
1.5 KiB

Supported Languages

Haste-server supports all 38 "common" languages according to highlight.js, the syntax library used for this project. Any extra languages originally put into this project have remained as well for a total of 47 languages.

Below is a table of every supported language and it's shorthand if it has one. The shorthand can be used as a file extension. (For example https://haste.zneix.eu/ovanazeyad.rust could be re-written as https://haste.zneix.eu/ovanazeyad.rs). It is also perfectly valid to just use the name of the language (https://haste.zneix.eu/sadf.haskell)

If the library guesses the language wrong you can replace the file extension with the correct language to force highlighting for that language

Language Extension
Apache Config apache
Bash sh
C c
C-like foundation grammar
for C/C++ grammars
CoffeeScript coffee
C++ cpp
C# cs
CSS css
Delphi dpr
Diff diff
Erlang erl
Go go
Haskell hs
HTTP http
Java java
JavaScript js
JSON json
Kotlin kt
LaTeX tex
Less less
Lisp lsp
Lua lua
Makefile mk
Markdown md
Nginx config nginx
Objective-C mm
Perl pl
PHP php
PHP Template phptemp
Plain text txt
.properties properties
Python py
Python REPL pyrepl
Ruby rb
Rust rs
Scala sc
SCSS scss
Shell Session shell
Smalltalk sm
SQL sql
Swift swift
TypeScript ts
Vala vala
VBScript vbs
XML xml
YAML yaml