const _ = require('lodash'); const express = require('express'); const Discord = require('discord.js'); const { CanvasEx, ImageEx } = require('./imageex'); const twemoji = require('./twemoji'); const app = express(); const config = require('./config.default.json'); try { _.extend(config, require('./config')); // eslint-disable-line global-require } catch (err) { console.log('No config.json found!'); } function all(x, c) { _.isArray(x) ? _.each(x, c) : c(x); } const { templates } = config; _.each(templates, (template, templateName) => { const data = templates[templateName]; all(data, templatePart => { template.image = new ImageEx(templatePart.src); }); }); // drawing: we keep the image fixed in its default position and draw the template on top/below it // calculates the x or y position of the template to be drawn // size = width or height of the template/image // anchor = the corresponding anchor config function calculatePosition(scale, anchor, imageSize) { return imageSize * anchor.position / 100 - anchor.offset * scale; } function render(template, img, size, flipH) { let imgWidth = img.width; let imgHeight = img.height; if (size && size.height) { imgHeight = size.height; if (!size.width) imgWidth = imgWidth * size.height / img.height; } if (size && size.width) { imgWidth = size.width; if (!size.height) imgHeight = imgHeight * size.width / img.width; } const xScale = imgWidth / template.anchor.x.size; const yScale = imgHeight / template.anchor.y.size; const templateScale = Math.max(0, Math.min(10, Math.max(xScale || 0, yScale || 0))); console.log('templateScale', templateScale); let templateOffsetX = calculatePosition(templateScale, template.anchor.x, imgWidth); let templateOffsetY = calculatePosition(templateScale, template.anchor.y, imgHeight); let imageOffsetX = 0; let imageOffsetY = 0; let resultingWidth = imgWidth; // start with the image boundaries as defined by the image let resultingHeight = imgHeight; if (templateOffsetX < 0) { resultingWidth -= templateOffsetX; imageOffsetX = -templateOffsetX; templateOffsetX = 0; } if (templateOffsetY < 0) { resultingHeight -= templateOffsetY; imageOffsetY = -templateOffsetY; templateOffsetY = 0; } if (templateOffsetX + template.image.width * templateScale > resultingWidth) { resultingWidth = templateOffsetX + template.image.width * templateScale; } if (templateOffsetY + template.image.height * templateScale > resultingHeight) { resultingHeight = templateOffsetY + template.image.height * templateScale; } const toDraw = [{ z: 1, image: img, x: flipH ? resultingWidth - imageOffsetX - imgWidth : imageOffsetX, y: imageOffsetY, h: imgHeight, w: imgWidth, name: 'image' }, { z: template.z || 0, image: template.image, x: templateOffsetX, y: templateOffsetY, h: template.image.height * templateScale, w: template.image.width * templateScale, name: `template ${template.src}`, flipH }].sort((u, v) => u.z > v.z); const canvas = new CanvasEx(resultingWidth, resultingHeight); for (let i = 0; i < toDraw.length; ++i) { const subject = toDraw[i]; console.log(`Drawing ${}${subject.flipH ? ' (flipped)' : ''}`); try { const transform = {}; if (subject.flipH) { transform.translate = [resultingWidth, 0]; transform.scale = [-1, 1]; } canvas.drawImage(subject.image, subject.x, subject.y, { width: subject.w, height: subject.h, transform }); } catch (err) { console.error(err); throw new Error(JSON.stringify({ status: 400, error: 'Invalid template' })); } } // return the image and cache it return (canvas); } app.get('/:templateName/', async (req, res) => { if (!templates[req.params.templateName]) return res.status(404).end(); try { const img = new ImageEx(req.query.url); const canvas = render(templates[req.params.templateName], await img.loaded); console.log(canvas); return canvas.export(res); } catch (err) { console.log(err); return res.status(400).end(err.message); } }); app.listen(3002, () => { console.log('Beebot app listening on port 3002!'); }); // Discord stuff const client = new Discord.Client({ autoReconnect: true }); // manage roles permission is required const invitelink = `${ config.discord.client_id}&scope=bot&permissions=0`; const authlink = `${ config.discord.client_id}&scope=email`; console.log(`Bot invite link: ${invitelink}`); client.login(config.discord.token).catch(error => { if (error) { console.error("Couldn't login: ", error.toString()); } }); function findEmoji(str) { const discordEmote = /<(a?):(\w+):(\d+)>/g.exec(str); if (discordEmote) { const ext = discordEmote[1] === 'a' ? 'gif' : 'png'; return { name: discordEmote[2], id: discordEmote[3], url: `${discordEmote[3]}.${ext}`, ext }; } let unicodeEmoji; twemoji.parse(str, (name, emoji) => { if (unicodeEmoji) return false; unicodeEmoji = { name, id: name, url: `${emoji.base + emoji.size}/${name}${emoji.ext}` }; return false; }); return unicodeEmoji; } function reverseString(str) { return str.split('').reverse().join(''); } const commands = Object.keys(templates).map(x => `/${x}`).join(', '); const otherCommands = { invite: `Invite link: <${invitelink}>`, help: `Available commands: ${commands}.\nUse \\\\ to flip the template horizontally.\nInvite link: <${invitelink}>`, beebot: `Available commands: ${commands}.\nUse \\\\ to flip the template horizontally.\nInvite link: <${invitelink}>` }; client.on('message', async message => { console.log(`[${} - ${}] ${}#${}: ${message.cleanContent}`); let commandParsed = /^([/\\])(\w+)\b/.exec(message.cleanContent); if (commandParsed) { const [, direction, command] = commandParsed; if (otherCommands[command]) { const text = otherCommands[command]; === '\\' ? reverseString(text) : text); return; } } const messageSplit = message.cleanContent.split(' '); const emoji = findEmoji(message.cleanContent); let result = null; let count = 0; try { if (emoji) { let { name } = emoji; for (let i = 0; i < messageSplit.length && count < 4; ++i) { commandParsed = /^([/\\])(\w+)\b/.exec(messageSplit[i]); if (commandParsed) { const [, direction, command] = commandParsed; console.log('Got command ', direction, command, direction === '\\' ? 'flipped' : 'not flipped'); if (templates[command]) { count++; name += command; if (result === null) { result = new ImageEx(emoji.url); await result.loaded; // eslint-disable-line no-await-in-loop } const templateData = templates[command]; all(templateData, template => { // eslint-disable-line no-loop-func result = render(template, result, null, direction === '\\'); }); } } else if (i === 0) return; } if (result) { const attachment = await result.toBuffer(); console.log('Render completed, data:', attachment); const messageOptions = { files: [ { attachment, name: `${name}.${emoji.ext}` } ] }; await'', messageOptions); } } } catch (err) { console.error(err); } }); process.on('uncaughtException', exception => { console.log(exception); // to see your exception details in the console // if you are on production, maybe you can send the exception details to your // email as well ? });