#include "pch.h" #include "TLine.h" #include "TTableLayer.h" TLine::TLine(TCollisionComponent* collCmp, char* activeFlag, unsigned int collisionGroup, float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1): TEdgeSegment(collCmp, activeFlag, collisionGroup) { X0 = x0; Y0 = y0; X1 = x1; Y1 = y1; maths::line_init(Line, x0, y0, x1, y1); } TLine::TLine(TCollisionComponent* collCmp, char* activeFlag, unsigned int collisionGroup, const vector2& start, const vector2& end) : TEdgeSegment(collCmp, activeFlag, collisionGroup) { X0 = start.X; Y0 = start.Y; X1 = end.X; Y1 = end.Y; maths::line_init(Line, X0, Y0, X1, Y1); } void TLine::Offset(float offset) { float offX = offset * Line.PerpendicularC.X; float offY = offset * Line.PerpendicularC.Y; X0 += offX; Y0 += offY; X1 += offX; Y1 += offY; maths::line_init(Line, X0, Y0, X1, Y1); } float TLine::FindCollisionDistance(ray_type* ray) { return maths::ray_intersect_line(*ray, Line); } void TLine::EdgeCollision(TBall* ball, float distance) { CollisionComponent->Collision( ball, &Line.RayIntersect, &Line.PerpendicularC, distance, this); } void TLine::place_in_grid() { auto edgeMan = TTableLayer::edge_manager; auto xBox0 = edgeMan->box_x(X0); auto yBox0 = edgeMan->box_y(Y0); auto xBox1 = edgeMan->box_x(X1); auto yBox1 = edgeMan->box_y(Y1); int dirX = X0 >= X1 ? -1 : 1; int dirY = Y0 >= Y1 ? -1 : 1; if (yBox0 == yBox1) { if (dirX == 1) { while (xBox0 <= xBox1) edgeMan->add_edge_to_box(xBox0++, yBox0, this); } else { while (xBox0 >= xBox1) edgeMan->add_edge_to_box(xBox0--, yBox0, this); } } else if (xBox0 == xBox1) { if (dirY == 1) { while (yBox0 <= yBox1) edgeMan->add_edge_to_box(xBox0, yBox0++, this); } else { while (yBox0 >= yBox1) edgeMan->add_edge_to_box(xBox0, yBox0--, this); } } else { edgeMan->add_edge_to_box(xBox0, yBox0, this); // Bresenham line formula: y = dYdX * (x - x0) + y0; dYdX = (y0 - y1) / (x0 - x1) auto dyDx = (Y0 - Y1) / (X0 - X1); // Precompute constant part: dYdX * (-x0) + y0 auto precomp = -X0 * dyDx + Y0; // X and Y indexes are offset by one when going forwards, not sure why auto xBias = dirX == 1 ? 1 : 0, yBias = dirY == 1 ? 1 : 0; for (auto indexX = xBox0, indexY = yBox0; indexX != xBox1 || indexY != yBox1;) { // Calculate y from indexY and from line formula auto yDiscrete = (indexY + yBias) * edgeMan->AdvanceY + edgeMan->Y; auto ylinear = ((indexX + xBias) * edgeMan->AdvanceX + edgeMan->X) * dyDx + precomp; if (dirY == 1 ? ylinear >= yDiscrete : ylinear <= yDiscrete) { // Advance indexY when discrete value is ahead/behind // Advance indexX when discrete value matches linear value indexY += dirY; if (ylinear == yDiscrete) indexX += dirX; } else { // Advance indexX otherwise indexX += dirX; } edgeMan->add_edge_to_box(indexX, indexY, this); } } }