# parsedmarc-dockerized Note: The standalone `parsedmarc` docker image on [DockerHub @ patschi/parsedmarc](https://hub.docker.com/r/patschi/parsedmarc) can also be used, if interested. ## Setup: 1. Get basics together: ``` git clone https://github.com/patschi/parsedmarc-dockerized.git /opt/parsedmarc-dockerized/ cd /opt/parsedmarc-dockerized/ && cp data/conf/parsedmarc/config.sample.ini data/conf/parsedmarc/config.ini ``` 1. Next we change the `parsedmarc` config (see [docs](https://domainaware.github.io/parsedmarc/#configuration-file). You can set `Test` to `True` for testing purposes.) ``` nano data/conf/parsedmarc/config.ini ``` 3. Now we create an environment file, containing your geoipupdate settings from your [MaxMind account](https://www.maxmind.com/en/account/) to allow the container to pull the databases. For update cycles of the databases, please see [here](https://support.maxmind.com/geoip-faq/geoip2-and-geoip-legacy-database-updates/how-often-are-the-geoip2-and-geoip-legacy-databases-updated/). (Fill in your data!) ``` cat > geoipupdate.env <