Brad Erhart 632e1c526e
Updating gVisor to v20211011.0
Signed-off-by: Brad Erhart <>
2021-10-20 04:05:38 -07:00

18 lines
633 B

pkgbase = gvisor-bin
pkgdesc = OCI container sandbox runtime focused on security, efficiency, and ease of use
pkgver = 20211011.0
pkgrel = 1
url =
install = gvisor-bin.install
arch = x86_64
license = Apache
optdepends = docker: for Docker runtime support
provides = gvisor
provides = runsc
conflicts = gvisor-git
conflicts = runsc
source = gvisor-bin-20211011.0::
b2sums = 4e668b5924dfb56c9aa5d3be413d4861ed960cefb9fed68e15d40ef4ac7ffa85b154e4a80c15ebe58281626529729891cada80bd646c8dd5d2a1236c9e5c0e6c
pkgname = gvisor-bin