import { solvables } from "../main.ts"; import type { Solvable } from "../solvable.ts"; import { readInput } from "../utils.ts"; class DayThree implements Solvable { input = readInput('03') private multiplyInstruction(inst: string) { return inst .slice(4, -1) .split(',') .map(arr => Number.parseInt(arr)) } public part1(): Solvable { const re = /mul\([0-9]{1,3},[0-9]{1,3}\)/g // get all matches and parse them to int[] const result = this.input.matchAll(new RegExp(re)) .map(match => this.multiplyInstruction(match[0])) .map(([left, right]) => left * right) .reduce((prev, curr) => prev + curr) console.log(result) return this } public part2(): Solvable { const re = /(mul\([0-9]{1,3},[0-9]{1,3}\)|do\(\)|don\'t\(\))/g // get all matches and parse them to int[] const instructions = this.input.replace('\n', '').trim().matchAll(new RegExp(re)).map(match => match[0]) let active = true let result = 0 for (const inst of instructions) { console.log((active ? '' : 'skipping ') + inst ) if (inst === 'do()') { active = true continue } if (inst === 'don\'t()') { active = false continue } if (active) { const [left, right] = this.multiplyInstruction(inst) result += left * right console.log((active ? 'multiplying ' : '' ), left, right) console.log(left, right) } } console.log(result) return this } } solvables.push(new DayThree())