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mirror of https://github.com/k4zmu2a/SpaceCadetPinball.git synced 2024-06-26 07:42:10 +02:00
Muzychenko Andrey 8ab50ea7b7 ColorRgba: replaced union with bit shifts.
Fixed bad clamping in frame time tool.
2021-11-13 09:00:58 +03:00

293 lines
7.2 KiB

#include "pch.h"
#include "gdrv.h"
#include "GroupData.h"
#include "partman.h"
#include "pb.h"
#include "score.h"
#include "winmain.h"
ColorRgba gdrv::current_palette[256]{};
gdrv_bitmap8::gdrv_bitmap8(int width, int height, bool indexed)
assertm(width >= 0 && height >= 0, "Negative bitmap8 dimensions");
Width = width;
Height = height;
Stride = width;
IndexedStride = width;
BitmapType = BitmapTypes::DibBitmap;
Texture = nullptr;
IndexedBmpPtr = nullptr;
XPosition = 0;
YPosition = 0;
Resolution = 0;
if (indexed)
IndexedBmpPtr = new char[Height * IndexedStride];
BmpBufPtr1 = new ColorRgba[Height * Stride];
gdrv_bitmap8::gdrv_bitmap8(const dat8BitBmpHeader& header)
assertm(header.Width >= 0 && header.Height >= 0, "Negative bitmap8 dimensions");
if (header.IsFlagSet(bmp8Flags::Spliced))
BitmapType = BitmapTypes::Spliced;
else if (header.IsFlagSet(bmp8Flags::DibBitmap))
BitmapType = BitmapTypes::DibBitmap;
BitmapType = BitmapTypes::RawBitmap;
Width = header.Width;
Stride = header.Width;
IndexedStride = header.Width;
Height = header.Height;
XPosition = header.XPosition;
YPosition = header.YPosition;
Resolution = header.Resolution;
Texture = nullptr;
int sizeInBytes;
if (BitmapType == BitmapTypes::Spliced)
sizeInBytes = header.Size;
if (BitmapType == BitmapTypes::RawBitmap)
assertm(Width % 4 == 0 || header.IsFlagSet(bmp8Flags::RawBmpUnaligned), "Wrong raw bitmap align flag");
if (Width % 4)
IndexedStride = Width - Width % 4 + 4;
sizeInBytes = Height * IndexedStride;
assertm(sizeInBytes == header.Size, "Wrong bitmap8 size");
IndexedBmpPtr = new char[sizeInBytes];
BmpBufPtr1 = new ColorRgba[Stride * Height];
if (BitmapType != BitmapTypes::None)
delete[] BmpBufPtr1;
delete[] IndexedBmpPtr;
if (Texture)
void gdrv_bitmap8::ScaleIndexed(float scaleX, float scaleY)
if (!IndexedBmpPtr)
assertm(false, "Scaling non-indexed bitmap");
int newWidht = static_cast<int>(Width * scaleX), newHeight = static_cast<int>(Height * scaleY);
if (Width == newWidht && Height == newHeight)
auto newIndBuf = new char[newHeight * newWidht];
for (int dst = 0, y = 0; y < newHeight; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < newWidht; x++, dst++)
auto px = static_cast<int>(x / scaleX);
auto py = static_cast<int>(y / scaleY);
newIndBuf[dst] = IndexedBmpPtr[(py * IndexedStride) + px];
Stride = IndexedStride = Width = newWidht;
Height = newHeight;
delete IndexedBmpPtr;
IndexedBmpPtr = newIndBuf;
delete BmpBufPtr1;
BmpBufPtr1 = new ColorRgba[Stride * Height];
void gdrv_bitmap8::CreateTexture(const char* scaleHint, int access)
if (Texture != nullptr)
UsingSdlHint hint{ SDL_HINT_RENDER_SCALE_QUALITY, scaleHint };
Texture = SDL_CreateTexture
Width, Height
SDL_SetTextureBlendMode(Texture, SDL_BLENDMODE_NONE);
void gdrv_bitmap8::BlitToTexture()
assertm(Texture, "Updating null texture");
int pitch = 0;
ColorRgba* lockedPixels;
auto result = SDL_LockTexture
assertm(result == 0, "Updating non-streaming texture");
assertm(static_cast<unsigned>(pitch) == Width * sizeof(ColorRgba), "Padding on vScreen texture");
std::memcpy(lockedPixels, BmpBufPtr1, Width * Height * sizeof(ColorRgba));
int gdrv::display_palette(ColorRgba* plt)
