pkgbase = libqxt
	pkgdesc = Provides a suite of cross-platform utility classes to add functionality not readily available in the Qt toolkit
	pkgver = 0.6.2
	pkgrel = 5
	url =
	arch = i686
	arch = x86_64
	license = CPL
	license = LGPL2.1
	makedepends = avahi
	makedepends = libxrandr
	depends = qt4
	depends = openssl
	depends = db
	optdepends = avahi: Zeroconf support
	options = !emptydirs
	source =
	source = libqxt-linking.patch
	source = libqxt-media-keys.patch
	source = libqxt-header-fix.patch
	source = libqxt-gcc6.patch
	sha256sums = be890afa72158a2074e1f625dcc16716e3e61202f035f1b8528af570760b466b
	sha256sums = 0a993e1b45ab885e87fbcceb31652833a287b93d33d0184b6c6786d76f9a7b50
	sha256sums = 2696813b70ddaea284228901fd545213c0b8dacc8aa0cd0f2a7e10537ff1e3cc
	sha256sums = 3f92674e0c4aa54351362c61f98606957a7224a43eedfa337081f2013203cd85
	sha256sums = 48f54a303371813c1325293c00d15bb597d689947fddab630f8edc373f59d3fc

pkgname = libqxt