import six import configparser from pyfiglet import figlet_format from pyconfigstore import ConfigStore from PyInquirer import (Token, ValidationError, Validator, print_json, prompt, style_from_dict) # from main import SteamGifts try: import colorama colorama.init() except ImportError: colorama = None try: from termcolor import colored except ImportError: colored = None config = configparser.ConfigParser() style = style_from_dict({ Token.QuestionMark: '#fac731 bold', Token.Answer: '#4688f1 bold', Token.Selected: '#0abf5b', # default Token.Pointer: '#673ab7 bold', }) def log(string, color, font="slant", figlet=False): if colored: if not figlet: six.print_(colored(string, color)) else: six.print_(colored(figlet_format( string, font=font), color)) else: six.print_(string) def ask(type, name, message, validator=None, choices=[]): questions = [ { 'type': type, 'name': name, 'message': message, 'validator': validator, }, ] if choices: questions[0].update({ 'choices': choices, }) answers = prompt(questions, style=style) return answers def main(): def askCookie(): cookie = ask(type='input', name='cookie', message='Enter PHPSESSID cookie (Only needed to provide once):') config['DEFAULT']['cookie'] = cookie['cookie'] with open('config.ini', 'w') as configfile: config.write(configfile) return cookie['cookie'] log("SteamGifts Bot", color="blue", figlet=True) log("Welcome to SteamGifts Bot!", "green") log("Created by:", "white")'config.ini') if not config['DEFAULT'].get('cookie'): cookie = askCookie() re_enter_cookie = ask(type='confirm', name='reenter', message='Do you want to enter new cookie?')['reenter'] if re_enter_cookie: cookie = askCookie() gift_type = ask(type='list', name='gift_type', message='Select type:', choices=[ 'All', 'Wishlist', 'Recommended', 'Copies', 'DLC', 'New' ])['gift_type'] # s = SteamGifts(cookie, gift_type) # s.start() if __name__ == '__main__': main()