post_upgrade() {
	# return if old package version is greater than or equal to 0.0.27-5...
	(( $(vercmp $2 '0.0.27-5') >= 0 )) && return

	cat <<EOF
==> The launch script will now patch Krisp noise suppression support
    if 'rizin' is installed. Restart your Discord client after update
    to apply the patch

	# return if old package version is greater than or equal to 0.0.27-2...
	(( $(vercmp $2 '0.0.27-2') >= 0 )) && return

	cat <<EOF
==> You can now add or uncomment additional Electron flags in
    '~/.config/discord-flags.conf' (if XDG_CONFIG_HOME is not set)

post_install() {
	cat <<EOF
==> For Krisp noise suppression support consider installing 'rizin'. Restart
    your Discord client after installation or update to apply the patch
==> In case of performance problems consider adding or uncommenting Electron
    flags in '~/.config/discord-flags.conf' (if XDG_CONFIG_HOME is not set)