21 lines
746 B
21 lines
746 B
pkgbase = discord_arch_electron
pkgdesc = All-in-one voice and text chat for gamers that's free and secure.
pkgver = 0.0.10
pkgrel = 5
url = https://discordapp.com
arch = x86_64
license = custom
depends = electron
optdepends = libpulse: Pulseaudio support
optdepends = xdg-utils: Open files
provides = discord
conflicts = discord
source = https://dl.discordapp.net/apps/linux/0.0.10/discord-0.0.10.tar.gz
source = LICENSE.html::https://discordapp.com/terms
source = OSS-LICENSES.html::https://discordapp.com/licenses
sha512sums = c30a1da037edb007821f55b4980a25949fed854c5cf01180d5a6cee7e14535eb0aa6ac002a2ece70121516b249aad5a7ac17d84e15858be5113c62830ec07429
sha512sums = SKIP
sha512sums = SKIP
pkgname = discord_arch_electron