pkgbase = discord-electron-openasar
	pkgdesc = Discord packaged with OpenAsar using system provided electron (v28) for increased security and performance
	pkgver = 0.0.40+824
	pkgrel = 1
	url =
	install = discord-electron-openasar.install
	arch = x86_64
	license = custom
	makedepends = git
	makedepends = asar
	makedepends = nodejs
	makedepends = curl
	makedepends = python-html2text
	depends = electron28
	depends = libxss
	depends = unzip
	optdepends = libpulse: Pulseaudio support
	optdepends = libappindicator-gtk3: Systray indicator support
	optdepends = xdg-utils: Open files
	optdepends = rizin: Allow patching Krisp support
	provides = discord
	conflicts = discord
	options = !strip
	source =
	source =
	source = git+
	sha512sums = 64fd9cf5c8ebb55cd5cd7c1fc0ae04a7e7cb9df6cc18a7c992f1156f46dac5415d87003622078e5d4aa0e48234c3d69d0d12633a57d55291e359cbb40511ca3a
	sha512sums = ceaeb357a84df0695fe65867f81d2fa35a65a6f47f47a29022e09fa15cc816b3e250f63eee1025388f51665e6bc39262de7cb7a137f25caf1d922bbacd217566
	sha512sums = SKIP

pkgname = discord-electron-openasar