _UxGT("绿飽和度") // "Green Intensity") #define MSG_INTENSITY_B _UxGT("蓝飽和度") // "Blue Intensity") #define MSG_INTENSITY_W _UxGT("白飽和度") // "White Intensity") #define MSG_LED_BRIGHTNESS _UxGT("亮度") // "Brightness") #define MSG_MOVING _UxGT("移动 ...") // "Moving...") #define MSG_FREE_XY _UxGT("释放 XY") // "Free XY") #define MSG_MOVE_X _UxGT("移動X") //"Move X" #define MSG_MOVE_Y _UxGT("移動Y") //"Move Y" #define MSG_MOVE_Z _UxGT("移動Z") //"Move Z" #define MSG_MOVE_E _UxGT("擠出機") //"Extruder" #define MSG_MOVE_0025MM _UxGT("移動 0.025 mm") //"Move 0.025mm" #define MSG_MOVE_01MM _UxGT("移動 0.1 mm") //"Move 0.1mm" #define MSG_MOVE_1MM _UxGT("移動 1 mm") //"Move 1mm" #define MSG_MOVE_10MM _UxGT("移動 10 mm") //"Move 10mm" #define MSG_SPEED _UxGT("速率") //"Speed" #define MSG_BED_Z _UxGT("熱床Z") //"Bed Z" #define MSG_NOZZLE _UxGT(" ") LCD_STR_THERMOMETER _UxGT(" 噴嘴") //"Nozzle" 噴嘴 #define MSG_BED _UxGT(" ") LCD_STR_THERMOMETER _UxGT(" 熱床") //"Bed" #define MSG_FAN_SPEED _UxGT("風扇速率") //"Fan speed" #define MSG_EXTRA_FAN_SPEED _UxGT("額外風扇速率") // "Extra fan speed" #define MSG_FLOW _UxGT("擠出速率") //"Flow" #define MSG_CONTROL _UxGT("控制") //"Control" #define MSG_MIN _UxGT(" ") LCD_STR_THERMOMETER _UxGT(" 最小") //" " LCD_STR_THERMOMETER " Min" #define MSG_MAX _UxGT(" ") LCD_STR_THERMOMETER _UxGT(" 最大") //" " LCD_STR_THERMOMETER " Max" #define MSG_FACTOR _UxGT(" ") LCD_STR_THERMOMETER _UxGT(" 系數") //" " LCD_STR_THERMOMETER " Fact" #define MSG_AUTOTEMP _UxGT("自動控溫") //"Autotemp" #define MSG_LCD_ON _UxGT("開") //"On" #define MSG_LCD_OFF _UxGT("關") //"Off" #define MSG_PID_P _UxGT("PID-P") //"PID-P" #define MSG_PID_I _UxGT("PID-I") //"PID-I" #define MSG_PID_D _UxGT("PID-D") //"PID-D" #define MSG_PID_C _UxGT("PID-C") //"PID-C" #define MSG_SELECT _UxGT("選擇") //"Select" #define MSG_ACC _UxGT("加速度") //"Accel" acceleration #define MSG_JERK _UxGT("抖動速率") //"Jerk" #if IS_KINEMATIC #define MSG_VA_JERK _UxGT("A軸抖動速率") //"Va-jerk" #define MSG_VB_JERK _UxGT("B軸抖動速率") //"Vb-jerk" #define MSG_VC_JERK _UxGT("C軸抖動速率") //"Vc-jerk" #else #define MSG_VA_JERK _UxGT("X軸抖動速率") //"Vx-jerk" #define MSG_VB_JERK _UxGT("Y軸抖動速率") //"Vy-jerk" #define MSG_VC_JERK _UxGT("Z軸抖動速率") //"Vz-jerk" #endif #define MSG_VE_JERK _UxGT("擠出機抖動速率") //"Ve-jerk" #define MSG_VELOCITY _UxGT("速度") // "Velocity" #define MSG_VMAX _UxGT("最大進料速率") //"Vmax " max_feedrate_mm_s #define MSG_VMIN _UxGT("最小進料速率") //"Vmin" min_feedrate_mm_s #define MSG_VTRAV_MIN _UxGT("最小移動速率") //"VTrav min" min_travel_feedrate_mm_s, (target) speed of the move #define MSG_ACCELERATION _UxGT("加速度") // "Acceleration" #define MSG_AMAX _UxGT("最大列印加速度") //"Amax " max_acceleration_mm_per_s2, acceleration in units/s^2 for print moves #define MSG_A_RETRACT _UxGT("回縮加速度") //"A-retract" retract_acceleration, E acceleration in mm/s^2 for retracts #define MSG_A_TRAVEL _UxGT("非列印移動加速度") //"A-travel" travel_acceleration, X, Y, Z acceleration in mm/s^2 for travel (non printing) moves #define MSG_STEPS_PER_MM _UxGT("軸步數/mm") //"Steps/mm" axis_steps_per_mm, axis steps-per-unit G92 #if IS_KINEMATIC #define MSG_ASTEPS _UxGT("A軸步數/mm") //"Asteps/mm" axis_steps_per_mm, axis steps-per-unit G92 #define MSG_BSTEPS _UxGT("B軸步數/mm") //"Bsteps/mm" #define MSG_CSTEPS _UxGT("C軸步數/mm") //"Csteps/mm" #else #define MSG_ASTEPS _UxGT("X軸步數/mm") //"Xsteps/mm" axis_steps_per_mm, axis steps-per-unit G92 #define MSG_BSTEPS _UxGT("Y軸步數/mm") //"Ysteps/mm" #define MSG_CSTEPS _UxGT("Z軸步數/mm") //"Zsteps/mm" #endif #define MSG_ESTEPS _UxGT("擠出機步數/mm") //"Esteps/mm" #define MSG_E1STEPS _UxGT("擠出機1步數/mm") //"E1steps/mm" #define MSG_E2STEPS _UxGT("擠出機2步數/mm") //"E2steps/mm" #define MSG_E3STEPS _UxGT("擠出機3步數/mm") //"E3steps/mm" #define MSG_E4STEPS _UxGT("擠出機4步數/mm") //"E4steps/mm" #define MSG_E5STEPS _UxGT("擠出機5步數/mm") //"E5steps/mm" #define MSG_E6STEPS _UxGT("擠出機6步數/mm") //"E6steps/mm" #define MSG_TEMPERATURE _UxGT("溫度") //"Temperature" #define MSG_MOTION _UxGT("運作") //"Motion" #define MSG_FILAMENT _UxGT("絲料測容") //"Filament" menu_control_volumetric #define MSG_VOLUMETRIC_ENABLED _UxGT("測容積mm³") //"E in mm3" volumetric_enabled #define MSG_FILAMENT_DIAM _UxGT("絲料直徑") //"Fil. Dia." #define MSG_FILAMENT_UNLOAD _UxGT("卸載 mm") // "Unload mm" #define MSG_FILAMENT_LOAD _UxGT("装載 mm") // "Load mm" #define MSG_ADVANCE_K _UxGT("Advance K") // "Advance K" #define MSG_CONTRAST _UxGT("LCD對比度") //"LCD contrast" #define MSG_STORE_EEPROM _UxGT("保存設置") //"Store memory" #define MSG_LOAD_EEPROM _UxGT("載入設置") //"Load memory" #define MSG_RESTORE_FAILSAFE _UxGT("恢復安全值") //"Restore failsafe" #define MSG_INIT_EEPROM _UxGT("初始化設置") // "Initialize EEPROM" #define MSG_REFRESH _UxGT("刷新") //"Refresh" #define MSG_WATCH _UxGT("資訊界面") //"Info screen" #define MSG_PREPARE _UxGT("準備") //"Prepare" #define MSG_TUNE _UxGT("調整") //"Tune" #define MSG_PAUSE_PRINT _UxGT("暫停列印") //"Pause print" #define MSG_RESUME_PRINT _UxGT("恢復列印") //"Resume print" #define MSG_STOP_PRINT _UxGT("停止列印") //"Stop print" #define MSG_CARD_MENU _UxGT("從記憶卡上列印") //"Print from SD" #define MSG_NO_CARD _UxGT("無記憶卡") //"No SD card" #define MSG_DWELL _UxGT("休眠 ...") //"Sleep..." #define MSG_USERWAIT _UxGT("點擊繼續 ...") //"Click to resume..." #define MSG_PRINT_PAUSED _UxGT("列印已暫停") // "Print paused" #define MSG_PRINT_ABORTED _UxGT("已取消列印") //"Print aborted" #define MSG_NO_MOVE _UxGT("無移動") //"No move." #define MSG_KILLED _UxGT("已砍掉") //"KILLED. " #define MSG_STOPPED _UxGT("已停止") //"STOPPED. " #define MSG_CONTROL_RETRACT _UxGT("回縮長度mm") //"Retract mm" retract_length, retract length (positive mm) #define MSG_CONTROL_RETRACT_SWAP _UxGT("換手回抽長度mm") //"Swap Re.mm" swap_retract_length, swap retract length (positive mm), for extruder change #define MSG_CONTROL_RETRACTF _UxGT("回縮速率mm/s") //"Retract V" retract_feedrate_mm_s, feedrate for retracting (mm/s) #define MSG_CONTROL_RETRACT_ZHOP _UxGT("Hop mm") //"Hop mm" retract_zraise, retract Z-lift #define MSG_CONTROL_RETRACT_RECOVER _UxGT("回縮恢復長度mm") //"UnRet +mm" retract_recover_extra, additional