logs: fix time unit of output
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 10 additions and 5 deletions
@ -69,15 +69,17 @@ startCleanup :: Myriad ()
startCleanup = do
config <- gview #config
when (config ^. #cleanupInterval > 0) . void $ do
let t = fromIntegral (config ^. #cleanupInterval) * 60000000
let t = fromIntegral (config ^. #cleanupInterval)
fork $ timer t
-- Given time in minutes
timer :: Int -> Myriad ()
timer t = forever $ do
threadDelay t
-- Takes time in microseconds
threadDelay $ t * 60000000
logInfo ["Starting cleanup of containers"]
n <- killContainers
logInfo ["Cleaned up ", cs $ show n, " containers, next in ", cs $ show t, " seconds"]
logInfo ["Cleaned up ", cs $ show n, " containers, next in ", cs $ show t, " minutes"]
timer t
setupContainer :: Language -> Myriad ContainerName
@ -202,8 +204,11 @@ evalCode lang numRetries code = withContainer $ \cnt -> do
timer :: ContainerName -> MVar Bool -> Myriad ()
timer cnt doneRef = do
logDebug ["Starting timeout of ", cs . show $ lang ^. #timeout, " seconds for container ", cs cnt]
threadDelay $ fromIntegral (lang ^. #timeout) * 1000000
-- Given time in seconds
let t = fromIntegral $ lang ^. #timeout
logDebug ["Starting timeout of ", cs . show $ t, " seconds for container ", cs cnt]
-- Takes time in microseconds
threadDelay $ t * 1000000
done <- readMVar doneRef
if done
then do
Add table
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