* Fix autostart as suggested by @LRitzdorf * Improve use of sed commands * Directly execute electron binary
26 lines
1 KiB
26 lines
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pkgbase = discord-electron
pkgdesc = Discord using system provided electron (v24) for increased security and performance
pkgver = 0.0.34
pkgrel = 2
url = https://discord.com
install = discord-electron.install
arch = x86_64
license = custom
makedepends = asar
makedepends = curl
makedepends = python-html2text
depends = electron24
depends = libxss
optdepends = libpulse: Pulseaudio support
optdepends = libappindicator-gtk3: Systray indicator support
optdepends = xdg-utils: Open files
optdepends = rizin: Allow patching Krisp support
provides = discord
conflicts = discord
options = !strip
source = https://dl.discordapp.net/apps/linux/0.0.34/discord-0.0.34.tar.gz
source = discord-launcher.sh
sha512sums = 28ab59e18ca3c800030c7c4b4f016efed033e741ad42f18b993e8493d51a78d430a4ff3c0a3457fdf8b43907a013f3145e67748e7a896d440af56074226c5c46
sha512sums = 723250b70c7f5367701675c6581e9eac2143263910c4ffc35957a6ab858492c5febe89ea0d46fce19ac1416c23d9ca3953e48b9db5aa174b4a401fb6efa5daf5
pkgname = discord-electron