%YAML 1.2 --- # # G-Code (RepRap, not ISO-6983) # Author: @thinkyhead # # RapRap G-Code is very simple. # # TODO: Lines that start with N get a different context, accepting a checksum. # name: G-Code (RepRap) file_extensions: - [ gco, gcode ] scope: source.gcode variables: decimal: '[+-]?\d+(\.(\d+)?)?' contexts: prototype: - match: \s+ - include: mixin_comment - match: $ pop: true main: - meta_content_scope: ctx.line.gcode - match: '([Nn]\s*(\d+))' captures: 1: ctx.gcode_line_num 2: constant.numeric.line-number.gcode - match: () set: gcode_command # G, M, or T command gcode_command: - meta_content_scope: ctx.command.gcode # M20 S2 P/path/to/file/name.gco - match: ([Mm](20))(\s*(S)(2)\s*(P)) captures: 1: entity.command.gcode markup.bold.gcode 2: constant.numeric.command.gcode 3: ctx.params.gcode 4: keyword.param.gcode 5: constant.numeric.param.gcode 6: keyword.param.gcode set: gcode_string_arg # command followed by data - match: ([Mm]\s*(11[78]))\b captures: 1: entity.command.gcode markup.bold.gcode 2: constant.numeric.command.gcode set: gcode_string_arg # command followed by data - match: '([GMTgmt]\s*(\d+)((\.)(\d+))?)' captures: 1: entity.command.gcode markup.bold.gcode 2: constant.numeric.command.gcode 4: entity.separator.subcode 5: constant.numeric.subcode set: gcode_params - match: () set: syntax_error # Parameters of a command gcode_params: - meta_content_scope: ctx.params.gcode # M32 [S<pos>] [P<bool>] !/path/file.gco# - match: '!' scope: entity.string.filename.open push: gcode_path_arg # asterisk starts a checksum - match: \* scope: entity.checksum.gcode set: gcode_checksum # parameter and value - match: ([A-Za-z])\s*({{decimal}}) captures: 1: keyword.param.gcode 2: constant.numeric.param.gcode # parameter with no value - match: '[A-Za-z]' scope: keyword.param.gcode set: gcode_params - match: () set: syntax_error gcode_string_arg: - meta_content_scope: ctx.string.gcode - match: ([^;]+) scope: string.unquoted.gcode gcode_path_arg: - meta_content_scope: ctx.path.gcode - match: ([^#]+) scope: string.unquoted.path.gcode - match: (#) scope: entity.string.path.close.gcode pop: true gcode_checksum: - meta_content_scope: ctx.checksum.gcode - match: \d+ scope: constant.numeric.checksum.gcode - match: () set: syntax_error # Done interpreting to the end of the line gcode_line_done: - match: \s*$ pop: true # Comments begin with a ';' and finish at the end of the line. mixin_comment: - match: ^\s*; scope: punctuation.definition.comment.line.start set: gcode_comment - match: \s*; scope: punctuation.definition.comment.eol.start set: gcode_comment # Comment to end of line. gcode_comment: - meta_scope: comment.gcode - match: \s*$ pop: true # Everything after this point is broken by a syntax error syntax_error: - meta_scope: invalid.error.syntax.gcode - match: .*$ pop: true