recover length (mm, added to retract length when recovering) #define MSG_CONTROL_RETRACT_RECOVER_SWAP _UxGT("換手回縮恢復長度mm") //"S UnRet+mm" swap_retract_recover_extra, additional swap recover length (mm, added to retract length when recovering from extruder change) #define MSG_CONTROL_RETRACT_RECOVERF _UxGT("回縮恢復後進料速率mm/s") //"UnRet V" retract_recover_feedrate_mm_s, feedrate for recovering from retraction (mm/s) #define MSG_CONTROL_RETRACT_RECOVER_SWAPF _UxGT("S UnRet V") // "S UnRet V" #define MSG_AUTORETRACT _UxGT("自動回縮") //"AutoRetr." autoretract_enabled, #define MSG_FILAMENTCHANGE _UxGT("更換絲料") //"Change filament" #define MSG_FILAMENTLOAD _UxGT("裝載絲料") // "Load filament" #define MSG_FILAMENTUNLOAD _UxGT("卸載絲料") // "Unload filament" #define MSG_FILAMENTUNLOAD_ALL _UxGT("卸載全部") // "Unload All" #define MSG_INIT_SDCARD _UxGT("初始化記憶卡") //"Init. SD card" #define MSG_CHANGE_SDCARD _UxGT("更換記憶卡") //"Change SD card" #define MSG_ZPROBE_OUT _UxGT("Z探針在熱床之外") //"Z probe out. bed" Z probe is not within the physical limits #define MSG_SKEW_FACTOR _UxGT("偏斜因數") // "Skew Factor" #define MSG_BLTOUCH _UxGT("BLTouch") // "BLTouch" #define MSG_BLTOUCH_SELFTEST _UxGT("BLTouch 自檢") // "BLTouch Self-Test" #define MSG_BLTOUCH_RESET _UxGT("重置BLTouch") // "Reset BLTouch" #define MSG_BLTOUCH_DEPLOY _UxGT("部署BLTouch") // "Deploy BLTouch" #define MSG_BLTOUCH_STOW _UxGT("裝載BLTouch") // "Stow BLTouch" #define MSG_HOME _UxGT("歸位") //"Home" // Used as MSG_HOME " " MSG_X MSG_Y MSG_Z " " MSG_FIRST #define MSG_FIRST _UxGT("先") //"first" #define MSG_ZPROBE_ZOFFSET _UxGT("Z偏移") //"Z Offset" #define MSG_BABYSTEP_X _UxGT("微量調整X軸") //"Babystep X" lcd_babystep_x, Babystepping enables the user to control the axis in tiny amounts #define MSG_BABYSTEP_Y _UxGT("微量調整Y軸") //"Babystep Y" #define MSG_BABYSTEP_Z _UxGT("微量調整Z軸") //"Babystep Z" #define MSG_ENDSTOP_ABORT _UxGT("擋塊終止") //"Endstop abort" #define MSG_HEATING_FAILED_LCD _UxGT("加熱失敗") //"Heating failed" #define MSG_ERR_REDUNDANT_TEMP _UxGT("錯誤:REDUNDANT TEMP") //"Err: REDUNDANT TEMP" #define MSG_THERMAL_RUNAWAY _UxGT("溫控失控") //"THERMAL RUNAWAY" #define MSG_ERR_MAXTEMP _UxGT("錯誤:最高溫度") //"Err: MAXTEMP" #define MSG_ERR_MINTEMP _UxGT("錯誤:最低溫度") //"Err: MINTEMP" #define MSG_ERR_MAXTEMP_BED _UxGT("錯誤:最高熱床溫度") //"Err: MAXTEMP BED" #define MSG_ERR_MINTEMP_BED _UxGT("錯誤:最低熱床溫度") //"Err: MINTEMP BED" #define MSG_ERR_Z_HOMING MSG_HOME _UxGT(" ") MSG_X MSG_Y _UxGT(" ") MSG_FIRST #define MSG_HALTED _UxGT("印表機停機") //"PRINTER HALTED" #define MSG_PLEASE_RESET _UxGT("請重置") //"Please reset" #define MSG_SHORT_DAY _UxGT("天") //"d" // One character only #define MSG_SHORT_HOUR _UxGT("時") //"h" // One character only #define MSG_SHORT_MINUTE _UxGT("分") //"m" // One character only #define MSG_HEATING _UxGT("加熱中 ...") //"Heating..." #define MSG_BED_HEATING _UxGT("加熱熱床中 ...") //"Bed Heating..." #define MSG_DELTA_CALIBRATE _UxGT("⊿校準") //"Delta Calibration" #define MSG_DELTA_CALIBRATE_X _UxGT("⊿校準X") //"Calibrate X" #define MSG_DELTA_CALIBRATE_Y _UxGT("⊿校準Y") //"Calibrate Y" #define MSG_DELTA_CALIBRATE_Z _UxGT("⊿校準Z") //"Calibrate Z" #define MSG_DELTA_CALIBRATE_CENTER _UxGT("⊿校準中心") //"Calibrate Center" #define MSG_DELTA_SETTINGS _UxGT("⊿設置") // "Delta Settings" #define MSG_DELTA_AUTO_CALIBRATE _UxGT("⊿自動校準") // "Auto Calibration" #define MSG_DELTA_HEIGHT_CALIBRATE _UxGT("設置⊿高度") // "Set Delta Height" #define MSG_DELTA_DIAG_ROD _UxGT("⊿斜柱") // "Diag Rod" #define MSG_DELTA_HEIGHT _UxGT("⊿高度") // "Height" #define MSG_DELTA_RADIUS _UxGT("⊿半徑") // "Radius" #define MSG_INFO_MENU _UxGT("關於印表機") //"About Printer" #define MSG_INFO_PRINTER_MENU _UxGT("印表機訊息") //"Printer Info" #define MSG_3POINT_LEVELING _UxGT("三點調平") // "3-Point Leveling" #define MSG_LINEAR_LEVELING _UxGT("線性調平") // "Linear Leveling" #define MSG_BILINEAR_LEVELING _UxGT("雙線性調平") // "Bilinear Leveling" #define MSG_UBL_LEVELING _UxGT("統一熱床調平(UBL)") // "Unified Bed Leveling" #define MSG_MESH_LEVELING _UxGT("網格調平") // "Mesh Leveling" #define MSG_INFO_STATS_MENU _UxGT("印表機統計") //"Printer Stats" #define MSG_INFO_BOARD_MENU _UxGT("主板訊息") //"Board Info" #define MSG_INFO_THERMISTOR_MENU _UxGT("溫度計") //"Thermistors" #define MSG_INFO_EXTRUDERS _UxGT("擠出機") //"Extruders" #define MSG_INFO_BAUDRATE _UxGT("傳輸率") //"Baud" #define MSG_INFO_PROTOCOL _UxGT("協議") //"Protocol" #define MSG_CASE_LIGHT _UxGT("外殼燈") // "Case light" #define MSG_CASE_LIGHT_BRIGHTNESS _UxGT("燈亮度") // "Light BRIGHTNESS" #if LCD_WIDTH >= 20 #define MSG_INFO_PRINT_COUNT _UxGT("列印計數") //"Print Count" #define MSG_INFO_COMPLETED_PRINTS _UxGT("已完成") //"Completed" #define MSG_INFO_PRINT_TIME _UxGT("總列印時間") //"Total print time" #define MSG_INFO_PRINT_LONGEST _UxGT("最長工作時間") //"Longest job time" #define MSG_INFO_PRINT_FILAMENT _UxGT("總計擠出") //"Extruded total" #else #define MSG_INFO_PRINT_COUNT _UxGT("列印數") //"Prints" #define MSG_INFO_COMPLETED_PRINTS _UxGT("完成") //"Completed" #define MSG_INFO_PRINT_TIME _UxGT("總共") //"Total" #define MSG_INFO_PRINT_LONGEST _UxGT("最長") //"Longest" #define MSG_INFO_PRINT_FILAMENT _UxGT("已擠出") //"Extruded" #endif #define MSG_INFO_MIN_TEMP _UxGT("最低溫度") //"Min Temp" #define MSG_INFO_MAX_TEMP _UxGT("最高溫度") //"Max Temp" #define MSG_INFO_PSU _UxGT("電源供應") //"Power Supply" #define MSG_DRIVE_STRENGTH _UxGT("驅動力度") // "Drive Strength" #define MSG_DAC_PERCENT _UxGT("驅動 %") // "Driver %" #define MSG_DAC_EEPROM_WRITE _UxGT("保存驅動設置") // "DAC EEPROM Write" #define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_HEADER_PAUSE _UxGT("列印已暫停") // "PRINT PAUSED" #define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_HEADER_LOAD _UxGT("裝載絲料") // "LOAD FILAMENT" #define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_HEADER_UNLOAD _UxGT("卸載絲料") // "UNLOAD FILAMENT" #define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_OPTION_HEADER _UxGT("恢複選項:") // "RESUME OPTIONS:" #define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_OPTION_PURGE _UxGT("清除更多") // "Purge