#include "pch.h" #include "render.h" #include "fullscrn.h" #include "GroupData.h" #include "options.h" #include "pb.h" #include "score.h" #include "TPinballTable.h" #include "winmain.h" std::vector render::dirty_list, render::sprite_list, render::ball_list; zmap_header_type* render::background_zmap; int render::zmap_offset, render::zmap_offsetY, render::offset_x, render::offset_y; float render::zscaler, render::zmin, render::zmax; rectangle_type render::vscreen_rect; gdrv_bitmap8 *render::vscreen, *render::background_bitmap, *render::ball_bitmap[20]; zmap_header_type* render::zscreen; SDL_Texture* render::vScreenTex = nullptr; SDL_Rect render::DestinationRect{}; void render::init(gdrv_bitmap8* bmp, float zMin, float zScaler, int width, int height) { zscaler = zScaler; zmin = zMin; zmax = 4294967300.0f / zScaler + zMin; vscreen = new gdrv_bitmap8(width, height, false); zscreen = new zmap_header_type(width, height, width); zdrv::fill(zscreen, zscreen->Width, zscreen->Height, 0, 0, 0xFFFF); vscreen_rect.YPosition = 0; vscreen_rect.XPosition = 0; vscreen_rect.Width = width; vscreen_rect.Height = height; vscreen->YPosition = 0; vscreen->XPosition = 0; for (auto& ballBmp : ball_bitmap) ballBmp = new gdrv_bitmap8(64, 64, false); background_bitmap = bmp; if (bmp) gdrv::copy_bitmap(vscreen, width, height, 0, 0, bmp, 0, 0); else gdrv::fill_bitmap(vscreen, vscreen->Width, vscreen->Height, 0, 0, 0); recreate_screen_texture(); } void render::uninit() { delete vscreen; delete zscreen; for (auto sprite : sprite_list) remove_sprite(sprite, false); for (auto ball : ball_list) remove_ball(ball, false); for (auto& ballBmp : ball_bitmap) delete ballBmp; ball_list.clear(); dirty_list.clear(); sprite_list.clear(); SDL_DestroyTexture(vScreenTex); vScreenTex = nullptr; } void render::recreate_screen_texture() { if (vScreenTex != nullptr) { SDL_DestroyTexture(vScreenTex); } UsingSdlHint hint{ SDL_HINT_RENDER_SCALE_QUALITY, options::Options.LinearFiltering ? "linear" : "nearest" }; vScreenTex = SDL_CreateTexture ( winmain::Renderer, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ARGB8888, SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_STREAMING, vscreen_rect.Width, vscreen_rect.Height ); SDL_SetTextureBlendMode(vScreenTex, SDL_BLENDMODE_NONE); } void render::update() { unpaint_balls(); // Clip dirty sprites with vScreen, clear clipping (dirty) rectangles for (auto curSprite : dirty_list) { bool clearSprite = false; switch (curSprite->VisualType) { case VisualTypes::Sprite: if (curSprite->DirtyRectPrev.Width > 0) maths::enclosing_box(&curSprite->DirtyRectPrev, &curSprite->BmpRect, &curSprite->DirtyRect); if (maths::rectangle_clip(&curSprite->DirtyRect, &vscreen_rect, &curSprite->DirtyRect)) clearSprite = true; else curSprite->DirtyRect.Width = -1; break; case VisualTypes::None: if (maths::rectangle_clip(&curSprite->BmpRect, &vscreen_rect, &curSprite->DirtyRect)) clearSprite = !curSprite->Bmp; else curSprite->DirtyRect.Width = -1; break; default: break; } if (clearSprite) { auto yPos = curSprite->DirtyRect.YPosition; auto width = curSprite->DirtyRect.Width; auto xPos = curSprite->DirtyRect.XPosition; auto height = curSprite->DirtyRect.Height; zdrv::fill(zscreen, width, height, xPos, yPos, 0xFFFF); if (background_bitmap) gdrv::copy_bitmap(vscreen, width, height, xPos, yPos, background_bitmap, xPos, yPos); else