+-----------------------------------------------------+ | 3D Pinball for Windows ("PARTOUT") .DAT file format | | AdrienTD | +-----------------------------------------------------+ //-- Header --// +0x00: File signature BYTE*21 +0x15: App name BYTE*50 +0x47: Description BYTE*100 +0xAB: File size DWORD +0xAF: Number of files/groups WORD +0xB1: Size of body DWORD +0xB5: Unknown (0) WORD In 3D Pinball, the file signature is "PARTOUT(4.0)RESOURCE". The rest is filled with 0. //-- Body --// The body is constitued of groups. Every group begins with a byte that tells how many entries are in the group. Every entry begins with a byte that specifies the type of the entry. A DWORD that tells the size of the coming data follows the byte. Then there's some data for the entry. However, if the type is 0, the type byte is followed by a short value, and that's all. Existing types: Type Meaning/comments --------------------------------------------------- 0 ?, does not have the 32bits size value, but a 16bits value (see above). 1 8 bpp bitmap 3 Group name 5 Palette (1 color is 1 DWORD, only present 1 time in PINBALL.DAT with a data size of 1024 bytes for 256 colors. Some colors are 0 because their indexes are reserved by Windows.) 9 String (content) 10 Array of 16bits integer values 11 Array of 32bits floating point values (collision box, ...) 12 16 bpp bitmap (Heightmap?) //-- 8bpp bitmap data header --// +0: Unknown (0) BYTE +1: Width WORD +3: Height WORD +5: X position WORD +7 Y position WORD +9: Size of bitmap DWORD +13: Unknown (1) BYTE +14: Bitmap data BYTE*(DWORD@+9) //-- 16bpp bitmap data header --// +0: Width WORD +2: Height WORD +4: Pitch/2 WORD +6: Unknown (0) DWORD +10: Unknown (0) WORD +12: Unknown (80) WORD +14: Bitmap data BYTE*(DWORD@+9) //-- Pinball 3D remarkable groups --// -- table_size Entry type 10 contains 2 16-bit integers: first is width, second is height. -- table_objects In entry type 10, the first integer is unknown, but then comes a series of 16-bits integer pairs. Every pair represents an object of the table. The first integer is the type of object, and the second is the number of a group/resource in this data file. Types of object (3D Pinball Space Cadet for Windows): 1000: ? 1001: Plunger 1002: Light (lite###) 1003: Left flipper 1004: Right flipper 1005: Bumper 1006: Yellow target 1007: Drain (no bmp) 1010: ? (no bmp) 1011: Bloc (dot between the flippers) 1012: kout (no bmp) (?) 1013: Gate 1014: Kicker 1015: Roll 1016: One way (no bmp) (?) 1017: Sink (no bmp) (?) 1018: Flag 1019: Red target 1020: Roll (the green circle that makes a weird sound when rolling on it) 1021: Ramp (no bmp) 1022: Ramp hole (no bmp) 1023: Demo (no bmp) 1024: Trip (no bmp) 1026: Lights (no bmp, list?) 1028: Bumpers list (one for attack, one for launch) 1029: kout (no bmp) (?, similar to 1012?) 1030: Fuel bargraph (list?) 1031: Sound 1033: Text box (score, ball counter, player number) //-- Information --// There's an article of the format at http://rewiki.regengedanken.de/. I haven't read it completely, but some informations helped me a bit. Another thing: There's nearly nothing about hacking the game on the web (even though the Space Cadet game bundled with Windows is very popular). What I've only seen when doing a (Google) web search is the 'hidden test' cheat code. [as of 2017 or even less] //-- Contact --// Any questions? Contact me at [see my GitHub profile @AdrienTD for contacts] . AdrienTD :)