mirror of
synced 2025-03-18 02:41:41 +01:00
496 lines
13 KiB
496 lines
13 KiB
#include "pch.h"
#include "loader.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include "partman.h"
#include "pb.h"
#include "pinball.h"
#include "Sound.h"
#include "zdrv.h"
errorMsg loader::loader_errors[] =
errorMsg{0, "Bad Handle"},
errorMsg{1, "No Type Field"},
errorMsg{2, "No Attributes Field"},
errorMsg{0x0B, "No float Attributes Field"},
errorMsg{3, "Wrong Type: MATERIAL Expected"},
errorMsg{4, "Wrong Type: KICKER Expected"},
errorMsg{5, "Wrong Type: AN_OBJECT Expected"},
errorMsg{6, "Wrong Type: A_STATE Expected"},
errorMsg{7, "STATES (re)defined in a state"},
errorMsg{9, "Unrecognized Attribute"},
errorMsg{0x0A, "Unrecognized float Attribute"},
errorMsg{0x0D, "float Attribute not found"},
errorMsg{0x0C, "state_index out of range"},
errorMsg{0x0F, "loader_material() reports failure"},
errorMsg{0x0E, "loader_kicker() reports failure"},
errorMsg{0x10, "loader_state_id() reports failure"},
errorMsg{0x8, "# walls doesn't match data size"},
errorMsg{0x11, "loader_query_visual_states()"},
errorMsg{0x12, "loader_query_visual()"},
errorMsg{0x15, "loader_material()"},
errorMsg{0x14, "loader_kicker()"},
errorMsg{0x16, "loader_query_attribute()"},
errorMsg{0x17, "loader_query_iattribute()"},
errorMsg{0x13, "loader_query_name()"},
errorMsg{0x18, "loader_state_id()"},
errorMsg{0x19, "loader_get_sound_id()"},
errorMsg{0x1A, "sound reference is not A_SOUND record"},
errorMsg{-1, "Unknown"},
int loader::sound_count = 1;
int loader::loader_sound_count;
datFileStruct* loader::loader_table;
datFileStruct* loader::sound_record_table;
soundListStruct loader::sound_list[65];
int loader::error(int errorCode, int captionCode)
auto curCode = loader_errors;
const char *errorText = nullptr, *errorCaption = nullptr;
auto index = 0;
while (curCode->Code >= 0)
if (errorCode == curCode->Code)
errorText = curCode->Message;
if (captionCode == curCode->Code)
errorCaption = curCode->Message;
if (!errorText)
errorText = loader_errors[index].Message;
MessageBoxA(nullptr, errorText, errorCaption, 0x2000u);
return -1;
void loader::default_vsi(visualStruct* visual)
visual->CollisionGroup = 0;
visual->Kicker.Threshold = 8.9999999e10f;
visual->Kicker.HardHitSoundId = 0;
visual->Smoothness = 0.94999999f;
visual->Elasticity = 0.60000002f;
visual->FloatArrCount = 0;
visual->SoftHitSoundId = 0;
visual->Bitmap = nullptr;
visual->ZMap = nullptr;
visual->SoundIndex3 = 0;
visual->SoundIndex4 = 0;
void loader::loadfrom(datFileStruct* datFile)
loader_table = datFile;
sound_record_table = loader_table;
for (auto groupIndex = 0; groupIndex < datFile->NumberOfGroups; ++groupIndex)
auto value = reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(partman::field(datFile, groupIndex, datFieldTypes::ShortValue));
if (value && *value == 202)
if (sound_count < 65)
sound_list[sound_count].WavePtr = nullptr;
sound_list[sound_count].GroupIndex = groupIndex;
loader_sound_count = sound_count;
void loader::unload()
int index;
for (index = 1; index < sound_count; ++index)
if (sound_list[index].PtrToSmth)
sound_count = 1;
int loader::get_sound_id(int groupIndex)
int16_t soundIndex = 1;
if (sound_count <= 1)
error(25, 26);
return -1;
while (sound_list[soundIndex].GroupIndex != groupIndex)
if (soundIndex >= sound_count)
error(25, 26);
return -1;
if (!sound_list[soundIndex].Loaded && !sound_list[soundIndex].WavePtr)
WaveHeader wavHeader{};
int soundGroupId = sound_list[soundIndex].GroupIndex;
sound_list[soundIndex].Duration = 0.0;
if (soundGroupId > 0 && !pinball::quickFlag)
auto value = reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(partman::field(loader_table, soundGroupId,
if (value && *value == 202)
/*FT sounds are in SOUND subfolder*/
char filePath[300]{}, fileName2[100]{};
auto fileName = partman::field(loader_table, soundGroupId, datFieldTypes::String);