gdrv::fill_bitmap(vscreen, width, height, xPos, yPos, 0); } } // Paint dirty rectangles of dirty sprites for (auto sprite : dirty_list) { if (sprite->DirtyRect.Width > 0 && (sprite->VisualType == VisualTypes::None || sprite->VisualType == VisualTypes::Sprite)) repaint(sprite); } paint_balls(); // In the original, this used to blit dirty sprites and balls for (auto sprite : dirty_list) { sprite->DirtyRectPrev = sprite->DirtyRect; if (sprite->UnknownFlag != 0) remove_sprite(sprite, true); } dirty_list.clear(); } void render::sprite_modified(render_sprite_type_struct* sprite) { if (sprite->VisualType != VisualTypes::Ball && dirty_list.size() < 999) dirty_list.push_back(sprite); } render_sprite_type_struct* render::create_sprite(VisualTypes visualType, gdrv_bitmap8* bmp, zmap_header_type* zMap, int xPosition, int yPosition, rectangle_type* rect) { auto sprite = new render_sprite_type_struct(); if (!sprite) return nullptr; sprite->BmpRect.YPosition = yPosition; sprite->BmpRect.XPosition = xPosition; sprite->Bmp = bmp; sprite->VisualType = visualType; sprite->UnknownFlag = 0; sprite->SpriteArray = nullptr; sprite->DirtyRect = rectangle_type{}; if (rect) { sprite->BoundingRect = *rect; } else { sprite->BoundingRect.Width = -1; sprite->BoundingRect.Height = -1; sprite->BoundingRect.XPosition = 0; sprite->BoundingRect.YPosition = 0; } if (bmp) { sprite->BmpRect.Width = bmp->Width; sprite->BmpRect.Height = bmp->Height; } else { sprite->BmpRect.Width = 0; sprite->BmpRect.Height = 0; } sprite->ZMap = zMap; sprite->ZMapOffestX = 0; sprite->ZMapOffestY = 0; if (!zMap && visualType != VisualTypes::Ball) { sprite->ZMap = background_zmap; sprite->ZMapOffestY = xPosition - zmap_offset; sprite->ZMapOffestX = yPosition - zmap_offsetY; } sprite->DirtyRectPrev = sprite->BmpRect; if (visualType == VisualTypes::Ball) { ball_list.push_back(sprite); } else { sprite_list.push_back(sprite); sprite_modified(sprite); } return sprite; } void render::remove_sprite(render_sprite_type_struct* sprite, bool removeFromList) { if (removeFromList) { auto it = std::find(sprite_list.begin(), sprite_list.end(), sprite); if (it != sprite_list.end()) sprite_list.erase(it); } delete sprite->SpriteArray; delete sprite; } void render::remove_ball(render_sprite_type_struct* ball, bool removeFromList) { if (removeFromList) { auto it = std::find(ball_list.begin(), ball_list.end(), ball); if (it != ball_list.end()) ball_list.erase(it); } delete ball->SpriteArray; delete ball; } void render::sprite_set(render_sprite_type_struct* sprite, gdrv_bitmap8* bmp, zmap_header_type* zMap, int xPos, int yPos) { if (sprite) { sprite->BmpRect.XPosition = xPos; sprite->BmpRect.YPosition = yPos; sprite->Bmp = bmp; if (bmp) { sprite->BmpRect.Width = bmp->Width; sprite->BmpRect.Height = bmp->Height; } sprite->ZMap = zMap; sprite_modified(sprite); } } void render::sprite_set_bitmap(render_sprite_type_struct* sprite, gdrv_bitmap8* bmp) { if (sprite && sprite->Bmp != bmp) { sprite->Bmp = bmp; if (bmp) { sprite->BmpRect.Width = bmp->Width; sprite->BmpRect.Height = bmp->Height; } sprite_modified(sprite); } } void render::set_background_zmap(struct zmap_header_type* zMap, int offsetX, int offsetY) { background_zmap = zMap; zmap_offset = offsetX; zmap_offsetY = offsetY; } void render::ball_set(render_sprite_type_struct* sprite, gdrv_bitmap8* bmp, float