#!/bin/bash # # # launcher script for the setlX interpreter on Unix-like systems # # # insert path to the folder where you copied the jar files here setlXJarDirectory="/usr/local/setlX/" # insert full path to library location here setlXlibraryPath="/usr/local/setlXlibrary/" ############################## additional options ############################## javaParameters="" # uncomment to force execution in 64 bit mode #javaParameters="$javaParameters -d64" # uncomment to execute with increased memory size (6GB) (>2GB needs 64 Bit mode!) #javaParameters="$javaParameters -Xmx6144m" # uncomment to execute with increased stack size #javaParameters="$javaParameters -Xss48m" ################################################################################ if [ -n "$OVERRIDE_setlXJarDirectory" ] then setlXJarDirectory="$OVERRIDE_setlXJarDirectory" fi if [ -n "$OVERRIDE_setlXjavaParameters" ] then javaParameters="$OVERRIDE_setlXjavaParameters" fi if [ -z "$SETLX_LIBRARY_PATH" ] then export SETLX_LIBRARY_PATH="$setlXlibraryPath" fi java_call="java" if [[ -z "$INSIDE_EMACS" && $(which rlwrap > /dev/null 2>&1; echo $?) -eq 0 ]] then java_call="rlwrap -C $(basename $0) $java_call" fi jarFiles="" while read -r -d $'\0' jarname do if [ -n "$jarFiles" ] then jarFiles="$jarFiles:" fi jarFiles="$jarFiles${jarname#./}" done < <( find "$setlXJarDirectory" -maxdepth 1 -name "*.jar" -print0 ) if [ -n "$jarFiles" ] then $java_call -cp "$jarFiles:$CLASSPATH" $javaParameters org.randoom.setlx.pc.ui.SetlX "$@" exit $? else echo "The setlX jar files cannot be found!" exit 1 fi