module.exports = { //address and port to which server will bind, host can also be a hostname //by default it will listen on all ipv4 and ipv6 addresses on port 7777 //"host": "", //"port": 7777, //length of random characters in link that's generated on document save "keyLength": 10, //max allowed paste length - 0 for unlimited "maxLength": 400000, //algorithm used to generate random characters //see docs/ for more information "keyGenerator": { "type": "phonetic" }, //max age for static website assets "staticMaxAge": 60 * 60 * 24, //TODO: re-add more options to logging //logging preferences "logging": { //can be one of: error, warn, info, http, verbose, debug, silly "level": "info" }, //rate limits for requests, can be omitted //handled by express-rate-limit, options can be found here: "rateLimits": { "windowMs": 30 * 60 * 1000, "max": 250 }, //storage system used for storing saved haste documents //see docs/ for more information "storage": { "type": "file", "path": "./data" }, //static documents that will never expire ("name": "path") "documents": { "about": "./" } };