const winston = require('winston'); const mongodb = require('mongodb'); const MongoDocumentStore = function (config){ this.expire = config.expire; this.MongoClient = new mongodb.MongoClient(config.connectionUrl, config.clientOptions); }; MongoDocumentStore.prototype.set = async function (key, data, callback, skipExpire){ winston.silly(`mongo set ${key}`); const now = Math.floor( / 1000); const that = this; await this.safeConnect(async ( {error} = {} ) => { if (error) return callback(false); await this.MongoClient.db().collection('entries').updateOne( { 'entry_id': key, $or: [ { expiration: -1 }, { expiration: { $gt: now } } ] }, { $set: { 'entry_id': key, value: data, expiration: that.expire && !skipExpire ? that.expire + now : -1 } }, { upsert: true } ) .then((err, result) => { return callback(true); }) .catch((err, result) => { winston.error('error updating mongodb document', { error: err }); return callback(false); }); }); }; MongoDocumentStore.prototype.get = async function (key, callback, skipExpire){ winston.silly(`mongo get ${key}`); const now = Math.floor( / 1000); const that = this; await this.safeConnect(async ( {error} = {} ) => { if (error) return callback(false); let document = await this.MongoClient.db().collection('entries').findOne({ 'entry_id': key, $or: [ { expiration: -1 }, { expiration: { $gt: now } } ] }) .catch(err => { winston.error('error finding mongodb document', { error: err }); return callback(false); }); callback(document ? document.value : false); if (document && document.expiration != -1 && that.expire && !skipExpire){ await this.MongoClient.db().collection('entries').updateOne( { 'entry_id': key }, { $set: { expiration: that.expire + now } } ).catch(err => { return winston.warn('error extending expiry of mongodb document', { error: err }); }); winston.silly('extended expiry of mongodb document', { key: key, timestamp: that.expire + now }); } }); }; MongoDocumentStore.prototype.safeConnect = function(cb){ //don't try connecting again if already connected // if (this.MongoClient.isConnected()) return cb({error: null}); this.MongoClient.connect() .then(client => { winston.debug('connected to mongodb', { success: true }); cb({error: null}); }) .catch(err => { winston.error('error connecting to mongodb', { error: err }); cb({error: err}); }); }; module.exports = MongoDocumentStore;