2024-12-07 02:16:43 +01:00
import { solvables } from "../main.ts";
import type { Solvable } from "../solvable.ts";
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import { readInput, delay } from "../utils.ts";
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2024-12-07 21:40:17 +01:00
type Direction = "up" | "right" | "down" | "left"
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class DaySix implements Solvable {
input: string[][] = readInput('06').split('\n').map(col => col.split(''))
map = this.input
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visitedLoc: Map<string, null> = new Map()
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// assigned in part1
startingPosition: [number, number] = [0, 0]
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turnRight = (direction: Direction): Direction => {
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switch (direction) {
case 'up':
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return 'right'
case 'right':
return 'down'
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case 'down':
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return 'left'
case 'left':
return 'up'
lookAhead = (x: number, y: number, direction: Direction): [number, number] => {
switch (direction) {
case 'up':
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return [x, y - 1]
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case 'down':
return [x, y + 1]
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case 'right':
return [x + 1, y]
case 'left':
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return [x - 1, y]
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2024-12-07 21:40:17 +01:00
// returns true if out of bounds
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walk = (x: number, y: number, direction: Direction): [boolean, number, number, Direction] => {
const nextStepInBounds = {
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up: y >= 1,
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down: y < this.map.length,
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left: x >= 1,
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right: x < this.map[0].length,
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2024-12-07 21:40:17 +01:00
// if oob, return true
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if (!nextStepInBounds[direction]) {
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console.log('went oob')
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return [true, x, y, direction]
} else {
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// console.log(y, x, direction)
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// if obstacle ahead, return false and current location
const [nextX, nextY] = this.lookAhead(x, y, direction)
if (this.map[nextY][nextX] === '#') {
return [false, x, y, this.turnRight(direction)]
// if no obstacle ahead, return false and new location
return [false, nextX, nextY, direction]
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// path [y, x][]
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visualizePath = (path: string[]): string => {
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const width = this.map[0].length
const screenMat: string[][] = []
for (let i = 0; i < width; i++) screenMat.push(this.map[i].slice())
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for (const loc of path) {
const [y, x]: number[] = loc.split(',').map(coord => Number.parseInt(coord))
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screenMat[y][x] = 'X'
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const screen: string = screenMat.map((line: string[]) => line.join('')).join('\n')
return screen
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public async part1(): Promise<Solvable> {
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// find starting position
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this.input.forEach((line, y) => line.forEach((char, x) => { if (char === '^') this.startingPosition = [y, x] }))
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let [x, y] = [this.startingPosition[0], this.startingPosition[1]]
let direction: Direction = 'up'
let outOfBounds = false
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// let i = 0
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while (!outOfBounds) {
[outOfBounds, x, y, direction] = this.walk(x, y, direction)
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this.visitedLoc.set(y + ',' + x, null)
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// console animation thingy
// if (i % 10 === 0) {
// const screen = this.visualizePath(this.visitedLoc.keys().toArray())
// console.log(screen)
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// await delay(200)
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// }
// i++
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const path = this.visitedLoc.keys().toArray()
const result: number = path.length
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const allDistinct = path.filter((loc: string) => path.indexOf(loc) !== path.lastIndexOf(loc)).length === 0
console.log(allDistinct ? 'path values distinct' : 'path values not distinct')
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return new Promise(() => this)
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public async part2(): Promise<Solvable> {
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2024-12-07 23:07:55 +01:00
return new Promise(() => this)
2024-12-07 02:16:43 +01:00
solvables.push(new DaySix())