depth, int xPos, int yPos) { if (sprite) { sprite->Bmp = bmp; if (bmp) { sprite->BmpRect.XPosition = xPos; sprite->BmpRect.YPosition = yPos; sprite->BmpRect.Width = bmp->Width; sprite->BmpRect.Height = bmp->Height; } if (depth >= zmin) { float depth2 = (depth - zmin) * zscaler; if (depth2 <= zmax) sprite->Depth = static_cast(depth2); else sprite->Depth = -1; } else { sprite->Depth = 0; } } } void render::repaint(struct render_sprite_type_struct* sprite) { rectangle_type clipRect{}; if (!sprite->SpriteArray) return; for (auto refSprite : *sprite->SpriteArray) { if (!refSprite->UnknownFlag && refSprite->Bmp) { if (maths::rectangle_clip(&refSprite->BmpRect, &sprite->DirtyRect, &clipRect)) zdrv::paint( clipRect.Width, clipRect.Height, vscreen, clipRect.XPosition, clipRect.YPosition, zscreen, clipRect.XPosition, clipRect.YPosition, refSprite->Bmp, clipRect.XPosition - refSprite->BmpRect.XPosition, clipRect.YPosition - refSprite->BmpRect.YPosition, refSprite->ZMap, clipRect.XPosition + refSprite->ZMapOffestY - refSprite->BmpRect.XPosition, clipRect.YPosition + refSprite->ZMapOffestX - refSprite->BmpRect.YPosition); } } } void render::paint_balls() { // Sort ball sprites by depth for (auto i = 0u; i < ball_list.size(); i++) { for (auto j = i; j < ball_list.size() / 2; ++j) { auto ballA = ball_list[j]; auto ballB = ball_list[i]; if (ballB->Depth > ballA->Depth) { ball_list[i] = ballA; ball_list[j] = ballB; } } } // For balls that clip vScreen: save original vScreen contents and paint ball bitmap. for (auto index = 0u; index < ball_list.size(); ++index) { auto ball = ball_list[index]; auto dirty = &ball->DirtyRect; if (ball->Bmp && maths::rectangle_clip(&ball->BmpRect, &vscreen_rect, &ball->DirtyRect)) { int xPos = dirty->XPosition; int yPos = dirty->YPosition; gdrv::copy_bitmap(ball_bitmap[index], dirty->Width, dirty->Height, 0, 0, vscreen, xPos, yPos); zdrv::paint_flat( dirty->Width, dirty->Height, vscreen, xPos, yPos, zscreen, xPos, yPos, ball->Bmp, xPos - ball->BmpRect.XPosition, yPos - ball->BmpRect.YPosition, ball->Depth); } else { dirty->Width = -1; } } } void render::unpaint_balls() { // Restore portions of vScreen saved during previous paint_balls call. for (int index = static_cast(ball_list.size()) - 1; index >= 0; index--) { auto curBall = ball_list[index]; if (curBall->DirtyRect.Width > 0) gdrv::copy_bitmap( vscreen, curBall->DirtyRect.Width, curBall->DirtyRect.Height, curBall->DirtyRect.XPosition, curBall->DirtyRect.YPosition, ball_bitmap[index], 0, 0); curBall->DirtyRectPrev = curBall->DirtyRect; } } void render::shift(int offsetX, int offsetY) { offset_x += offsetX; offset_y += offsetY; } void render::build_occlude_list() { std::vector* spriteArr = nullptr; for (auto mainSprite : sprite_list) { if (mainSprite->SpriteArray) { delete mainSprite->SpriteArray; mainSprite->SpriteArray = nullptr; } if (!mainSprite->UnknownFlag && mainSprite->BoundingRect.Width != -1) { if (!spriteArr) spriteArr = new std::vector(); for (auto refSprite : sprite_list) { if (!refSprite->UnknownFlag && refSprite->BoundingRect.Width != -1 && maths::rectangle_clip(&mainSprite->BoundingRect, &refSprite->BoundingRect, nullptr) && spriteArr) { spriteArr->push_back(refSprite); } } if (mainSprite->Bmp && spriteArr->size() < 2) spriteArr->clear(); if (!spriteArr->empty()) { mainSprite->SpriteArray = spriteArr; spriteArr = nullptr; } } } delete spriteArr; } void render::SpriteViewer(bool* show) { static const char* BitmapTypes[] = { "None", "RawBitmap", "DibBitmap", "Spliced", }; static float scale = 1.0f; auto uv_min = ImVec2(0.0f, 0.0f); // Top-left auto uv_max = ImVec2(1.0f, 1.0f); // Lower-right auto tint_col = ImVec4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); // No tint auto border_col = ImVec4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f); // 50% opaque white if (ImGui::Begin("Sprite viewer", show, ImGuiWindowFlags_HorizontalScrollbar | ImGuiWindowFlags_MenuBar)) { if (ImGui::BeginMenuBar()) { ImGui::SliderFloat("Sprite scale", &scale, 0.1f, 10.0f, "scale = %.3f"); ImGui::EndMenuBar(); } for (const auto group : pb::record_table->Groups) { bool emptyGroup = true; for (int i = 0; i <= 2; i++) { auto bmp = group->GetBitmap(i); if (bmp) { emptyGroup = false; break; } } if (emptyGroup) continue; ImGui::Text("Group: %d, name:%s", group->GroupId, group->GroupName.c_str()); for (int i = 0; i <= 2; i++) { auto bmp = group->GetBitmap(i); if (!bmp) continue; auto type = BitmapTypes[static_cast(bmp->BitmapType)]; ImGui::Text("type:%s, size:%d, resolution: %dx%d, offset:%dx%d", type, bmp->Resolution, bmp->Width, bmp->Height, bmp->XPosition, bmp->YPosition); } for (int same = 0, i = 0; i <= 2; i++) { auto bmp = group->GetBitmap(i); if (!bmp) continue; gdrv::CreatePreview(*bmp); if (bmp->Texture) { if (!same) same = true; else ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Image(bmp->Texture, ImVec2(bmp->Width * scale, bmp->Height * scale), uv_min, uv_max, tint_col, border_col); } } for (int same = 0, i = 0; i <= 2; i++) { auto zMap = group->GetZMap(i); if (!zMap) continue; zdrv::CreatePreview(*zMap); if (zMap->Texture) { if (!same) same = true; else ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Image(zMap->Texture, ImVec2(zMap->Width * scale, zMap->Height * scale), uv_min, uv_max, tint_col, border_col); } } } } ImGui::End(); } void render::BlitVScreen() { int pitch = 0; ColorRgba* lockedPixels; SDL_LockTexture ( vScreenTex, nullptr, reinterpret_cast(&lockedPixels), &pitch ); assertm(static_cast(pitch) == vscreen->Width * sizeof(ColorRgba), "Padding on vScreen texture"); std::memcpy(lockedPixels, vscreen->BmpBufPtr1, vscreen->Width * vscreen->Height * sizeof(ColorRgba)); SDL_UnlockTexture(vScreenTex); } void render::PresentVScreen() { BlitVScreen(); if (offset_x == 0 && offset_y == 0) { SDL_RenderCopy(winmain::Renderer, vScreenTex, nullptr, &DestinationRect); } else { int32_t srcSeparationX = static_cast(vscreen->Width * 0.625f); SDL_Rect srcBoardRect = SDL_Rect { 0, 0, srcSeparationX, vscreen->Height }; SDL_Rect srcSidebarRect = SDL_Rect { srcSeparationX, 0, vscreen->Width - srcSeparationX, vscreen->Height }; int32_t dstSeparationX = static_cast(DestinationRect.w * 0.625f); SDL_Rect dstBoardRect = SDL_Rect { DestinationRect.x + static_cast(offset_x * fullscrn::ScaleX), DestinationRect.y + static_cast(offset_y * fullscrn::ScaleY), dstSeparationX, DestinationRect.h }; SDL_Rect dstSidebarRect = SDL_Rect { DestinationRect.x + dstSeparationX, DestinationRect.y, DestinationRect.w - dstSeparationX, DestinationRect.h }; SDL_RenderCopy(winmain::Renderer, vScreenTex, &srcBoardRect, &dstBoardRect); SDL_RenderCopy(winmain::Renderer, vScreenTex, &srcSidebarRect, &dstSidebarRect); } }