import sys import shutil from elftools.elf.elffile import ELFFile from capstone import * from capstone.x86 import * if len(sys.argv) < 2: print(f"Usage: {sys.argv[0]} [path to discord_krisp.node]") # "Unix programs generally use 2 for command line syntax errors and 1 for all other kind of errors." sys.exit(2) executable = sys.argv[1] elf = ELFFile(open(executable, "rb")) symtab = elf.get_section_by_name('.symtab') krisp_initialize_address = symtab.get_symbol_by_name("_ZN7discordL17DoKrispInitializeEv")[0].entry.st_value isSignedByDiscord_address = symtab.get_symbol_by_name("_ZN7discord4util17IsSignedByDiscordERKNSt4__Cr12basic_stringIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEENS1_9allocatorIcEEEE")[0].entry.st_value text = elf.get_section_by_name('.text') text_start = text['sh_addr'] text_start_file = text['sh_offset'] # This seems to always be zero (.text starts at the right offset in the file). Do it just in case? address_to_file = text_start_file - text_start # Done with the ELF now. # elf.close() krisp_initialize_offset = krisp_initialize_address - address_to_file isSignedByDiscord_offset = krisp_initialize_address - address_to_file f = open(executable, "rb") krisp_initialize = f.close() # States found_issigned_by_discord_call = False found_issigned_by_discord_test = False found_issigned_by_discord_je = False found_already_patched = False je_location = None je_size = 0 # We are looking for a call to IsSignedByDiscord, followed by a test, followed by a je. # Then we replace the je with nops. md = Cs(CS_ARCH_X86, CS_MODE_64) md.detail = True for i in md.disasm(krisp_initialize, krisp_initialize_address): if == X86_INS_CALL: if i.operands[0].type == X86_OP_IMM: if i.operands[0].imm == isSignedByDiscord_address: found_issigned_by_discord_call = True if == X86_INS_TEST: if found_issigned_by_discord_call: found_issigned_by_discord_test = True if == X86_INS_JE: if found_issigned_by_discord_test: found_issigned_by_discord_je = True je_location = i.address je_size = len(i.bytes) break if == X86_INS_NOP: if found_issigned_by_discord_test: found_already_patched = True break if je_location: print(f"Found patch location: 0x{je_location:x}") shutil.copyfile(executable, executable + ".orig") f = open(executable, 'rb+') - address_to_file) f.write(b'\x90' * je_size) # je can be larger than 2 bytes given a large enough displacement :( f.close() else: if found_already_patched: print("Couldn't find patch location - already patched.") else: print("Couldn't find patch location - review manually. Sorry.")