If a print is stopped, it would be nice in the future to write a file with the printer state, the filename of the print, and the position within the print.
this file could be read, to continue a previously stopped print.
not finished yet.
by overloading M32 it is now possible to execute gcode files from other gcode files, with a fixed recursion level.
This can be used e.g. for having a real start.g and end.g somewhere on the sd card, which are then called from the normal print file.
Another usecase would be to have macro-files for nozzle-change and layerchange.
I have not tested the speedwise performance. The testing was done with pronterface.
normal call from sd card will open the new file and continue executing there.
M32 !/path/filename#
this however will call the new file and return to the caller file.
M32 P !/path/filename#
with the optional "S<position>" the file starting position can be set.
this is for continuing prints from a previous location.
One array was too short. This had nothing to do with long filenames, other than if they were 12 characters exactly, which could only happen if the extension and the text before were filled completely