sprintf_s(fileName2, pb::FullTiltMode ? "SOUND\\%s" : "%s", fileName);
pinball::make_path_name(filePath, fileName2);
HFILE hFile = _lopen(filePath, 0);
_lread(hFile, &wavHeader, sizeof wavHeader);
auto sampleCount = wavHeader.data_size / (wavHeader.channels * (wavHeader.bits_per_sample / 8.0));
sound_list[soundIndex].Duration = static_cast<float>(sampleCount / wavHeader.sample_rate);
sound_list[soundIndex].WavePtr = Sound::LoadWaveFile(filePath);
return soundIndex;
int loader::query_handle(LPCSTR lpString)
return partman::record_labeled(loader_table, lpString);
short loader::query_visual_states(int groupIndex)
short result;
if (groupIndex < 0)
return error(0, 17);
auto shortArr = reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(partman::field(loader_table, groupIndex, datFieldTypes::ShortArray));
if (shortArr && *shortArr == 100)
result = shortArr[1];
result = 1;
return result;
char* loader::query_name(int groupIndex)
if (groupIndex < 0)
error(0, 19);
return nullptr;
return partman::field(loader_table, groupIndex, datFieldTypes::GroupName);
int16_t* loader::query_iattribute(int groupIndex, int firstValue, int* arraySize)
if (groupIndex < 0)
error(0, 22);
return nullptr;
for (auto skipIndex = 0;; ++skipIndex)
auto shortArr = reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(partman::field_nth(loader_table, groupIndex,
datFieldTypes::ShortArray, skipIndex));
if (!shortArr)
if (*shortArr == firstValue)
*arraySize = partman::field_size(loader_table, groupIndex, datFieldTypes::ShortArray) / 2 - 1;
return shortArr + 1;
error(2, 23);
*arraySize = 0;
return nullptr;
float* loader::query_float_attribute(int groupIndex, int groupIndexOffset, int firstValue)
if (groupIndex < 0)
error(0, 22);
return nullptr;
int stateId = state_id(groupIndex, groupIndexOffset);
if (stateId < 0)
error(16, 22);
return nullptr;
for (auto skipIndex = 0;; ++skipIndex)
auto floatArr = reinterpret_cast<float*>(partman::field_nth(loader_table, stateId, datFieldTypes::FloatArray,
if (!floatArr)
if (static_cast<int16_t>(floor(*floatArr)) == firstValue)
return floatArr + 1;
error(13, 22);
return nullptr;
float loader::query_float_attribute(int groupIndex, int groupIndexOffset, int firstValue, float defVal)
if (groupIndex < 0)
error(0, 22);
return NAN;
int stateId = state_id(groupIndex, groupIndexOffset);
if (stateId < 0)
error(16, 22);
return NAN;
for (auto skipIndex = 0;; ++skipIndex)
auto floatArr = reinterpret_cast<float*>(partman::field_nth(loader_table, stateId,
datFieldTypes::FloatArray, skipIndex));
if (!floatArr)
if (static_cast<int16_t>(floor(*floatArr)) == firstValue)
return floatArr[1];
if (!isnan(defVal))
return defVal;
error(13, 22);
return NAN;
int loader::material(int groupIndex, visualStruct* visual)
if (groupIndex < 0)
return error(0, 21);
auto shortArr = reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(partman::field(loader_table, groupIndex, datFieldTypes::ShortValue));
if (!shortArr)
return error(1, 21);
if (*shortArr != 300)
return error(3, 21);
auto floatArr = reinterpret_cast<float*>(partman::field(loader_table, groupIndex, datFieldTypes::FloatArray));
if (!floatArr)
return error(11, 21);
int floatArrLength = partman::field_size(loader_table, groupIndex, datFieldTypes::FloatArray) / 4;
for (auto index = 0; index < floatArrLength; index += 2)
switch (static_cast<int>(floor(floatArr[index])))
case 301:
visual->Smoothness = floatArr[index + 1];
case 302:
visual->Elasticity = floatArr[index + 1];
case 304:
visual->SoftHitSoundId = get_sound_id(static_cast<int>(floor(floatArr[index + 1])));
return error(9, 21);
return 0;
float loader::play_sound(int soundIndex)
if (soundIndex <= 0)
return 0.0;
Sound::PlaySound(sound_list[soundIndex].WavePtr, 0, 7, WMIX_HIPRIORITY | WMIX_CLEARQUEUE, 0);
return sound_list[soundIndex].Duration;
int loader::state_id(int groupIndex, int groupIndexOffset)
