pkgbase = systemtap
	pkgdesc = Infrastructure to simplify the gathering of information about the running Linux system
	pkgver = 4.2
	pkgrel = 1
	url =
	install = systemtap.install
	arch = x86_64
	arch = i686
	license = GPL
	makedepends = python2-setuptools
	makedepends = xmlto
	depends = elfutils
	depends = nss
	depends = python2
	depends = cpio
	optdepends = sqlite3: for storing results in a database
	source = systemtap-4.2.tar.gz::
	source = systemtap-4.2.tar.gz.asc::
	validpgpkeys = F75E6545B9F8AA15AA932A444DE16D68FDBFFFB8
	validpgpkeys = 5D38116FA4D3A7CC77E378D37E83610126DCC2E8
	sha512sums = 50d426e8c3d976fd635f6867fb4202832be455d869178a384159d1b2cd2a25642b07da2bd3184081b13bfb95df48a97f430b06713eaee0d0f67e27f43266cfd6
	sha512sums = ddb3217d9bbe7b9531b3d7ce24d88766e65629bd720228c0f8f96edc82216e13e5f0d0f30c8012cb85bf5ac7401f5a551aa69fc0505a29475ed61c548b4cdcf4

pkgname = systemtap