
758 lines
18 KiB

#include "pch.h"
#include "WaveMix.h"
int WaveMix::initialized_flag;
char WaveMix::FileName[276];
CHANNELNODE* WaveMix::free_channel_nodes;
char WaveMix::volume_table[256 * 11];
int WaveMix::debug_flag;
void (*WaveMix::cmixit_ptr)(unsigned __int8* lpDest, unsigned __int8** rgWaveSrc, volume_struct* volume, int iNumWaves,
unsigned __int16 length);
HMODULE WaveMix::HModule;
PCMWAVEFORMAT WaveMix::gpFormat = {{1u, 1u, 11025u, 11025u, 1u}, 8u};
char WaveMix::string_buffer[256] = "WaveMix V 2.3 by Angel M. Diaz, Jr. (c) Microsoft 1993-1995";
GLOBALS *WaveMix::Globals, *WaveMix::GlobalsActive;
int WaveMix::ShowDebugDialogs;
PLAYQUEUE WaveMix::play_queue;
CHANNELNODE* WaveMix::play_channel_array[MAXCHANNELS];
XWAVEHDR* WaveMix::block_array1[10];
XWAVEHDR* WaveMix::block_array2[10];
unsigned char* WaveMix::play_data[MAXCHANNELS];
volume_struct WaveMix::play_volume[MAXCHANNELS];
HANDLE WaveMix::Init()
return ConfigureInit(nullptr);
HANDLE WaveMix::ConfigureInit(MIXCONFIG* lpConfig)
MIXCONFIG mixConfig{};
memset(&mixConfig, 0, 0x1Cu);
unsigned int copySize = 30;
mixConfig.RegistryKey = nullptr;
mixConfig.wSize = 30;
if (lpConfig)
if (lpConfig->wSize < 30u)
copySize = lpConfig->wSize;
memcpy(&mixConfig, lpConfig, copySize);
if (initialized_flag || Startup(GetModuleHandleA(nullptr)) != 0)
bool showDebugDialogs;
if ((mixConfig.dwFlags & 0x100) != 0)
showDebugDialogs = mixConfig.ShowDebugDialogs != 0;
showDebugDialogs = GetPrivateProfileIntA("general", "ShowDebugDialogs", 0, FileName) != 0;
ShowDebugDialogs = showDebugDialogs;
if (!waveOutGetNumDevs())
if (ShowDebugDialogs)
wsprintfA(string_buffer, "This system does not have a valid wave output device.");
MessageBoxA(nullptr, string_buffer, "WavMix32", 0x40u);
return nullptr;
if (GetPrivateProfileIntA("general", "ShowDevices", 0, FileName))
auto globals = static_cast<GLOBALS*>(LocalAlloc(0x40u, 0x1C0u));
Globals = globals;
if (!globals)
return nullptr;
globals->CmixPtr = cmixit_ptr;
globals->wMagic2 = 21554;
globals->wMagic1 = 21554;
globals->WaveBlockArray = nullptr;
globals->SettingsDialogActiveFlag = 0;
globals->unknown44 = 655370;
memset(globals->aChannel, 0xFFu, sizeof globals->aChannel);
memmove(&globals->PCM, &gpFormat, 0x10u);
if (!ReadConfigSettings(&mixConfig))
Globals->wMagic2 = 0;
Globals->wMagic1 = 0;
Globals = nullptr;
return Globals;
return nullptr;
int WaveMix::CloseSession(HANDLE hMixSession)
return 0;
int WaveMix::OpenChannel(HANDLE hMixSession, int iChannel, unsigned dwFlags)
return 0;
int WaveMix::CloseChannel(HANDLE hMixSession, int iChannel, unsigned dwFlags)
return 0;
int WaveMix::FlushChannel(HANDLE hMixSession, int iChannel, unsigned dwFlags)
int channelId;
int lastChannel;
int remixFlag = 0;
auto globals = SessionToGlobalDataPtr(hMixSession);
Globals = globals;
if (!globals)
return 5;
if ((dwFlags & 1) != 0)
channelId = 0;
lastChannel = 16;
channelId = iChannel;
if (iChannel < 0 || iChannel >= 16)
return 11;
if (globals->aChannel[iChannel] == reinterpret_cast<CHANNELNODE*>(-1))
return 5;
lastChannel = iChannel + 1;
if (iChannel >= lastChannel)
return 0;
for (auto index = channelId; index < lastChannel; index++)
auto curChannel = globals->aChannel[index];
if (curChannel != reinterpret_cast<CHANNELNODE*>(-1))
