Downgrading to electron26 due to issues with wayland and electron27. We can consider upgrading to electron28 when Discord will have fixed their boostrap code to be compatible with electron 28+. Reported-by: DodoGTA <aidas957@gmail.com>
25 lines
1,008 B
25 lines
1,008 B
pkgbase = discord_arch_electron
pkgdesc = Discord (popular voice + video app) using the system provided electron for increased security and performance
pkgver = 0.0.41
pkgrel = 2
url = https://discord.com
arch = any
license = custom
makedepends = asar
depends = electron26
depends = libxss
optdepends = libpulse: Pulseaudio support
optdepends = xdg-utils: Open files
provides = discord
conflicts = discord
options = !strip
source = https://dl.discordapp.net/apps/linux/0.0.41/discord-0.0.41.tar.gz
source = discord-launcher.sh
source = LICENSE.html::https://discord.com/terms
source = OSS-LICENSES.html::https://discord.com/licenses
sha512sums = 4442fcff4eadc84ce9ec325c4209dccd07a361dd925418ef0f58e0a059ae906314dd538dfc10f5763aac994beecfa70a6628fb445b244f6f9aab21f73973b80c
sha512sums = d398351b209cd89432d8e9cebe9122f152484236d8ca4dd91e5679d3853fe2f082625d35a9ac3f450f1f08250736bf3a23db9926311e8271730d884b57d12dbc
sha512sums = SKIP
sha512sums = SKIP
pkgname = discord_arch_electron