Improved frame timing display.

This commit is contained in:
Muzychenko Andrey 2022-12-13 15:06:27 +03:00
parent 6aa6472667
commit 17f11bd428
2 changed files with 38 additions and 29 deletions

View File

@ -31,7 +31,9 @@ bool winmain::no_time_loss = false;
bool winmain::restart = false;
gdrv_bitmap8* winmain::gfr_display = nullptr;
std::vector<float> winmain::gfrDisplay {};
unsigned winmain::gfrOffset = 0;
float winmain::gfrWindow = 5.0f;
bool winmain::ShowAboutDialog = false;
bool winmain::ShowImGuiDemo = false;
bool winmain::ShowSpriteViewer = false;
@ -257,8 +259,6 @@ int winmain::WinMain(LPCSTR lpCmdLine)
delete gfr_display;
gfr_display = nullptr;
@ -331,24 +331,14 @@ void winmain::MainLoop()
if (DispGRhistory)
auto width = 300;
auto height = 64, halfHeight = height / 2;
if (!gfr_display)
auto targetSize = static_cast<unsigned>(static_cast<float>(Options.UpdatesPerSecond) * gfrWindow);
if (gfrDisplay.size() != targetSize)
gfr_display = new gdrv_bitmap8(width, height, false);
gfr_display->CreateTexture("nearest", SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_STREAMING);
gfrDisplay.resize(targetSize, static_cast<float>(TargetFrameTime.count()));
gfrOffset = 0;
gdrv::ScrollBitmapHorizontal(gfr_display, -1);
gdrv::fill_bitmap(gfr_display, 1, halfHeight, width - 1, 0, ColorRgba::Black()); // Background
// Target
gdrv::fill_bitmap(gfr_display, 1, halfHeight, width - 1, halfHeight, ColorRgba::White());
auto target = static_cast<float>(TargetFrameTime.count());
auto scale = halfHeight / target;
auto diffHeight = std::min(static_cast<int>(std::round(std::abs(target - dt) * scale)), halfHeight);
auto yOffset = dt < target ? halfHeight : halfHeight - diffHeight;
gdrv::fill_bitmap(gfr_display, 1, diffHeight, width - 1, yOffset, ColorRgba::Red()); // Target diff
gfrDisplay[gfrOffset] = dt;
gfrOffset = (gfrOffset + 1) % gfrDisplay.size();
@ -1149,21 +1139,38 @@ void winmain::UpdateFrameRate()
void winmain::RenderFrameTimeDialog()
if (!gfr_display)
ImGui::PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar_WindowMinSize, ImVec2{300, 70});
if (ImGui::Begin("Frame Times", &DispGRhistory, ImGuiWindowFlags_NoScrollbar))
auto target = static_cast<float>(TargetFrameTime.count());
auto scale = 1 / (gfr_display->Height / 2 / target);
auto yMax = target * 2;
auto spin = Options.HybridSleep ? static_cast<float>(SpinThreshold.count()) : 0;
ImGui::Text("Target frame time:%03.04fms, 1px:%03.04fms, SpinThreshold:%03.04fms",
target, scale, spin);
auto region = ImGui::GetContentRegionAvail();
ImGui::Image(gfr_display->Texture, region);
ImGui::Text("YMin:0ms, Target frame time:%03.04fms, YMax:%03.04fms, SpinThreshold:%03.04fms",
target, yMax, spin);
static bool scrollPlot = true;
ImGui::Checkbox("Scroll Plot", &scrollPlot);
ImGui::SliderFloat("Window Size", &gfrWindow, 0.1f, 15, "%.3fsec", ImGuiSliderFlags_AlwaysClamp);
float average = 0.0f, dev = 0.0f;
for (auto n : gfrDisplay)
average += n;
dev += std::abs(target - n);
average /= static_cast<float>(gfrDisplay.size());
dev /= static_cast<float>(gfrDisplay.size());
char overlay[64];
sprintf(overlay, "avg %.3fms, dev %.3fms", average, dev);
auto region = ImGui::GetContentRegionAvail();
ImGui::PlotLines("Lines",, gfrDisplay.size(),
scrollPlot ? gfrOffset : 0, overlay, 0, yMax, region);

View File

@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ private:
static int return_value, DispFrameRate;
static int mouse_down, last_mouse_x, last_mouse_y;
static bool no_time_loss, activated, bQuit, has_focus, DispGRhistory;
static gdrv_bitmap8* gfr_display;
static std::vector<float> gfrDisplay;
static std::string FpsDetails, PrevSdlError;
static bool restart;
static bool ShowAboutDialog;
@ -101,6 +101,8 @@ private:
static DurationMs SpinThreshold;
static WelfordState SleepState;
static unsigned PrevSdlErrorCount;
static unsigned gfrOffset;
static float gfrWindow;
static void RenderUi();
static void RenderFrameTimeDialog();