Zoddo 178705f41d
uppkg: discord 0.0.41-2: downgrade to electron26
Downgrading to electron26 due to issues with wayland and electron27.

We can consider upgrading to electron28 when Discord will have fixed their
boostrap code to be compatible with electron 28+.

Reported-by: DodoGTA <>
2024-01-24 20:43:38 +01:00

26 lines
1,008 B

pkgbase = discord_arch_electron
pkgdesc = Discord (popular voice + video app) using the system provided electron for increased security and performance
pkgver = 0.0.41
pkgrel = 2
url =
arch = any
license = custom
makedepends = asar
depends = electron26
depends = libxss
optdepends = libpulse: Pulseaudio support
optdepends = xdg-utils: Open files
provides = discord
conflicts = discord
options = !strip
source =
source =
source = LICENSE.html::
source = OSS-LICENSES.html::
sha512sums = 4442fcff4eadc84ce9ec325c4209dccd07a361dd925418ef0f58e0a059ae906314dd538dfc10f5763aac994beecfa70a6628fb445b244f6f9aab21f73973b80c
sha512sums = d398351b209cd89432d8e9cebe9122f152484236d8ca4dd91e5679d3853fe2f082625d35a9ac3f450f1f08250736bf3a23db9926311e8271730d884b57d12dbc
sha512sums = SKIP
sha512sums = SKIP
pkgname = discord_arch_electron