26 lines
1 KiB
26 lines
1 KiB
pkgbase = systemtap
pkgdesc = Infrastructure to simplify the gathering of information about the running Linux system
pkgver = 4.8
pkgrel = 1
url = http://sourceware.org/systemtap/
install = systemtap.install
arch = x86_64
arch = i686
license = GPL
makedepends = python-setuptools
makedepends = python2-setuptools
makedepends = xmlto
depends = elfutils
depends = nss
depends = python
depends = cpio
optdepends = sqlite3: for storing results in a database
source = systemtap-4.8.tar.gz::https://sourceware.org/systemtap/ftp/releases/systemtap-4.8.tar.gz
source = systemtap-4.8.tar.gz.asc::https://sourceware.org/systemtap/ftp/releases/systemtap-4.8.tar.gz.sig
validpgpkeys = F75E6545B9F8AA15AA932A444DE16D68FDBFFFB8
validpgpkeys = 5D38116FA4D3A7CC77E378D37E83610126DCC2E8
validpgpkeys = 159B0DF71150B8A8539A8802D7C256443CC637CA
sha512sums = fdcbc48ba17b2155c1419d99147a4cfbee2e69db945bfd0e6881b71ab11165bd23ea7ce9456856ae36807fb18f9934880a6b7c44456b63833ea260038744d9f2
sha512sums = SKIP
pkgname = systemtap