import threading from random import randint from time import sleep from flask_basicauth import BasicAuth import log from ConfigReader import ConfigReader, ConfigException from SteamGifts import SteamGifts, SteamGiftsException from notification import Notification from threading import Thread logger = log.get_logger(__name__) class WebServerThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, config): Thread.__init__(self) self.exc = None self.config = config self.port = config['WEB'].getint('web.port') self.ssl = config['WEB'].getboolean('web.ssl') self.enabled = config['WEB'].getboolean('web.enabled') self.app_root = config['WEB'].get('web.app_root') self.basic_auth = config['WEB'].getboolean('web.basic_auth') self.basic_auth_username = config['WEB'].get('web.basic_auth.username') self.basic_auth_password = config['WEB'].get('web.basic_auth.password') def run_webserver(self): from flask import Flask from flask import render_template app = Flask(__name__) if self.basic_auth: app.config['BASIC_AUTH_USERNAME'] = self.basic_auth_username app.config['BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD'] = self.basic_auth_password app.config['BASIC_AUTH_FORCE'] = self.basic_auth basic_auth = BasicAuth(app) @app.route(f"{self.app_root}") def config(): with open('../config/config.ini', 'r') as f: content = return render_template('configuration.html', config=content) @app.route(f"{self.app_root}log") def logs(): return render_template('log.html') @app.route(f"{self.app_root}stream") def stream(): def generate(): with open('../config/info.log') as f: while True: yield sleep(10) return app.response_class(generate(), mimetype='text/plain') if self.enabled:"Webserver Enabled. Running") if self.ssl:, host="", ssl_context='adhoc') else:, host="") else:"Webserver NOT Enabled.") def run(self): # Variable that stores the exception, if raised by someFunction self.exc = None try: self.run_webserver() except BaseException as e: self.exc = e def join(self): threading.Thread.join(self) # Since join() returns in caller thread # we re-raise the caught exception # if any was caught if self.exc: raise self.exc class GiveawayEntererThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, config, notification): Thread.__init__(self) self.exc = None self.config = config self.notification = notification def run_steam_gifts(self, config, notification): cookie = config['DEFAULT'].get('cookie') user_agent = config['DEFAULT'].get('user_agent') main_page_enabled = config['DEFAULT'].getboolean('enabled') minimum_points = config['DEFAULT'].getint('minimum_points') max_entries = config['DEFAULT'].getint('max_entries') max_time_left = config['DEFAULT'].getint('max_time_left') minimum_game_points = config['DEFAULT'].getint('minimum_game_points') blacklist = config['DEFAULT'].get('blacklist_keywords') all_page = SteamGifts(cookie, user_agent, 'All', False, minimum_points, max_entries, max_time_left, minimum_game_points, blacklist, notification) wishlist_page_enabled = config['WISHLIST'].getboolean('wishlist.enabled') wishlist_minimum_points = config['WISHLIST'].getint('wishlist.minimum_points') wishlist_max_entries = config['WISHLIST'].getint('wishlist.max_entries') wishlist_max_time_left = config['WISHLIST'].getint('wishlist.max_time_left') wishlist_page = SteamGifts(cookie, user_agent, 'Wishlist', False, wishlist_minimum_points, wishlist_max_entries, wishlist_max_time_left, 0, '', notification) if not main_page_enabled and not wishlist_page_enabled: logger.error("⁉️ Both 'Default' and 'Wishlist' configurations are disabled. Nothing will run. Exiting...") sleep(10) exit(-1) while True:"🟢 Evaluating giveaways.") if wishlist_page_enabled: wishlist_page.start() if main_page_enabled: all_page.start()"🔴 All giveaways evaluated.") random_seconds = randint(1740, 3540) # sometime between 29-59 minutes"🛋 Going to sleep for {random_seconds / 60} minutes.") sleep(random_seconds) def run(self): # Variable that stores the exception, if raised by someFunction self.exc = None try: self.run_steam_gifts(self.config, self.notification) except BaseException as e: self.exc = e def join(self): threading.Thread.join(self) # Since join() returns in caller thread # we re-raise the caught exception # if any was caught if self.exc: raise self.exc def run():"Starting Steamgifts bot.") file_name = '../config/config.ini' config = None try: config = ConfigReader(file_name) except IOError: txt = f"{file_name} doesn't exist. Rename {file_name}.example to {file_name} and fill out." logger.warning(txt) exit(-1) except ConfigException as e: logger.error(e) exit(-1) notification = Notification(config['NOTIFICATIONS'].get('notification.prefix')) pushover_enabled = config['NOTIFICATIONS'].getboolean('pushover.enabled') pushover_token = config['NOTIFICATIONS'].get('pushover.token') pushover_user_key = config['NOTIFICATIONS'].get('pushover.user_key') if pushover_enabled: notification.enable_pushover(pushover_token, pushover_user_key) try: g = GiveawayEntererThread(config, notification) g.setName("Giveaway Enterer") g.start() w = WebServerThread(config) w.setName("WebServer") # if the giveaway thread dies then this daemon thread will die by definition w.setDaemon(True) w.start() g.join() except SteamGiftsException as e: notification.send_error(e) sleep(5) exit(-1) except Exception as e: logger.error(e) notification.send_error("Something happened and the bot had to quit!") sleep(5) exit(-1) if __name__ == '__main__':""" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____ _ _ __ _ ____ _ / ____|| | (_) / _|| | | _ \ | | | (___ | |_ ___ __ _ _ __ ___ __ _ _ | |_ | |_ ___ | |_) | ___ | |_ \___ \ | __|/ _ \ / _` || '_ ` _ \ / _` || || _|| __|/ __| | _ < / _ \ | __| ____) || |_| __/| (_| || | | | | || (_| || || | | |_ \__ \ | |_) || (_) || |_ |_____/ \__|\___| \__,_||_| |_| |_| \__, ||_||_| \__||___/ |____/ \___/ \__| __/ | |___/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- """) run()