#include "pch.h" #include "gdrv.h" #include "fullscrn.h" #include "memory.h" #include "options.h" #include "pinball.h" #include "winmain.h" HPALETTE gdrv::palette_handle = nullptr; HINSTANCE gdrv::hinst; HWND gdrv::hwnd; int gdrv::sequence_handle; HDC gdrv::sequence_hdc; int gdrv::use_wing = 0; int gdrv::grtext_blue = 0; int gdrv::grtext_green = 0; int gdrv::grtext_red = -1; int gdrv::init(HINSTANCE hInst, HWND hWnd) { LOGPALETTEx256 current_palette{}; hinst = hInst; hwnd = hWnd; if (!palette_handle) palette_handle = CreatePalette(¤t_palette); return 0; } int gdrv::uninit() { if (palette_handle) DeleteObject(palette_handle); return 0; } void gdrv::get_focus() { } BITMAPINFO* gdrv::DibCreate(int16_t bpp, int width, int height) { auto sizeBytes = height * (width * bpp / 8 + 3 & (~3)); auto dib = memory::allocate<BITMAPINFO>(1, (256 - 1) * sizeof(RGBQUAD) + sizeBytes); if (!dib) return nullptr; dib->bmiHeader.biSizeImage = sizeBytes; dib->bmiHeader.biWidth = width; dib->bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); dib->bmiHeader.biHeight = height; dib->bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1; dib->bmiHeader.biBitCount = bpp; dib->bmiHeader.biCompression = 0; dib->bmiHeader.biXPelsPerMeter = 0; dib->bmiHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = 0; dib->bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 0; dib->bmiHeader.biClrImportant = 0; if (bpp == 4) { dib->bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 16; } else if (bpp == 8) { dib->bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 256; } uint32_t paletteColors[] { 0, 0x800000, 0x8000, 8421376, 128, 8388736, 32896, 12632256, 8421504, 16711680, 65280, 16776960, 255, 16711935, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFFFF, }; for (auto index = 0u; index < dib->bmiHeader.biClrUsed; index += 16) { memcpy(&dib->bmiColors[index], paletteColors, sizeof paletteColors); } return dib; } void gdrv::DibSetUsage(BITMAPINFO* dib, HPALETTE hpal, int someFlag) { tagPALETTEENTRY pPalEntries[256]; if (!hpal) hpal = static_cast<HPALETTE>(GetStockObject(DEFAULT_PALETTE)); if (!dib) return; int numOfColors = dib->bmiHeader.biClrUsed; if (!numOfColors) { auto bpp = dib->bmiHeader.biBitCount; if (bpp <= 8u) numOfColors = 1 << bpp; } if (numOfColors > 0 && (dib->bmiHeader.biCompression != 3 || numOfColors == 3)) { if (someFlag && someFlag <= 2) { auto pltPtr = reinterpret_cast<short*>(dib->bmiColors); for (auto i = 0; i < numOfColors; ++i) { *pltPtr++ = i; } } else { if (numOfColors >= 256) numOfColors = 256; GetPaletteEntries(hpal, 0, numOfColors, pPalEntries); for (auto index = 0; index < numOfColors; index++) { dib->bmiColors[index].rgbRed = pPalEntries[index].peRed; dib->bmiColors[index].rgbGreen = pPalEntries[index].peGreen; dib->bmiColors[index].rgbBlue = pPalEntries[index].peBlue; dib->bmiColors[index].rgbReserved = 0; } } } } int gdrv::create_bitmap_dib(gdrv_bitmap8* bmp, int width, int height) { char* bmpBufPtr; auto dib = DibCreate(8, width, height); DibSetUsage(dib, palette_handle, 1); bmp->Dib = dib; bmp->Width = width; bmp->Stride = width; if (width % 4) bmp->Stride = 4 - width % 4 + width; bmp->Height = height; bmp->BitmapType = BitmapType::DibBitmap; if (dib->bmiHeader.biCompression == 3) bmpBufPtr = (char*)&dib->bmiHeader.biPlanes + dib->bmiHeader.biSize; else bmpBufPtr = reinterpret_cast<char*>(&dib->bmiColors[dib->bmiHeader.biClrUsed]); bmp->BmpBufPtr1 = bmpBufPtr; bmp->BmpBufPtr2 = bmpBufPtr; return 0; } int gdrv::create_bitmap(gdrv_bitmap8* bmp, int width, int height) { return create_bitmap_dib(bmp, width, height); } int gdrv::create_raw_bitmap(gdrv_bitmap8* bmp, int width, int height, int flag) { bmp->Dib = nullptr; bmp->Width = width; bmp->Stride = width; if (flag && width % 4) bmp->Stride = width - width % 4 + 4; unsigned int sizeInBytes = height * bmp->Stride; bmp->Height = height; bmp->BitmapType = BitmapType::RawBitmap; char* buf = memory::allocate(sizeInBytes); bmp->BmpBufPtr1 = buf; if (!buf) return -1; bmp->BmpBufPtr2 = buf; return 0; } int gdrv::create_spliced_bitmap(gdrv_bitmap8* bmp, int width, int height, int size) { bmp->Dib = nullptr; bmp->Width = width; bmp->Stride = width; bmp->BitmapType = BitmapType::Spliced; bmp->Height = height; char* buf = memory::allocate(size); bmp->BmpBufPtr1 = buf; if (!buf) return -1; bmp->BmpBufPtr2 = bmp->BmpBufPtr1; return 0; } int gdrv::display_palette(PALETTEENTRY* plt) { LOGPALETTEx256 current_palette{}; if (palette_handle) DeleteObject(palette_handle); palette_handle = CreatePalette(¤t_palette); auto windowHandle = GetDesktopWindow(); auto dc = winmain::_GetDC(windowHandle); SetSystemPaletteUse(dc, 2u); SetSystemPaletteUse(dc, 1u); auto originalPalette = SelectPalette(dc, palette_handle, 0); RealizePalette(dc); SelectPalette(dc, originalPalette, 0); GetSystemPaletteEntries(dc, 0, 256, current_palette.palPalEntry); for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { current_palette.palPalEntry[i].peFlags = 0; } auto pltSrc = &plt[10]; auto pltDst = ¤t_palette.palPalEntry[10]; for (int index = 236; index > 0; --index) { if (plt) { pltDst->peRed = pltSrc->peBlue; pltDst->peGreen = pltSrc->peGreen; pltDst->peBlue = pltSrc->peRed; } pltDst->peFlags = 4; pltSrc++; pltDst++; } if (!(GetDeviceCaps(dc, RASTERCAPS) & RC_PALETTE)) { current_palette.palPalEntry[255].peBlue = -1; current_palette.palPalEntry[255].peGreen = -1; current_palette.palPalEntry[255].peRed = -1; } ResizePalette(palette_handle, 256); SetPaletteEntries(palette_handle, 0, 256, current_palette.palPalEntry); windowHandle = GetDesktopWindow(); ReleaseDC(windowHandle, dc); return 0; } int gdrv::destroy_bitmap(gdrv_bitmap8* bmp) { if (!bmp) return -1; if (bmp->BitmapType == BitmapType::RawBitmap || bmp->BitmapType == BitmapType::Spliced) { memory::free(bmp->BmpBufPtr1); } else if (bmp->BitmapType == BitmapType::DibBitmap) { memory::free(bmp->Dib); } memset(bmp, 0, sizeof(gdrv_bitmap8)); return 0; } void gdrv::start_blit_sequence() { HDC dc = winmain::_GetDC(hwnd); sequence_handle = 0; sequence_hdc = dc; SelectPalette(dc, palette_handle, 0); RealizePalette(sequence_hdc); SetStretchBltMode(dc, stretchMode); } void gdrv::blit_sequence(gdrv_bitmap8* bmp, int xSrc, int ySrcOff, int xDest, int yDest, int DestWidth, int DestHeight) { if (!use_wing) StretchDIBitsScaled( sequence_hdc, xDest, yDest, DestWidth, DestHeight, xSrc, bmp->Height - ySrcOff - DestHeight, DestWidth, DestHeight, bmp, DIB_PAL_COLORS, SRCCOPY ); } void gdrv::end_blit_sequence() { ReleaseDC(hwnd, sequence_hdc); } void gdrv::blit(gdrv_bitmap8* bmp, int xSrc, int ySrc, int xDest, int yDest, int DestWidth, int DestHeight) { HDC dc = winmain::_GetDC(hwnd); SetStretchBltMode(dc, stretchMode); if (dc) { SelectPalette(dc, palette_handle, 0); RealizePalette(dc); if (!use_wing) StretchDIBitsScaled( dc, xDest, yDest, DestWidth, DestHeight, xSrc, bmp->Height - ySrc - DestHeight, DestWidth, DestHeight, bmp, DIB_PAL_COLORS, SRCCOPY ); ReleaseDC(hwnd, dc); } } void gdrv::blat(gdrv_bitmap8* bmp, int xDest, int yDest) { HDC dc = winmain::_GetDC(hwnd); // Black background for uniform scaling if (fullscrn::OffsetX > 0 || fullscrn::OffsetY > 0) { const auto rop = BLACKNESS; RECT client{}; GetClientRect(hwnd, &client); if (fullscrn::OffsetX > 0) { BitBlt(dc, 0, 0, min(fullscrn::OffsetX + 2, client.right), client.bottom, dc, 0, 0, rop); BitBlt(dc, max(client.right - fullscrn::OffsetX - 2, 0), 0, client.right, client.bottom, dc, 0, 0, rop); } else { BitBlt(dc, 0, 0, client.right, min(fullscrn::OffsetY + 2, client.bottom), dc, 0, 0, rop); BitBlt(dc, 0, max(client.bottom - fullscrn::OffsetY - 2, 0), client.right, client.bottom, dc, 0, 0, rop); } } SelectPalette(dc, palette_handle, 0); RealizePalette(dc); SetStretchBltMode(dc, stretchMode); if (!use_wing) StretchDIBitsScaled( dc, xDest, yDest, bmp->Width, bmp->Height, 0, 0, bmp->Width, bmp->Height, bmp, DIB_PAL_COLORS, SRCCOPY ); ReleaseDC(hwnd, dc); } void gdrv::fill_bitmap(gdrv_bitmap8* bmp, int width, int height, int xOff, int yOff, char fillChar) { int bmpHeight = bmp->Height; if (bmpHeight < 0) bmpHeight = -bmpHeight; char* bmpPtr = &bmp->BmpBufPtr1[bmp->Width * (bmpHeight - height - yOff) + xOff]; for (; height > 0; --height) { if (width > 0) memset(bmpPtr, fillChar, width); bmpPtr += bmp->Stride; } } void gdrv::copy_bitmap(gdrv_bitmap8* dstBmp, int width, int height, int xOff, int yOff, gdrv_bitmap8* srcBmp, int srcXOff, int srcYOff) { int dstHeight = abs(dstBmp->Height); int srcHeight = abs(srcBmp->Height); char* srcPtr = &srcBmp->BmpBufPtr1[srcBmp->Stride * (srcHeight - height - srcYOff) + srcXOff]; char* dstPtr = &dstBmp->BmpBufPtr1[dstBmp->Stride * (dstHeight - height - yOff) + xOff]; for (int y = height; y > 0; --y) { for (int x = width; x > 0; --x) *dstPtr++ = *srcPtr++; srcPtr += srcBmp->Stride - width; dstPtr += dstBmp->Stride - width; } } void gdrv::copy_bitmap_w_transparency(gdrv_bitmap8* dstBmp, int width, int height, int xOff, int yOff, gdrv_bitmap8* srcBmp, int srcXOff, int srcYOff) { int dstHeight = abs(dstBmp->Height); int srcHeight = abs(srcBmp->Height); char* srcPtr = &srcBmp->BmpBufPtr1[srcBmp->Stride * (srcHeight - height - srcYOff) + srcXOff]; char* dstPtr = &dstBmp->BmpBufPtr1[dstBmp->Stride * (dstHeight - height - yOff) + xOff]; for (int y = height; y > 0; --y) { for (int x = width; x > 0; --x) { if (*srcPtr) *dstPtr = *srcPtr; ++srcPtr; ++dstPtr; } srcPtr += srcBmp->Stride - width; dstPtr += dstBmp->Stride - width; } } void gdrv::ScrollBitmapHorizontal(gdrv_bitmap8* bmp, int xStart) { auto srcPtr = bmp->BmpBufPtr1; auto startOffset = xStart >= 0 ? 