globals->aChannel[index] = nullptr;
remixFlag |= curChannel != nullptr;
while (curChannel)
auto tmp = curChannel->next;
curChannel = tmp;
if (remixFlag && (dwFlags & 2) == 0 && globals->fActive)
globals->pfnRemix(MyWaveOutGetPosition(globals->hWaveOut, globals->fGoodGetPos), nullptr);
return 0;
MIXWAVE* WaveMix::OpenWave(HANDLE hMixSession, LPCSTR szWaveFilename, HINSTANCE hInst, unsigned dwFlags)
return new MIXWAVE{};
int WaveMix::FreeWave(HANDLE hMixSession, MIXWAVE* lpMixWave)
return 0;
int WaveMix::Activate(HANDLE hMixSession, bool fActivate)
return 0;
void WaveMix::Pump()
int WaveMix::Play(MIXPLAYPARAMS* lpMixPlayParams)
return 0;
GLOBALS* WaveMix::SessionToGlobalDataPtr(HANDLE hMixSession)
auto globals = static_cast<GLOBALS*>(hMixSession);
if (hMixSession && globals->wMagic1 == 21554 && globals->wMagic2 == 21554)
return globals;
wsprintfA(string_buffer, "Invalid session handle 0x%04X passed to WaveMix API", hMixSession);
MessageBoxA(nullptr, string_buffer, "WavMix32", 0x30u);
return nullptr;
int WaveMix::Startup(HMODULE hModule)
if (initialized_flag)
return 1;
if (!SetIniFileName(hModule))
return 0;
debug_flag = GetPrivateProfileIntA("general", "debug", 0, FileName);
cmixit_ptr = cmixit;
HModule = hModule;
WndClass.hCursor = LoadCursorA(nullptr, IDC_ARROW);
WndClass.hIcon = nullptr;
WndClass.lpszMenuName = nullptr;
WndClass.lpszClassName = "WavMix32";
WndClass.hbrBackground = static_cast<HBRUSH>(GetStockObject(1));
WndClass.hInstance = HModule; = 0;
WndClass.lpfnWndProc = WndProc;
WndClass.cbWndExtra = 0;
WndClass.cbClsExtra = 0;
if (!RegisterClassA(&WndClass))
return 0;
initialized_flag = 1;
return 1;
int WaveMix::SetIniFileName(HMODULE hModule)
int result = GetModuleFileNameA(hModule, FileName, 0x104u);
if (result)
char* i;
for (i = &FileName[result]; *i != '\\'; --i)
*i = 0;
lstrcpyA(i, "\\WAVEMIX.INF");
result = 1;
return result;
void WaveMix::InitChannelNodes()
CHANNELNODE* channelPtr = channel_nodes;
channelPtr->next = channelPtr + 1;
while (channelPtr < &channel_nodes[MAXQUEUEDWAVES - 2]);
channel_nodes[MAXQUEUEDWAVES - 1].next = nullptr;
free_channel_nodes = channel_nodes;
void WaveMix::InitVolumeTable()
int index2 = 0;
int index3Sub = 0;
char* tablePtr = &volume_table[128];
int index1 = -128;
int divSmth = index3Sub;
tablePtr[index1] = static_cast<char>(divSmth / 10 + 128);
divSmth += index2;
while (index1 < 128);
index3Sub -= 128;
tablePtr += 256;
while (tablePtr <= &volume_table[2688]);
void WaveMix::ShowWaveOutDevices()
auto deviceCount = waveOutGetNumDevs();
if (deviceCount)
wsprintfA(string_buffer, "%d waveOut Devices have been detected on your system.", deviceCount);
MessageBoxA(nullptr, string_buffer, "WavMix32", 0x40u);
for (auto uDeviceID = 0u; uDeviceID < deviceCount; ++uDeviceID)
if (!waveOutGetDevCapsA(uDeviceID, &pwoc, 0x34u) && RemoveInvalidIniNameCharacters(pwoc.szPname))
"Device %i: %s\n\tVersion %u.%u",
wsprintfA(string_buffer, "waveOutGetDevCaps failed (err %u) for device %d", 1, uDeviceID);
MessageBoxA(nullptr, string_buffer, "WavMix32", 0x40u);
int WaveMix::RemoveInvalidIniNameCharacters(char* lpString)
auto stringPtr = lpString;
if (!lpString || !*lpString)
return 0;
if (!isalnum(*stringPtr) && !isspace(*stringPtr))
while (*stringPtr);
*stringPtr-- = 0;
while (stringPtr >= lpString && isspace(*stringPtr));