auto visualState = query_visual_states(groupIndex);
if (visualState <= 0)
return error(12, 24);
auto shortArr = reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(partman::field(loader_table, groupIndex, datFieldTypes::ShortValue));
if (!shortArr)
return error(1, 24);
if (*shortArr != 200)
return error(5, 24);
if (groupIndexOffset > visualState)
return error(12, 24);
if (!groupIndexOffset)
return groupIndex;
groupIndex += groupIndexOffset;
shortArr = reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(partman::field(loader_table, groupIndex, datFieldTypes::ShortValue));
if (!shortArr)
return error(1, 24);
if (*shortArr != 201)
return error(6, 24);
return groupIndex;
int loader::kicker(int groupIndex, visualKickerStruct* kicker)
if (groupIndex < 0)
return error(0, 20);
auto shortArr = reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(partman::field(loader_table, groupIndex, datFieldTypes::ShortValue));
if (!shortArr)
return error(1, 20);
if (*shortArr != 400)
return error(4, 20);
auto floatArr = reinterpret_cast<float*>(partman::field(loader_table, groupIndex, datFieldTypes::FloatArray));
if (!floatArr)
return error(11, 20);
int floatArrLength = partman::field_size(loader_table, groupIndex, datFieldTypes::FloatArray) / 4;
if (floatArrLength <= 0)
return 0;
for (auto index = 0; index < floatArrLength;)
int floorVal = static_cast<int>(floor(*floatArr++));
switch (floorVal)
case 401:
kicker->Threshold = *floatArr;
case 402:
kicker->Boost = *floatArr;
case 403:
kicker->ThrowBallMult = *floatArr;
case 404:
kicker->ThrowBallAcceleration = *reinterpret_cast<vector_type*>(floatArr);
floatArr += 3;
index += 4;
case 405:
kicker->ThrowBallAngleMult = *floatArr;
case 406:
kicker->HardHitSoundId = get_sound_id(static_cast<int>(floor(*floatArr)));
return error(10, 20);
if (floorVal != 404)
index += 2;
return 0;
int loader::query_visual(int groupIndex, int groupIndexOffset, visualStruct* visual)
if (groupIndex < 0)
return error(0, 18);
auto stateId = state_id(groupIndex, groupIndexOffset);
if (stateId < 0)
return error(16, 18);
visual->Bitmap = reinterpret_cast<gdrv_bitmap8*>(partman::field(loader_table, stateId, datFieldTypes::Bitmap8bit));
visual->ZMap = reinterpret_cast<zmap_header_type*>(partman::field(loader_table, stateId, datFieldTypes::Bitmap16bit)
if (visual->ZMap)
visual->ZMap->ZPtr1 = visual->ZMap->ZBuffer;
visual->ZMap->ZPtr2 = visual->ZMap->ZPtr1;
auto shortArr = reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(partman::field(loader_table, stateId, datFieldTypes::ShortArray));
if (shortArr)
unsigned int shortArrSize = partman::field_size(loader_table, stateId, datFieldTypes::ShortArray);
for (auto index = 0u; index < shortArrSize / 2;)
switch (shortArr[0])
case 100:
if (groupIndexOffset)
return error(7, 18);
case 300:
if (material(shortArr[1], visual))
return error(15, 18);
case 304:
visual->SoftHitSoundId = get_sound_id(shortArr[1]);
case 400:
if (kicker(shortArr[1], &visual->Kicker))
return error(14, 18);
case 406:
visual->Kicker.HardHitSoundId = get_sound_id(shortArr[1]);
case 602:
visual->CollisionGroup |= 1 << shortArr[1];
case 1100:
visual->SoundIndex4 = get_sound_id(shortArr[1]);
case 1101:
visual->SoundIndex3 = get_sound_id(shortArr[1]);
case 1500:
shortArr += 7;
index += 7;
return error(9, 18);
shortArr += 2;
index += 2;
if (!visual->CollisionGroup)
visual->CollisionGroup = 1;
auto floatArr = reinterpret_cast<float*>(partman::field(loader_table, stateId, datFieldTypes::FloatArray));
if (!floatArr)
return 0;
if (*floatArr != 600.0f)
return 0;
visual->FloatArrCount = partman::field_size(loader_table, stateId, datFieldTypes::FloatArray) / 4 / 2 - 2;
auto floatVal = static_cast<int>(floor(floatArr[1]) - 1.0f);
switch (floatVal)
case 0:
visual->FloatArrCount = 1;
case 1:
visual->FloatArrCount = 2;
if (floatVal != visual->FloatArrCount)
return error(8, 18);
visual->FloatArr = floatArr + 2;
return 0;