const winston = require('winston'); const postgres = require('pg'); class PostgresDocumentStore { constructor(options){ this.expire = options.expire; this.PostgresClient = new postgres.Client(options.clientOptions); this.safeConnect(); this.PostgresClient.on('end', () => { winston.debug('disconnected from pg!'); }); } async set(key, data, skipExpire){ const now = Math.floor( / 1000); return await this.PostgresClient.query( 'INSERT INTO entries (key, value, expiration) VALUES ($1, $2, $3)', [ key, data, (this.expire && !skipExpire) ? this.expire + now : null ] ) .then(() => { return true; }) .catch(err => { winston.error('failed to set postgres document', { key: key, error: err }); return false; }); } async get(key, skipExpire){ const now = Math.floor( / 1000); return await this.PostgresClient.query( 'SELECT id,value,expiration FROM entries WHERE key = $1 AND (expiration IS NULL OR expiration > $2)', [ key, now ]) .then(async res => { if (res.rows.length && this.expire && !skipExpire){ await this.PostgresClient.query( 'UPDATE entries SET expiration = $1 WHERE ID = $2', [ this.expire + now, res.rows[0].id ] ); } return res.rows.length ? res.rows[0].value : null; }) .catch(err => { winston.error('error retrieving value from postgres', { error: err }); return null; }); } async safeConnect(){ return await this.PostgresClient.connect() .then(() => {'connected to postgres!'); return { error: null }; }) .catch(err => { winston.error('failed connecting to postgres!', {error: err}); return { error: err }; }); } } module.exports = PostgresDocumentStore;