return lstrlenA(lpString);
int WaveMix::ReadConfigSettings(MIXCONFIG* lpConfig)
auto waveDeviceCount = waveOutGetNumDevs();
if (!waveDeviceCount)
return 0;
if ((lpConfig->dwFlags & 0x400) != 0 && ReadRegistryForAppSpecificConfigs(lpConfig))
Configure(Globals, nullptr, lpConfig, nullptr, 0);
return 1;
return 1;
int WaveMix::ReadRegistryForAppSpecificConfigs(MIXCONFIG* lpConfig)
HKEY phkResult;
CHAR SubKey[52];
DWORD dwFlags = lpConfig->dwFlags;
if ((dwFlags & 0x400) == 0 || !lpConfig->RegistryKey)
return 0;
if ((dwFlags & 0x80u) == 0)
lpConfig->wDeviceID = Globals->wDeviceID;
else if (lpConfig->wDeviceID >= waveOutGetNumDevs())
lpConfig->wDeviceID = 0;
wsprintfA(SubKey, "WaveMix\\Device%u", lpConfig->wDeviceID);
if (RegOpenKeyA(lpConfig->RegistryKey, SubKey, &phkResult))
return 0;
if ((dwFlags & 1) == 0)
lpConfig->wChannels = ReadRegistryInt(phkResult, "Channels", 1);
if ((dwFlags & 2) == 0)
lpConfig->wSamplingRate = ReadRegistryInt(phkResult, "SamplesPerSec", 11);
if ((dwFlags & 4) == 0)
lpConfig->WaveBlockCount = static_cast<short>(ReadRegistryInt(phkResult, "WaveBlocks", 3));
if ((dwFlags & 8) == 0)
lpConfig->WaveBlockLen = static_cast<short>(ReadRegistryInt(phkResult, "WaveBlockLen", 0));
lpConfig->CmixPtrDefaultFlag = 1;
if ((dwFlags & 0x20) == 0)
lpConfig->ResetMixDefaultFlag = static_cast<unsigned __int16>(ReadRegistryInt(phkResult, "Remix", 1)) != 2;
if ((dwFlags & 0x40) == 0)
int defaultGoodWavePos = DefaultGoodWavePos(lpConfig->wDeviceID);
lpConfig->GoodWavePos = static_cast<unsigned __int16>(ReadRegistryInt(
phkResult, "GoodWavePos", defaultGoodWavePos)) != 0;
if ((dwFlags & 0x100) == 0)
lpConfig->ShowDebugDialogs = static_cast<short>(ReadRegistryInt(phkResult, "ShowDebugDialogs", 0));
if ((dwFlags & 0x200) == 0)
int defaultPauseBlocks = DefaultPauseBlocks(static_cast<unsigned __int16>(lpConfig->WaveBlockCount));
lpConfig->PauseBlocks = static_cast<short>(ReadRegistryInt(phkResult, "PauseBlocks", defaultPauseBlocks));
lpConfig->dwFlags = 1023;
waveOutGetDevCapsA(lpConfig->wDeviceID, &Globals->WaveoutCaps, 0x34u);
return 1;
int WaveMix::ReadRegistryInt(HKEY hKey, LPCSTR lpSubKey, int defaultValue)
int result;
LONG cbData = 10;
char Data[12];
if (!hKey || RegQueryValueA(hKey, lpSubKey, Data, &cbData))
result = defaultValue;
result = atol(Data);
return result;
int WaveMix::DefaultGoodWavePos(unsigned uDeviceID)
int result;
struct tagWAVEOUTCAPSA pwoc{};
auto deviceCount = waveOutGetNumDevs();
if (uDeviceID > deviceCount || (uDeviceID & 0x80000000) != 0 ||
!deviceCount || waveOutGetDevCapsA(uDeviceID, &pwoc, 0x34u))
result = 0;
result = LOBYTE(pwoc.dwSupport) >> 5 & 1;
return result;
#pragma warning (disable : 4996)/*Original uses GetVersion*/
int WaveMix::DefaultPauseBlocks(int waveBlocks)
int result;
if (GetVersion() < 0x80000000 || static_cast<unsigned __int8>(GetVersion()) < 4u)
result = waveBlocks;
result = 0;
return result;
#pragma warning (default : 4996)
int WaveMix::Configure(GLOBALS* hMixSession, HWND hWndParent, MIXCONFIG* lpConfig, int* flag1Ptr, int saveConfigFlag)
MIXCONFIG mixConfigLocal;
auto hMixSession2 = hMixSession;
auto mixConfig = lpConfig;
auto hMixSession3 = hMixSession;
auto flag1Ptr_2 = flag1Ptr;
auto someFlag1 = 0;
auto globals1 = SessionToGlobalDataPtr(hMixSession);
