#include "pch.h" #include "high_score.h" #include "options.h" #include "pb.h" #include "score.h" #include "translations.h" bool high_score::dlg_enter_name; bool high_score::ShowDialog = false; high_score_entry high_score::DlgData; std::vector high_score::ScoreQueue; high_score_struct high_score::highscore_table[5]; int high_score::read() { char Buffer[20]; int checkSum = 0; clear_table(); for (auto position = 0; position < 5; ++position) { auto& tablePtr = highscore_table[position]; snprintf(Buffer, sizeof Buffer, "%d", position); strcat(Buffer, ".Name"); auto name = options::GetSetting(Buffer, ""); strncpy(tablePtr.Name, name.c_str(), sizeof tablePtr.Name); snprintf(Buffer, sizeof Buffer, "%d", position); strcat(Buffer, ".Score"); tablePtr.Score = options::get_int(Buffer, tablePtr.Score); for (int i = static_cast(strlen(tablePtr.Name)); --i >= 0; checkSum += tablePtr.Name[i]) { } checkSum += tablePtr.Score; } auto verification = options::get_int("Verification", 7); if (checkSum != verification) clear_table(); return 0; } int high_score::write() { char Buffer[20]; int checkSum = 0; for (auto position = 0; position < 5; ++position) { auto& tablePtr = highscore_table[position]; snprintf(Buffer, sizeof Buffer, "%d", position); strcat(Buffer, ".Name"); options::SetSetting(Buffer, tablePtr.Name); snprintf(Buffer, sizeof Buffer, "%d", position); strcat(Buffer, ".Score"); options::set_int(Buffer, tablePtr.Score); for (int i = static_cast(strlen(tablePtr.Name)); --i >= 0; checkSum += tablePtr.Name[i]) { } checkSum += tablePtr.Score; } options::set_int("Verification", checkSum); return 0; } void high_score::clear_table() { for (auto& table : highscore_table) { table.Score = -999; table.Name[0] = 0; } } int high_score::get_score_position(int score) { if (score <= 0) return -1; for (int position = 0; position < 5; position++) { if (highscore_table[position].Score < score) return position; } return -1; } void high_score::place_new_score_into(high_score_entry data) { if (data.Position >= 0 && data.Position < 5) { for (int i = 4; i > data.Position; i--) { highscore_table[i] = highscore_table[i - 1]; } data.Entry.Name[31] = 0; highscore_table[data.Position] = data.Entry; } } void high_score::show_high_score_dialog() { ShowDialog = true; } void high_score::show_and_set_high_score_dialog(high_score_entry score) { ScoreQueue.insert(ScoreQueue.begin(), score); ShowDialog = true; } void high_score::RenderHighScoreDialog() { if (ShowDialog == true) { ShowDialog = false; if (!ImGui::IsPopupOpen(pb::get_rc_string(Msg::HIGHSCORES_Caption))) { dlg_enter_name = false; while (!ScoreQueue.empty()) { DlgData = ScoreQueue.back(); ScoreQueue.pop_back(); if (DlgData.Position < 0 || DlgData.Position > 4) { DlgData.Position = get_score_position(DlgData.Entry.Score); } if (DlgData.Position != -1) { dlg_enter_name = true; break; } } ImGui::OpenPopup(pb::get_rc_string(Msg::HIGHSCORES_Caption)); } } bool unused_open = true, textBoxSubmit = false; if (ImGui::BeginPopupModal(pb::get_rc_string(Msg::HIGHSCORES_Caption), &unused_open, ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysAutoResize)) { if (ImGui::BeginTable("table1", 3, ImGuiTableFlags_Borders)) { char buf[36]; ImGui::TableSetupColumn(pb::get_rc_string(Msg::HIGHSCORES_Rank)); ImGui::TableSetupColumn(pb::get_rc_string(Msg::HIGHSCORES_Name)); ImGui::TableSetupColumn(pb::get_rc_string(Msg::HIGHSCORES_Score)); ImGui::TableHeadersRow(); for (int offset = 0, row = 0; row < 5; row++) { ImGui::TableNextRow(); ImGui::TableNextColumn(); snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "%d", row + 1); ImGui::TextUnformatted(buf); auto currentRow = &highscore_table[row + offset]; auto score = currentRow->Score; ImGui::TableNextColumn(); if (dlg_enter_name && DlgData.Position == row) { offset = -1; score = DlgData.Entry.Score; ImGui::PushItemWidth(200); static bool doubleFocus = false; if (ImGui::IsWindowAppearing() || doubleFocus) { // Hack - set focus only works on the second time. ImGui::SetKeyboardFocusHere(0); doubleFocus ^= true; } if (ImGui::InputText("", DlgData.Entry.Name, IM_ARRAYSIZE(DlgData.Entry.Name), ImGuiInputTextFlags_EnterReturnsTrue | ImGuiInputTextFlags_AutoSelectAll)) { textBoxSubmit = true; } } else { ImGui::TextUnformatted(currentRow->Name); } ImGui::TableNextColumn(); score::string_format(score, buf); ImGui::TextUnformatted(buf); } ImGui::EndTable(); } if (ImGui::Button(pb::get_rc_string(Msg::HIGHSCORES_Ok)) || textBoxSubmit) { if (dlg_enter_name) { place_new_score_into(DlgData); } ImGui::CloseCurrentPopup(); } ImGui::SameLine(); if (ImGui::Button(pb::get_rc_string(Msg::HIGHSCORES_Cancel))) ImGui::CloseCurrentPopup(); ImGui::SameLine(); if (ImGui::Button(pb::get_rc_string(Msg::HIGHSCORES_Clear))) ImGui::OpenPopup("Confirm"); if (ImGui::BeginPopupModal("Confirm", nullptr, ImGuiWindowFlags_MenuBar)) { ImGui::TextUnformatted(pb::get_rc_string(Msg::STRING141)); if (ImGui::Button(pb::get_rc_string(Msg::HIGHSCORES_Ok), ImVec2(120, 0))) { clear_table(); ImGui::CloseCurrentPopup(); } ImGui::SetItemDefaultFocus(); ImGui::SameLine(); if (ImGui::Button(pb::get_rc_string(Msg::HIGHSCORES_Cancel), ImVec2(120, 0))) { ImGui::CloseCurrentPopup(); } ImGui::EndPopup(); } ImGui::EndPopup(); // Reenter dialog for the next score in the queue if (!ImGui::IsPopupOpen(pb::get_rc_string(Msg::HIGHSCORES_Caption)) && !ScoreQueue.empty()) { ShowDialog = true; } } }