more" #define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_OPTION_RESUME _UxGT("恢復列印") //"Resume print" #define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_NOZZLE _UxGT(" 噴嘴: ") // " Nozzle: " #define MSG_ERR_HOMING_FAILED _UxGT("歸原位失敗") // "Homing failed" #define MSG_ERR_PROBING_FAILED _UxGT("探針探測失敗") // "Probing failed" #define MSG_M600_TOO_COLD _UxGT("M600: 太涼") // "M600: Too cold" #if LCD_HEIGHT >= 4 #define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_INIT_1 _UxGT("等待開始") //"Wait for start" #define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_INIT_2 _UxGT("絲料") //"of the filament" #define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_INIT_3 _UxGT("變更") //"change" #define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_1 _UxGT("等待") //"Wait for" #define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_2 _UxGT("卸下絲料") //"filament unload" #define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_INSERT_1 _UxGT("插入絲料") //"Insert filament" #define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_INSERT_2 _UxGT("並按鍵") //"and press button" #define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_INSERT_3 _UxGT("繼續 ...") //"to continue..." #define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_HEAT_1 _UxGT("按下按鈕來") // "Press button to" #define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_HEAT_2 _UxGT("加熱噴嘴.") // "heat nozzle." #define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_HEATING_1 _UxGT("加熱噴嘴") // "Heating nozzle" #define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_HEATING_2 _UxGT("請等待 ...") // "Please wait..." #define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_1 _UxGT("等待") //"Wait for" #define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_2 _UxGT("進料") //"filament load" #define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_PURGE_1 _UxGT("等待") // "Wait for" #define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_PURGE_2 _UxGT("絲料清除") // "filament purge" #define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_RESUME_1 _UxGT("等待列印") //"Wait for print" #define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_RESUME_2 _UxGT("恢復") //"to resume" #else // LCD_HEIGHT < 4 #define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_INIT_1 _UxGT("請等待 ...") //"Please wait..." #define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_1 _UxGT("退出中 ...") //"Ejecting..." #define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_INSERT_1 _UxGT("插入並點擊") //"Insert and Click" #define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_HEATING_1 _UxGT("加熱中 ...") // "Heating..." #define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_1 _UxGT("載入中 ...") //"Loading..." #define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_PURGE_1 _UxGT("清除中 ...") // "Purging..." #define MSG_FILAMENT_CHANGE_RESUME_1 _UxGT("恢復中 ...") //"Resuming..." #endif // LCD_HEIGHT < 4