0 : -xStart; auto endOffset = xStart >= 0 ? xStart : 0; auto length = bmp->Width - std::abs(xStart); for (int y = bmp->Height; y > 0; --y) { std::memmove(srcPtr + endOffset, srcPtr + startOffset, length); srcPtr += bmp->Stride; } } void gdrv::grtext_draw_ttext_in_box(LPCWSTR text, int xOff, int yOff, int width, int height) { // Original font was 16 points, used with lowest table resolution static const int fontSizes[3] = { 16, 22, 28 }; xOff = static_cast<int>(xOff * fullscrn::ScaleX) + fullscrn::OffsetX; yOff = static_cast<int>(yOff * fullscrn::ScaleY) + fullscrn::OffsetY; width = static_cast<int>(width * fullscrn::ScaleX); height = static_cast<int>(height * fullscrn::ScaleY); auto fontSize = static_cast<int>(round(fontSizes[fullscrn::GetResolution()] * fullscrn::ScaleY)); HDC dc = GetDC(hwnd); tagRECT rc{}; rc.left = xOff; rc.right = width + xOff; rc.top = yOff; rc.bottom = height + yOff; if (grtext_red < 0) { grtext_blue = 255; grtext_green = 255; grtext_red = 255; const char* fontColor = pinball::get_rc_string(189, 0); if (fontColor) sscanf_s(fontColor, "%d %d %d", &grtext_red, &grtext_green, &grtext_blue); } const char* font; switch (options::Options.Language) { case Languages::TraditionalChinese: font = "Microsoft JhengHei"; break; case Languages::SimplifiedChinese: font = "Microsoft YaHei"; break; case Languages::Japanese: font = "MS UI Gothic"; break; case Languages::Korean: font = "Gulim"; break; default: font = "Arial"; } // Default font does not scale well auto hNewFont = CreateFont(fontSize, 0, 0, 0, FW_DONTCARE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, DEFAULT_CHARSET, OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS, CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS, DEFAULT_QUALITY, DEFAULT_PITCH | FF_SWISS, font); HFONT hOldFont = static_cast<HFONT>(SelectObject(dc, hNewFont)); int prevMode = SetBkMode(dc, TRANSPARENT); COLORREF color = SetTextColor(dc, grtext_red | grtext_green << 8 | grtext_blue << 16); DrawTextW(dc, text, lstrlenW(text), &rc, DT_NOPREFIX | DT_WORDBREAK); SelectObject(dc, hOldFont); DeleteObject(hNewFont); SetBkMode(dc, prevMode); SetTextColor(dc, color); ReleaseDC(hwnd, dc); } int gdrv::StretchDIBitsScaled(HDC hdc, int xDest, int yDest, int DestWidth, int DestHeight, int xSrc, int ySrc, int SrcWidth, int SrcHeight, gdrv_bitmap8* bmp, UINT iUsage, DWORD rop) { /*Scaled partial updates may leave 1px border artifacts around update area. * Pad update area to compensate.*/ const int pad = 1, padX2 = pad * 2; if (fullscrn::ScaleX > 1 && xSrc > pad && xSrc + pad < bmp->Width) { xSrc -= pad; xDest -= pad; SrcWidth += padX2; DestWidth += padX2; } if (fullscrn::ScaleY > 1 && ySrc > pad && ySrc + pad < bmp->Height) { ySrc -= pad; yDest -= pad; SrcHeight += padX2; DestHeight += padX2; } return StretchDIBits( hdc, static_cast<int>(round(xDest * fullscrn::ScaleX + fullscrn::OffsetX)), static_cast<int>(round(yDest * fullscrn::ScaleY + fullscrn::OffsetY)), static_cast<int>(round(DestWidth * fullscrn::ScaleX)), static_cast<int>(round(DestHeight * fullscrn::ScaleY)), xSrc, ySrc, SrcWidth, SrcHeight, bmp->BmpBufPtr1, bmp->Dib, iUsage, rop); }