Globals = globals1;
if (!globals1)
return 5;
if (globals1->fActive)
return 4;
if (globals1->SettingsDialogActiveFlag)
return 12;
FlushChannel(hMixSession, -1, 1u);
if (!mixConfig)
mixConfigLocal.wSize = 30;
mixConfigLocal.dwFlags = 1023;
GetConfig(static_cast<GLOBALS*>(hMixSession), &mixConfigLocal);
return 1;
int WaveMix::GetConfig(HANDLE hMixSession, MIXCONFIG* lpConfig)
GLOBALS* globals = SessionToGlobalDataPtr(static_cast<GLOBALS*>(hMixSession));
Globals = globals;
if (!globals)
return 5;
if (!lpConfig)
return 11;
DWORD dwFlags = lpConfig->dwFlags;
if ((dwFlags & 1) != 0)
lpConfig->wChannels = globals->;
if ((dwFlags & 2) != 0)
lpConfig->wSamplingRate = 11 * (globals-> / 0x2B11);
if ((dwFlags & 4) != 0)
lpConfig->WaveBlockCount = globals->WaveBlockCount;
if ((dwFlags & 8) != 0)
lpConfig->WaveBlockLen = globals->WaveBlockLen;
if ((dwFlags & 0x10) != 0)
lpConfig->CmixPtrDefaultFlag = globals->CmixPtr == cmixit;
if ((dwFlags & 0x20) != 0)
lpConfig->ResetMixDefaultFlag = globals->pfnRemix == ResetRemix;
if ((dwFlags & 0x40) != 0)
lpConfig->GoodWavePos = globals->fGoodGetPos;
if ((dwFlags & 0x80u) != 0)
lpConfig->wDeviceID = globals->wDeviceID;
if ((dwFlags & 0x100) != 0)
lpConfig->ShowDebugDialogs = ShowDebugDialogs != 0;
if ((dwFlags & 0x200) != 0)
lpConfig->PauseBlocks = globals->PauseBlocks;
return 0;
unsigned WaveMix::MyWaveOutGetPosition(HWAVEOUT hwo, int fGoodGetPos)
mmtime_tag pmmt{};
if (!fGoodGetPos)
return (timeGetTime() - Globals->dwBaseTime) * Globals-> / 0x3E8 & 0xFFFFFFF8;
pmmt.wType = 4;
waveOutGetPosition(hwo, &pmmt, 0xCu);
return Globals->pfnSampleAdjust(, Globals->dwWaveOutPos);
void WaveMix::FreeChannelNode(CHANNELNODE* channel)
if (channel)
channel->next = free_channel_nodes;
free_channel_nodes = channel;
int WaveMix::ResetRemix(DWORD dwRemixSamplePos, CHANNELNODE* channel)
Globals->dwCurrentSample = dwRemixSamplePos;
while (true)
auto block = GetWaveBlock();
if (!block)
if (!MixerPlay(block, 0))
block->fAvailable = 1;
return 1;
XWAVEHDR* WaveMix::RemoveFromPlayingQueue(XWAVEHDR* lpXWH)
if (!play_queue.first)
return nullptr;
if (lpXWH != play_queue.first)
XWAVEHDR* prev = play_queue.first;
XWAVEHDR* current = play_queue.first->QNext;
while (current)
if (current == lpXWH)
prev = current;
current = current->QNext;
if (!current)
return nullptr;
prev->QNext = current->QNext;
if (current == play_queue.last)
play_queue.last = prev;
play_queue.first = lpXWH->QNext;
if (!play_queue.first)
play_queue.last = nullptr;
lpXWH->QNext = nullptr;
return lpXWH;
void WaveMix::DestroyPlayQueue()
while (play_queue.first)
play_queue.first->fAvailable = 1;
void WaveMix::SwapWaveBlocks()
if (Globals->WaveBlockArray == block_array1)
Globals->WaveBlockArray = block_array2;
Globals->WaveBlockArray = block_array1;
XWAVEHDR* WaveMix::GetWaveBlock()
int index = 0;
for (; index < Globals->WaveBlockCount; index++)
if (Globals->WaveBlockArray[index]->fAvailable)
if (index >= Globals->WaveBlockCount)
return nullptr;
XWAVEHDR* result = Globals->WaveBlockArray[index];
result->fAvailable = 0;
result->wh.dwBufferLength = Globals->WaveBlockLen;
result->wh.lpData = reinterpret_cast<LPSTR>(&result[1]);
result->g = GlobalsActive;
return result;
int WaveMix::MixerPlay(XWAVEHDR* lpXWH, int fWriteBlocks)