// Colors from Windows system palette
const ColorRgba sysPaletteColors[10]
ColorRgba{0, 0, 0, 0}, // Color 0: transparent
ColorRgba{0x80, 0, 0, 0xff},
ColorRgba{0, 0x80, 0, 0xff},
ColorRgba{0x80, 0x80, 0, 0xff},
ColorRgba{0, 0, 0x80, 0xff},
ColorRgba{0x80, 0, 0x80, 0xff},
ColorRgba{0, 0x80, 0x80, 0xff},
ColorRgba{0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xff},
ColorRgba{0xC0, 0xDC, 0xC0, 0xff},
ColorRgba{0xA6, 0xCA, 0xF0, 0xff},
std::memset(current_palette, 0, sizeof current_palette);
std::memcpy(current_palette, sysPaletteColors, sizeof sysPaletteColors);
for (int index = 10; plt && index < 246; index++)
auto srcClr = plt[index];
current_palette[index] = ColorRgba{ srcClr };
current_palette[255] = ColorRgba::White();
for (const auto group : pb::record_table->Groups)
for (int i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
auto bmp = group->GetBitmap(i);
if (bmp)
return 0;
void gdrv::fill_bitmap(gdrv_bitmap8* bmp, int width, int height, int xOff, int yOff, uint8_t fillChar)
fill_bitmap(bmp, width, height, xOff, yOff, current_palette[fillChar]);
void gdrv::fill_bitmap(gdrv_bitmap8* bmp, int width, int height, int xOff, int yOff, ColorRgba fillColor)
auto bmpPtr = &bmp->BmpBufPtr1[bmp->Width * yOff + xOff];
for (; height > 0; --height)
for (int x = width; x > 0; --x)
*bmpPtr++ = fillColor;
bmpPtr += bmp->Stride - width;
void gdrv::copy_bitmap(gdrv_bitmap8* dstBmp, int width, int height, int xOff, int yOff, gdrv_bitmap8* srcBmp,
int srcXOff, int srcYOff)
auto srcPtr = &srcBmp->BmpBufPtr1[srcBmp->Stride * srcYOff + srcXOff];
auto dstPtr = &dstBmp->BmpBufPtr1[dstBmp->Stride * yOff + xOff];
for (int y = height; y > 0; --y)
std::memcpy(dstPtr, srcPtr, width * sizeof(ColorRgba));
srcPtr += srcBmp->Stride;
dstPtr += dstBmp->Stride;
void gdrv::copy_bitmap_w_transparency(gdrv_bitmap8* dstBmp, int width, int height, int xOff, int yOff,
gdrv_bitmap8* srcBmp, int srcXOff, int srcYOff)
auto srcPtr = &srcBmp->BmpBufPtr1[srcBmp->Stride * srcYOff + srcXOff];
auto dstPtr = &dstBmp->BmpBufPtr1[dstBmp->Stride * yOff + xOff];
for (int y = height; y > 0; --y)
for (int x = width; x > 0; --x)
if ((*srcPtr).Color)
*dstPtr = *srcPtr;
srcPtr += srcBmp->Stride - width;
dstPtr += dstBmp->Stride - width;
void gdrv::ScrollBitmapHorizontal(gdrv_bitmap8* bmp, int xStart)
auto srcPtr = bmp->BmpBufPtr1;
auto startOffset = xStart >= 0 ? 0 : -xStart;
auto endOffset = xStart >= 0 ? xStart : 0;
auto length = bmp->Width - std::abs(xStart);
for (int y = bmp->Height; y > 0; --y)
std::memmove(srcPtr + endOffset, srcPtr + startOffset, length * sizeof(ColorRgba));
srcPtr += bmp->Stride;
void gdrv::grtext_draw_ttext_in_box(LPCSTR text, int xOff, int yOff, int width, int height, int a6)
void gdrv::ApplyPalette(gdrv_bitmap8& bmp)
if (bmp.BitmapType == BitmapTypes::None)
assertm(bmp.BitmapType != BitmapTypes::Spliced, "gdrv: wrong bitmap type");
assertm(bmp.IndexedBmpPtr != nullptr, "gdrv: non-indexed bitmap");
// Apply palette, flip horizontally
auto dst = bmp.BmpBufPtr1;
for (auto y = bmp.Height - 1; y >= 0; y--)
auto src = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(bmp.IndexedBmpPtr) + bmp.IndexedStride * y;
for (auto x = 0; x < bmp.Width; x++)
*dst++ = current_palette[*src++];
void gdrv::CreatePreview(gdrv_bitmap8& bmp)
if (bmp.Texture)
bmp.CreateTexture("nearest", SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_STATIC);
SDL_UpdateTexture(bmp.Texture, nullptr, bmp.BmpBufPtr1, bmp.Width * 4);