pkgbase = tuned pkgdesc = Daemon that performs monitoring and adaptive configuration of devices in the system pkgver = 2.18.0 pkgrel = 2 url = install = tuned.install arch = any license = GPL makedepends = desktop-file-utils depends = dbus-glib depends = ethtool depends = gawk depends = hdparm depends = polkit depends = python-configobj depends = python-dbus depends = python-gobject depends = python-linux-procfs depends = python-perf depends = python-pyudev optdepends = virt-what: For use with virtual machines optdepends = systemtap: Disk and net statistic monitoring systemtap scripts backup = etc/tuned/active_profile source = sha256sums = b00c92cc21fa8595e95aba95042e7f590ea4146328491a655936a811e2590d80 pkgname = tuned