if (!lpXWH)
return 0;
unsigned minStartPos = -1;
auto playChannelCount = 0;
auto channelPtr = Globals->aChannel;
for (auto channelIndex = 16; channelIndex; --channelIndex)
auto channel = *channelPtr;
if (channel != reinterpret_cast<CHANNELNODE*>(-1) && channel)
if (channel->dwEndPos > Globals->dwCurrentSample)
channel = channel->next;
while (channel);
if (channel)
if (channel->dwStartPos < minStartPos)
minStartPos = channel->dwStartPos;
play_channel_array[playChannelCount++] = channel;
if (!playChannelCount)
if (fWriteBlocks)
lpXWH->fAvailable = 1;
return 0;
auto currentSample = Globals->dwCurrentSample;
auto dataPtr = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(lpXWH->wh.lpData);
auto waveBlockLen = Globals->WaveBlockLen;
while (waveBlockLen)
if (currentSample >= minStartPos)
auto waveCount = 0;
auto endBlockPosition = currentSample + waveBlockLen;
for (auto channelIndex = 0; channelIndex < playChannelCount; ++channelIndex)
auto channel = play_channel_array[channelIndex];
if (channel->dwStartPos <= currentSample)
if (channel->dwEndPos < endBlockPosition)
endBlockPosition = channel->dwEndPos;
auto dataOffset = currentSample - channel->dwStartPos;
if (channel->PlayParams.wLoops)
dataOffset %= channel->dwNumSamples;
auto endBlockPosition2 = currentSample + (channel->dwNumSamples - dataOffset);
if (endBlockPosition2 < endBlockPosition)
endBlockPosition = endBlockPosition2;
play_data[waveCount] = &channel->lpPos[dataOffset];
play_volume[waveCount].L = channel->Volume.L;
play_volume[waveCount].R = channel->Volume.R;
else if (channel->dwStartPos < endBlockPosition)
endBlockPosition = channel->dwStartPos;
if (waveCount)
auto dataLength = endBlockPosition - currentSample;
Globals->CmixPtr(dataPtr, play_data, play_volume, waveCount, dataLength);
dataPtr += dataLength;
waveBlockLen -= dataLength;
minStartPos = -1;
currentSample += dataLength;
auto playChPtr = play_channel_array;
for (auto channelIndex = 0; channelIndex < playChannelCount;)
while (*playChPtr)
if ((*playChPtr)->dwEndPos > currentSample)
*playChPtr = (*playChPtr)->next;
if (*playChPtr)
if ((*playChPtr)->dwStartPos < minStartPos)
minStartPos = (*playChPtr)->dwStartPos;
*playChPtr = play_channel_array[playChannelCount];
if (!playChannelCount)
auto length = waveBlockLen;
if (waveBlockLen + currentSample >= minStartPos)
length = minStartPos - currentSample;
memset(dataPtr, 0x80u, length);
dataPtr += length;
currentSample += length;
waveBlockLen -= length;
lpXWH->dwWavePos = Globals->dwCurrentSample;
Globals->dwCurrentSample += Globals->WaveBlockLen;
if (fWriteBlocks)
if (waveOutWrite(Globals->hWaveOut, &lpXWH->wh, 0x20u))
if (ShowDebugDialogs)
MessageBoxA(nullptr, "Failed to write block to device", "WavMix32", 0x30u);
lpXWH->fAvailable = 1;
return 1;
XWAVEHDR* WaveMix::AddToPlayingQueue(XWAVEHDR* lpXWH)
lpXWH->QNext = nullptr;
if (play_queue.first)
play_queue.last->QNext = lpXWH;
play_queue.first = lpXWH;
play_queue.last = lpXWH;
return play_queue.first;
void WaveMix::cmixit(unsigned __int8* lpDest, unsigned __int8** rgWaveSrc, volume_struct* volume, int iNumWaves,
unsigned __int16 length)
LRESULT WaveMix::WndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
if (Msg != 957 && Msg != 1024)
return DefWindowProcA(hWnd, Msg, wParam, lParam);
return 0;