#!/bin/bash if [ -f .env ] then export $(cat .env | xargs) fi version=`curl -s "https://ql.syncore.org/api/query?hosts=$1" | jq -r .servers[0].info.serverVersion` up_to_date=`curl -s "https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamApps/UpToDateCheck/v1/?appid=440&version=${version}" | jq -r .response.up_to_date` if $up_to_date then echo "Server is up to date, nothin todo." else new_version=`curl -s "https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamApps/UpToDateCheck/v1/?appid=440&version=${version}" | jq -r .response.required_version` echo "$2: There has been an update, server version: ${version}, newest version: ${new_version}": curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"username\": \"Server Updater\", \"content\": \"$2: There has been an update, server version: $version, newest version: $new_version\"}" $discord_webhook (cd ~/docker/tf2; docker compose exec tf2dm-1 ./rcon -H -p $1 -P $rcon_password changelevel cp_process_final) curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"username\": \"Server Updater\", \"content\": \"$2 has been updated to the newest version: $new_version\"}" $discord_webhook_changelog fi