import { solvables } from "../main.ts"; import type { Solvable } from "../solvable.ts"; import { readInput } from "../utils.ts"; class DayFour implements Solvable { input = readInput('04') public part1(): Solvable { const transpose = (m: string[][]) => m[0].map((_,i) => => x[i])) const matrix = this.input.trim().split('\n').map(line => line.split('')) const countOccHorizontal = (mat: string[][]) => mat .map(line => line.join('') .matchAll(/(XMAS|SAMX)/g) .map(match => match[0]) .toArray().length) .reduce((prev, curr) => prev + curr) // b/y = height // a/x = width // start top right const getDiagonals = (mat: string[][]) => { let [b,a] = [0, mat[0].length - 1] const lines = [] while (b < mat.length) { let [y,x] = [b,a] let line = '' // walk top left of diagonal to bottom right while (x < mat[y].length && y < mat.length - 1) { line += mat[y][x] y++ x++ } lines.push(line.split('')) if (a > 0) { a-- } else { b++ } } return lines } // console.log(getDiagonals(matrix.reverse())) console.log(transpose(matrix).map(line=> line.join(''))) const downRight = countOccHorizontal(getDiagonals(matrix)) const downLeft = countOccHorizontal(getDiagonals(matrix.reverse())) const horizontal = countOccHorizontal(matrix) const vertical = countOccHorizontal(transpose(matrix)) console.log(horizontal + vertical + downRight + downLeft) return this } public part2(): Solvable { return this } } solvables.push(new DayFour())